From af8774669f7286f0845f8a256ca3f176c7c64c77 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: gabrielhdt <>
Date: Mon, 27 Apr 2020 14:21:58 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] lift_if

 prelude/logic.lp | 55 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------
 1 file changed, 42 insertions(+), 13 deletions(-)

diff --git a/prelude/logic.lp b/prelude/logic.lp
index 12bd0ff..4e6a81d 100644
--- a/prelude/logic.lp
+++ b/prelude/logic.lp
@@ -42,19 +42,20 @@ qed
 definition xor (a b: η bool) ≔ neq bool a b
-set flag "print_implicits" on
+// PVS solves that kind of things thanks to the (bddsimp) tactic which uses an
+// external C program
 theorem xor_def
       : ε (∀ {bool} (λa, ∀ {bool} (λb, eq {bool} (xor a b)
                                           (if {bool} a (λ_, ¬ b) (λ_, b)))))
+  set prover "Alt-Ergo"
+  set prover_timeout 12
+  assume a b p
+  simpl
+  assume hxor
 // Quantifier props[t: TYPE], built in
-set declared "∃"
-definition ∃ {T: Set} (P: η T → η bool) ≔ ¬ (∀ (λx, ¬ (P x)))
 // Defined types
@@ -74,19 +75,15 @@ definition SETOF ≔ pred
 // equality_props
 symbol If_true
-     : ε (∀B
-           (λt, ∀ (λx, ∀ {t} (λy, if true (λ_, x) (λ_, y) = x))))
+     : ε (∀B (λt, ∀ (λx, ∀ {t} (λy, if true (λ_, x) (λ_, y) = x))))
 symbol If_false
-     : ε (∀B
-           (λt, ∀ (λx, ∀ {t} (λy, if false (λ_, x) (λ_, y) = y))))
+     : ε (∀B (λt, ∀ (λx, ∀ {t} (λy, if false (λ_, x) (λ_, y) = y))))
 theorem if_same
-      : ε (∀B (λt,
-                 ∀ {bool} (λb, ∀ (λx: η t, if b (λ_, x) (λ_, x) = x))))
+      : ε (∀B (λt, ∀ {bool} (λb, ∀ (λx: η t, if b (λ_, x) (λ_, x) = x))))
@@ -115,3 +112,35 @@ set builtin "eqind" ≔ eqind
 // if_props
+theorem lift_if1:
+  ε (∀B (λs: θ {|set|},
+           ∀B (λt: θ {|set|},
+                 ∀ {bool}
+                   (λa,
+                      ∀ (λx: η s,
+                           ∀ (λy: η s,
+                                ∀ (λf: η (s ~> t),
+                                     f (if a (λ_, x) (λ_, y))
+                                     = if a (λ_, f x) (λ_, f y))))))))
+theorem lift_if2:
+  ε (∀B (λs,
+           ∀ {bool}
+             (λa,
+                ∀ {bool}
+                  (λb,
+                     ∀ {bool}
+                       (λc,
+                          ∀ (λx: η s,
+                               ∀ (λy: η s,
+                                    if (if {bool} a (λ_, b) (λ_, c))
+                                       (λ_, x)
+                                       (λ_, y)
+                                     = if a
+                                       (λ_, if b (λ_, x) (λ_, y))
+                                       (λ_, if c (λ_, x) (λ_, y)))))))))