From 136041e3f5e1860f6b9ca6bb8f91d4bd19cd4f61 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: hondet <>
Date: Tue, 9 Feb 2021 15:35:38 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Updated to new lambdapi

 .github/workflows/type_check.yml |   9 +-
 Makefile                         |  11 +--                        |  12 ++-
 paper/rat.lp                     | 140 +++++++++++++++--------------
 prelude/functions.lp             |  67 --------------
 prelude/logic.lp                 | 150 -------------------------------
 6 files changed, 91 insertions(+), 298 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 prelude/functions.lp
 delete mode 100644 prelude/logic.lp

diff --git a/.github/workflows/type_check.yml b/.github/workflows/type_check.yml
index 79055bb..5887ef6 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/type_check.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/type_check.yml
@@ -40,6 +40,7 @@ jobs:
         opam pin add alt-ergo 2.3.1
         git clone lambdapi
         (cd lambdapi || exit 1
+         git checkout 3e5c7ee2388d233fdca05776009b5cb158e48d97
          opam pin add lambdapi .)
         opam install lambdapi
         eval $(opam env)
@@ -50,10 +51,10 @@ jobs:
         eval $(opam env)
         lambdapi check encodings/*.lp
-    # - name: check paper
-    #   run: |
-    #     eval $(opam env)
-    #     lambdapi check paper/*.lp
+    - name: check paper
+      run: |
+        eval $(opam env)
+        lambdapi check paper/*.lp
     # - name: check prelude
     #   run: |
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 5c656bc..ff9c3c7 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
 LP = lambdapi
-LP_SRC  != find encodings -type f -name "*.lp"
+LP_FLAGS = -v0 -w
+LP_SRC  != find encodings paper -type f -name "*.lp"
 LP_OBJ = ${LP_SRC:S/.lp$/.lpo/}
 .SUFFIXES: .lpo .lp
@@ -7,15 +8,15 @@ LP_OBJ = ${LP_SRC:S/.lp$/.lpo/}
 all: ${LP_OBJ}
-	${LP} check --gen-obj $<
+	${LP} check ${LP_FLAGS} --gen-obj $<
 .PHONY: install
-install: ${LP_OBJ} lambdapi.pkg
-	${LP} install lambdapi.pkg ${LP_SRC}
+install: lambdapi.pkg
+	${LP} install ${LP_FLAGS} lambdapi.pkg ${LP_SRC}
 .PHONY: uninstall
-	${LP} uninstall lambdapi.pkg
+	${LP} uninstall ${LP_FLAGS} lambdapi.pkg
 .PHONY: clean
diff --git a/ b/
index 50c7be9..c3d6f59 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -15,13 +15,19 @@ library, also known as _Prelude_. The prelude is available
 ## Requirements
 [`lambdapi`]( later than 
+``` sh
+git clone
+git checkout 3e5c7ee2388d233fdca05776009b5cb158e48d97
+make install
 ## Structure
-- `adlib`: additional libraries not in the prelude
 - `encodings`: encoding of PVS into Dedukti
-- `prelude`: parts of the PVS prelude
+- `paper`: some specifications presented in papers
 - `sandbox`: miscellaneous experiments
 - `tools`: some additional scripts and utilities
diff --git a/paper/rat.lp b/paper/rat.lp
index f9c78a8..4d8af9d 100644
--- a/paper/rat.lp
+++ b/paper/rat.lp
@@ -1,100 +1,102 @@
-require open personoj.encodings.lhol
-require open personoj.encodings.pvs_cert
+require open personoj.encodings.lhol;
+require open personoj.encodings.pvs_cert;
 // Prelude with some logics operator
-definition imp P Q ≔ impd {P} (λ_, Q)
-set infix right 6 "⇒" ≔ imp
-definition false ≔ ∀ {prop} (λx, x)
-definition true ≔ false ⇒ false
-symbol not: Prop → Prop
-set prefix 8 "¬" ≔ not
-rule Prf (¬ $x) ↪ Prf $x → Π(z: Prop), Prf z
+symbol imp P Q ≔ impd {P} (λ _, Q);
+set infix right 6 "⇒" ≔ imp;
+symbol false ≔ ∀ {prop} (λ x, x);
+symbol true ≔ false ⇒ false;
+symbol not: Prop → Prop;
+set prefix 8 "¬" ≔ not;
+rule Prf (¬ $x) ↪ Prf $x → Π(z: Prop), Prf z;
 // Nat top type
-constant symbol nat: Set
+constant symbol nat: Set;
 // Presburger arithmetics
-constant symbol s: El (nat ~> nat)
-constant symbol z: El nat
-constant symbol eqnat: El (nat ~> nat ~> prop)
-symbol plus_nat: El (nat ~> nat ~> nat)
-set infix left 4 "+" ≔ plus_nat
-constant symbol s_not_z: Prf (∀ (λx, ¬ (eqnat z (s x))))
-rule Prf (eqnat (s $n) (s $m)) ↪ Prf (eqnat $n $m) with Prf (eqnat z z) ↪ Prf true
-rule $n + z ↪ $n with $n + s $m ↪ s ($n + $m)
+constant symbol s: El (nat ~> nat);
+constant symbol z: El nat;
+constant symbol eqnat: El (nat ~> nat ~> prop);
+symbol plus_nat: El (nat ~> nat ~> nat);
+set infix left 4 "+" ≔ plus_nat;
+constant symbol s_not_z: Prf (∀ (λ x, ¬ (eqnat z (s x))));
+rule Prf (eqnat (s $n) (s $m)) ↪ Prf (eqnat $n $m) with Prf (eqnat z z) ↪ Prf true;
+rule $n + z ↪ $n with $n + s $m ↪ s ($n + $m);
 symbol nat_ind:
-  Prf (∀ {nat ~> prop} (λp, (p z) ⇒ (∀ (λn, p n ⇒ p (s n))) ⇒ (∀ (λn, p n))))
+  Prf (∀ {nat ~> prop} (λ p, (p z) ⇒ (∀ (λ n, p n ⇒ p (s n))) ⇒ (∀ (λ n, p n))));
 // System T
-symbol rec_nat: El nat → El nat → (El nat → El nat → El nat) → El nat
-rule rec_nat z $t0 _ ↪ $t0
-rule rec_nat (s $u) $t0 $ts ↪ $ts $u (rec_nat $u $t0 $ts)
+symbol rec_nat: El nat → El nat → (El nat → El nat → El nat) → El nat;
+rule rec_nat z $t0 _ ↪ $t0;
+rule rec_nat (s $u) $t0 $ts ↪ $ts $u (rec_nat $u $t0 $ts);
-definition mult a b ≔ rec_nat a z (λ_ r, b + r)
+symbol mult a b ≔ rec_nat a z (λ _ r, b + r);
-symbol times_nat: El (nat ~> nat ~> nat)
-set infix left 5 "*" ≔ times_nat
+symbol times_nat: El (nat ~> nat ~> nat);
+set infix left 5 "*" ≔ times_nat;
 rule z * _ ↪ z
 with $n * (s $m) ↪ $n + ($n * $m)
-with _ * z ↪ z // (times_z_left)
+with _ * z ↪ z; // (times_z_left)
 // Declaration of a top type
-constant symbol frac: Set
+constant symbol frac: Set;
-symbol eqfrac: El (frac ~> frac ~> prop)
+symbol eqfrac: El (frac ~> frac ~> prop);
-theorem z_plus_n_n: Prf (∀ (λn, eqnat (z + n) n))
-  assume n
-  refine nat_ind (λn, eqnat (z + n) n) _ _ n
-  refine λx: Prf false, x
-  assume n0 Hn
-  apply Hn
+opaque symbol z_plus_n_n: Prf (∀ (λ n, eqnat (z + n) n)) ≔
+  assume n;
+  refine nat_ind (λ n, eqnat (z + n) n) _ _ n;
+  refine λ x: Prf false, x;
+  assume n0 Hn;
+  apply Hn;
 // The following theorem allows to remove rule (times_z_left)
 // but doing so would require to have eqnat transitivity, which requires some
 // more work. So it is left for now.
-theorem n_times_z_z: Prf (∀ (λn, eqnat (z * n) z))
-  assume n
-  refine nat_ind (λn, eqnat (z * n) z) _ _ n
-  refine λx: Prf false, x
-  assume n0 Hn
-  refine Hn
-theorem times_comm: Prf (∀ (λa, ∀ (λb, eqnat (a * b) (b * a))))
-definition nznat_p ≔ λn, ¬ (eqnat z n)
-definition nznat ≔ psub nznat_p
-theorem nzprod: Prf (∀ {nznat} (λx, ∀ {nznat} (λy, nznat_p (fst x * fst y))))
+opaque symbol n_times_z_z: Prf (∀ (λ n, eqnat (z * n) z)) ≔
+  assume n;
+  refine nat_ind (λ n, eqnat (z * n) z) _ _ n;
+  refine λ x: Prf false, x;
+  assume n0 Hn;
+  refine Hn;
+opaque symbol times_comm: Prf (∀ (λ a, ∀ (λ b, eqnat (a * b) (b * a)))) ≔
+symbol nznat_p ≔ λ n, ¬ (eqnat z n);
+symbol nznat ≔ psub nznat_p;
+opaque symbol nzprod: Prf (∀ {nznat} (λ x, ∀ {nznat} (λ y, nznat_p (fst x * fst y)))) ≔
 // Building rationals from natural numbers
-symbol div: El (nat ~> nznat ~> frac)
-set infix left 6 "/" ≔ div
-rule eqfrac ($a / $b) ($c / $d) ↪ eqnat ($a * (fst $d)) ((fst $b) * $c)
+symbol div: El (nat ~> nznat ~> frac);
+set infix left 6 "÷" ≔ div;
+rule eqfrac ($a ÷ $b) ($c ÷ $d) ↪ eqnat ($a * (fst $d)) ((fst $b) * $c);
 // rule Prf (nat_p ($n / pair $n _)) ↪ Prf true
 // Non linear rules break confluence
-symbol times_frac: El (frac ~> frac ~> frac)
-rule times_frac ($a / $b) ($c / $d)
+symbol times_frac: El (frac ~> frac ~> frac);
+rule times_frac ($a ÷ $b) ($c ÷ $d)
    ↪ let denom ≔ fst $b * (fst $d) in
      let prf ≔ nzprod $b $d in
-     ($a * $c) / (pair denom prf)
+     ($a * $c) ÷ (pair denom prf);
-definition one_nz ≔ pair {nat} {nznat_p} (s z) (s_not_z z)
+symbol one_nz ≔ pair {nat} {nznat_p} (s z) (s_not_z z);
-theorem right_cancel:
-  Prf (∀ (λa, ∀ (λb, eqfrac (times_frac (a / b) (fst b / one_nz)) (a / one_nz))))
-  assume x y
-  simpl
-  apply times_comm x (fst y)
+symbol right_cancel:
+  Prf (∀ (λ a, ∀ (λ b, eqfrac (times_frac (a ÷ b) (fst b ÷ one_nz)) (a ÷ one_nz))))
+     ≔
+  assume x y;
+  simpl;
+  apply times_comm x (fst y);
diff --git a/prelude/functions.lp b/prelude/functions.lp
deleted file mode 100644
index e088d05..0000000
--- a/prelude/functions.lp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
-require open personoj.encodings.lhol
-require open personoj.encodings.pvs_cert
-require open personoj.encodings.logical
-require open personoj.encodings.equality
-require open personoj.encodings.prenex
-require open personoj.prelude.logic
-// functions [D, R: TYPE]
-symbol extensionality_postulate:
-  Prf (∀B (λD, ∀B (λR,
-                 ∀ (λf: El (D ~> R),
-                    ∀ (λg: El (D ~> R), iff (∀ (λx, f x = g x)) (f = g))))))
-// definition {|injective?|} {D} {R} (f: Term (D ~> R)) ≔
-//   forall (λx1, forall (λx2, imp (f x1 = f x2) (x1 = x2)))
-// definition {|surjective?|} {D: Term uType} {R: Term uType} (f: Term (D ~> R)) ≔
-//   forall (λy, ∃ (λx, (f x) = y))
-// definition {|bijective?|} {D: Term uType} {R: Term uType} (f: Term (D ~> R)) ≔
-//   ({|injective?|} f) ∧ ({|surjective?|} f)
-// theorem bij_is_inj {D: Term uType} {R: Term uType}:
-//   Term (Psub {D ~> R} {|bijective?|} ⊑ Psub {D ~> R} {|injective?|})
-// proof
-// admit
-// theorem bij_is_surj {D: Term uType} {R: Term uType}:
-//   Term (Psub {D ~> R} {|bijective?|} ⊑ Psub {D ~> R} {|surjective?|})
-// proof
-// admit
-// symbol domain {D: Term uType} {R: Term uType} (f: Term (D ~> R)): Term uType
-// rule domain {$D} {_} _ ↪ $D
-// //
-// // restrict[T: TYPE, S: TYPE FROM T, R: TYPE]
-// //
-// symbol restrict {T: Term uType} (S: Term uType) {R: Term uType}
-//                 (f: Term (T ~> R)) (_: Term (S ⊑ T)) (s: Term S):
-//   Term R
-// rule restrict {$T} _ {_} $f $pr $s ↪ $f (↑ $T $pr $s)
-// theorem injective_restrict {T} S {R} (f: Term (T ~> R)) (pr: Term (S ⊑ T)):
-//   Term ({|injective?|} f) → Term ({|injective?|} (restrict S f pr))
-// proof
-// admit
-// //
-// // restrict_props[T: TYPE, R: TYPE]
-// //
-// theorem restrict_full {T: Term uType} {R: Term uType} (f: Term (T ~> R)):
-//   Term (eq {T ~> R} (restrict {T} T {R} f (S.refl T)) f)
-// proof
-// admit
-// //
-// // extend[T: TYPE, S: TYPE FROM T, R: TYPE, d: R]
-// //
-// definition extend {T: Term uType}
-//   (s_pred: Term (pred T)) {R: Term uType} (d: Term R)
-//   (f: Term (Psub s_pred ~> R)) (t: Term T) (pr: Term (s_pred t)) ≔
-//   if (s_pred t) (f (↓ s_pred t pr)) d
diff --git a/prelude/logic.lp b/prelude/logic.lp
deleted file mode 100644
index 1834626..0000000
--- a/prelude/logic.lp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,150 +0,0 @@
-require open personoj.encodings.lhol
-require open personoj.encodings.pvs_cert
-require open personoj.encodings.logical
-require open personoj.encodings.equality
-require open personoj.encodings.prenex
-require open personoj.encodings.builtins
-// Propeans
-// In [adlib.cert_f.bootstrap]
-// Equalities
-// Notequal
-// definition neq {T: Set} (x y: El T) ≔ ¬ (x = y)
-// symbol neq: χ (∀S (λt, scheme (t ~> t ~> prop)))
-// rule neq _ $x $y ↪ ¬ ($x = $y)
-// set infix left 2 "/=" ≔ neq
-// set infix left 2 "≠" ≔ neq
-/// Defined in builtins
-// if_def
-// propean_props
-// Slightly modified from the prelude
-constant symbol prop_exclusive: Prf (neq {prop} false true)
-constant symbol prop_inclusive:
-  Prf (∀ {prop} (λa, ((eq {prop} a false) ∨ (λ_, eq {prop} a true))))
-symbol excluded_middle: Prf (∀ {prop} (λa, a ∨ (λ_, ¬ a)))
-≔ begin
-  assume x f
-  refine f
-// xor_def
-symbol xor (a b: El prop) ≔ neq {prop} a b
-// PVS solves that kind of things thanks to the (bddsimp) tactic which uses an
-// external C program
-symbol xor_def:
-  Prf (∀ {prop} (λa, ∀ {prop} (λb, eq {prop} (xor a b)
-                                    (if {prop} a (λ_, ¬ b) (λ_, b)))))
-≔ begin
-  assume a b p
-  simpl
-  assume hxor
-// Quantifier props[t: TYPE], built in
-// Defined types
-symbol pred: El_k (∀K (λ_, scheme_k {|set|})) ≔ λt, t ~> prop
-symbol PRED ≔ pred
-symbol predicate ≔ pred
-symbol PREDICATE ≔ pred
-symbol setof ≔ pred
-symbol SETOF ≔ pred
-// exists1
-// equality_props
-symbol If_true
-     : Prf (∀B (λt, ∀ (λx, ∀ {t} (λy, if true (λ_, x) (λ_, y) = x))))
-symbol If_false
-     : Prf (∀B (λt, ∀ (λx, ∀ {t} (λy, if false (λ_, x) (λ_, y) = y))))
-symbol if_same
-      : Prf (∀B (λt, ∀ {prop} (λb, ∀ (λx: El t, if b (λ_, x) (λ_, x) = x))))
-      ≔
-constant symbol reflexivity_of_equals: Prf (∀B (λt, ∀ (λx: El t, x = x)))
-symbol transitivity_of_equals
-     : Prf (∀B (λt,
-                ∀(λx: El t,
-                    ∀(λy: El t,
-                        ∀(λz: El t, (x = y) ∧ (λ_, y = z) ⊃ (λ_, x = z))))))
-symbol symmetry_of_equals
-     : Prf (∀B (λt, ∀ (λx: El t, (∀ (λy: El t, (x = y) ⊃ (λ_, y = x))))))
-// Not in prelude!
-symbol eqind {t} x y: Prf (x = y) → Πp: El t → Prop, Prf (p y) → Prf (p x)
-≔ begin
-  assume t x y heq
-  apply symmetry_of_equals t x y heq
-set builtin "eqind" ≔ eqind
-// if_props
-symbol lift_if1:
-  Prf (∀B (λs: Ty {|set|},
-           ∀B (λt: Ty {|set|},
-                 ∀ {prop}
-                   (λa,
-                      ∀ (λx: El s,
-                           ∀ (λy: El s,
-                                ∀ (λf: El (s ~> t),
-                                     f (if a (λ_, x) (λ_, y))
-                                     = if a (λ_, f x) (λ_, f y))))))))
-≔ begin
-symbol lift_if2:
-  Prf (∀B (λs,
-           ∀ {prop}
-             (λa,
-                ∀ {prop}
-                  (λb,
-                     ∀ {prop}
-                       (λc,
-                          ∀ (λx: El s,
-                               ∀ (λy: El s,
-                                    if (if {prop} a (λ_, b) (λ_, c))
-                                       (λ_, x)
-                                       (λ_, y)
-                                     = if a
-                                       (λ_, if b (λ_, x) (λ_, y))
-                                       (λ_, if c (λ_, x) (λ_, y)))))))))
-≔ begin