diff --git a/.github/workflows/proof_tools.yml b/.github/workflows/proof_tools.yml
index bc19182210d7f3062801531cf0fe4ffa6747854c..9b94bccb0cd3d29e6fcfa2b1cf84dc5ef1bdcc41 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/proof_tools.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/proof_tools.yml
@@ -26,40 +26,12 @@ jobs:
     - name: Pin lambdapi
       run: opam pin add 'git://github.com/gabrielhdt/lambdapi#refiner'
-    - name: dopth
+    - name: toolbox
       run: |
-        cd "${GITHUB_WORKSPACE}"/personoj/proofs/dopth || exit 1
-        opam install dune --yes
-        opam exec -- dune build
-        opam exec -- dune runtest
-    - name: chainprops
-      run: |
-        cd "${GITHUB_WORKSPACE}"/personoj/proofs/chainprops || exit 1
-        opam install . --deps-only --yes
-        opam exec -- dune build
-        opam exec -- dune runtest
-    - name: appaxiom
-      run: |
-        cd "${GITHUB_WORKSPACE}"/personoj/proofs/appaxiom || exit 1
+        cd "${GITHUB_WORKSPACE}"/personoj/proofs/psnj_toolbox || exit 1
         opam install . --deps-only --yes
         opam exec -- dune build
-        opam exec -- dune runtest
-    - name: qfo
-      run: |
-        cd "${GITHUB_WORKSPACE}"/personoj/proofs/qfo || exit 1
-        opam install . --deps-only --yes
-        opam exec -- dune build
-        opam exec -- dune runtest
-    - name: autosolve
-      run: |
-        cd "${GITHUB_WORKSPACE}"/personoj/proofs/autosolve || exit 1
-        opam install cmdliner --yes
-        opam exec -- dune build
-        opam exec -- dune runtest
+        opam exe -- dune runtest
@@ -88,13 +60,9 @@ jobs:
       run: |
         opam install yojson angstrom feather cmdliner
         cd "${GITHUB_WORKSPACE}"/personoj/proofs || exit 1
-        (cd appaxiom && bmake && sudo bmake install)
-        (cd chainprops && bmake && sudo bmake install)
-        (cd dopth && bmake && sudo bmake install)
-        (cd qfo && bmake && sudo bmake install)
         (cd split && bmake && sudo bmake install)
         (cd pipeline && bmake && sudo bmake install)
-        (cd autosolve && bmake && sudo bmake install)
+        (cd psnj_toolbox && make && sudo make install)
     - name: launch pipeline
       run: |
diff --git a/proofs/appaxiom/.gitignore b/proofs/appaxiom/.gitignore
deleted file mode 100644
index 27d8084067096606ee10d0d194aa793ef4374c72..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/proofs/appaxiom/.gitignore
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/proofs/appaxiom/Makefile b/proofs/appaxiom/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index a5a2240b148097faa2ed3785f3688481cc92a8d1..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/proofs/appaxiom/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-ROOT     = appaxiom
-CMDLINER = true
-.include "../dune-exe.mk"
-.include "../tools.mk"
diff --git a/proofs/appaxiom/dune b/proofs/appaxiom/dune
deleted file mode 100644
index c9f00bc7400fb3f4442a71864e2a935b40e45639..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/proofs/appaxiom/dune
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
- (name appaxiom)
- (libraries cmdliner lambdapi.parsing lambdapi.common))
diff --git a/proofs/appaxiom/dune-project b/proofs/appaxiom/dune-project
deleted file mode 100644
index 1c9b5d940764918fa8f3120ce39b2febde671f4f..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/proofs/appaxiom/dune-project
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-(lang dune 2.9)
-(cram enable)
-(generate_opam_files true)
-(maintainers "dedukti-dev@inria.fr")
- (name appaxiom)
- (synopsis "Apply something on Dedukti axioms")
- (depends cmdliner lambdapi))
diff --git a/proofs/appaxiom/tests/appaxiom.t b/proofs/appaxiom/tests/appaxiom.t
deleted file mode 100644
index d5f441d2ade8140b179566758cef9fa6ae267343..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/proofs/appaxiom/tests/appaxiom.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-  $ echo 'symbol true : imp P P;' | ../appaxiom.exe
-  symbol true : @Prf (imp P P);
diff --git a/proofs/appaxiom/tests/dune b/proofs/appaxiom/tests/dune
deleted file mode 100644
index 3ffdfab4131b5a0fdd1fda0a9334813cee73042d..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/proofs/appaxiom/tests/dune
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
- (deps ../appaxiom.exe))
diff --git a/proofs/autosolve/.gitignore b/proofs/autosolve/.gitignore
deleted file mode 100644
index 6783440b6e83301a4009c0854c2492efe3491971..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/proofs/autosolve/.gitignore
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/proofs/autosolve/Makefile b/proofs/autosolve/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index 429c35befbc9bc944826ebe17a71f4720e58defc..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/proofs/autosolve/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-ROOT     = autosolve
-CMDLINER = true
-.include "../dune-exe.mk"
-.include "../tools.mk"
diff --git a/proofs/autosolve/dune b/proofs/autosolve/dune
deleted file mode 100644
index 4261f0dd6fe629c4a197535c8d6dd84e65a30660..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/proofs/autosolve/dune
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
- (name autosolve)
- (libraries cmdliner lambdapi.parsing lambdapi.common))
diff --git a/proofs/autosolve/dune-project b/proofs/autosolve/dune-project
deleted file mode 100644
index ae730292676bfc91a5a5e576cfbc1f333eb7df2d..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/proofs/autosolve/dune-project
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-(lang dune 2.9)
-(cram enable)
diff --git a/proofs/autosolve/tests/dune b/proofs/autosolve/tests/dune
deleted file mode 100644
index a60e7c548b9842e4dc82503a3975c13417f75553..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/proofs/autosolve/tests/dune
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
- (deps ../autosolve.exe))
diff --git a/proofs/chainprops/.gitignore b/proofs/chainprops/.gitignore
deleted file mode 100644
index b91579a7da3e04c3522afb85b7ffc8bfdf8d25d8..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/proofs/chainprops/.gitignore
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/proofs/chainprops/.ocamlformat b/proofs/chainprops/.ocamlformat
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29bb2d1d6434b8b29ae775ad8c2e48c5391..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
diff --git a/proofs/chainprops/Makefile b/proofs/chainprops/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index e9f658ea32cdfaec1a3fdd8db35bc90412024905..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/proofs/chainprops/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-ROOT     = chainprops
-CMDLINER = true
-.include "../dune-exe.mk"
-.include "../tools.mk"
diff --git a/proofs/chainprops/chainprops.ml b/proofs/chainprops/chainprops.ml
deleted file mode 100644
index 94ebc344ff77865fdc3a4a63a25bf06ec1f21ce7..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/proofs/chainprops/chainprops.ml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,151 +0,0 @@
-(** Parse dependencies file *)
-module Deps : sig
-  type t = string * string list
-  val pp : Format.formatter -> t -> unit
-  val parse : in_channel -> t list
-end = struct
-  open Angstrom
-  type t = string * string list
-  let is_space = function ' ' | '\t' -> true | _ -> false
-  let blank = skip_while is_space
-  let blank1 = satisfy is_space *> blank
-  let eol = string "\n\r" <|> string "\n"
-  let colon = blank *> char ':' <* blank
-  (* Word characters taken from the parser of lambdapi. *)
-  let is_wordchar = function
-    | ' ' | '\r' | '\t' | '\n' | '(' | ')' | '{' | '}' | '[' | ']' | ':' | '.'
-    | '`' | '"' ->
-        false
-    | _ -> true
-  let word = take_while1 is_wordchar
-  let line = both (word <* colon) (sep_by blank1 word)
-  let deps = many (line <* many1 eol)
-  let pp ppf ((s, deps) : t) =
-    let open Format in
-    let pp_sep = pp_print_space in
-    fprintf ppf "@[<h>%s:@ %a@]" s (pp_print_list ~pp_sep pp_print_string) deps
-  let parse (ic : in_channel) : t list =
-    let file = really_input_string ic (in_channel_length ic) in
-    match parse_string ~consume:All deps file with
-    | Ok v -> v
-    | Error msg -> failwith msg
-(** Transform a list of propositions into inference steps. *)
-open Common
-open Parsing
-module S = Syntax
-type decl = string * S.p_term
-(** A proposition declaration with a name and a type. *)
-(** [pp ppf decl] pretty prints declaration [decl] to formatter [ppf]. *)
-let pp (ppf : Format.formatter) ((n, ty) : decl) : unit =
-  Format.fprintf ppf "@[symbol %s:@ %a;@]" n Pretty.term ty
-(** [propositions ast] returns the list of propositions as pairs
-    [(name,ty)] where [name] is the name of the proposition and [ty]
-    is its type. *)
-let propositions (ast : S.ast) : decl list =
-  let props : decl list ref = ref [] in
-  let match_decl = function
-    | S.P_symbol { p_sym_nam; p_sym_typ = Some ty; _ } -> (p_sym_nam.elt, ty)
-    | _ ->
-        failwith
-          "Invalid Dedukti source file: only symbol declarations are supported"
-  in
-  Stream.iter (fun c -> props := match_decl c.Pos.elt :: !props) ast;
-  List.rev !props
-(** [merge imp deps props] transform each proposition of [props] into
-    implications (the implication is defined by [imp]) from its
-    dependencies specified in [deps] to itself. *)
-let merge (imp : S.p_term) (deps : Deps.t list) (props : decl list) : decl list
-    =
-  let fn ((name, ty) : decl) : decl =
-    let deps = try List.assoc name deps with Not_found -> [] in
-    let f dep acc =
-      let d_ty = List.assoc dep props in
-      Syntax.P.(appl (appl imp d_ty) acc)
-    in
-    let ty = List.fold_right f deps ty in
-    (name, ty)
-  in
-  List.map fn props
-let chainprops deps imply pp_deps =
-  let ic = open_in deps in
-  let deps = Deps.parse ic in
-  close_in ic;
-  if pp_deps then (
-    Format.(
-      eprintf "=== Dependencies ===@\n";
-      pp_print_list ~pp_sep:pp_print_newline Deps.pp err_formatter deps;
-      eprintf "@\n====================@."));
-  let imply = Syntax.P.iden imply in
-  let props = propositions (Parser.parse stdin) in
-  let inferences = merge imply deps props in
-  let open Format in
-  pp_print_list ~pp_sep:pp_print_newline pp std_formatter inferences;
-  pp_print_newline std_formatter ()
-(** CLI *)
-open Cmdliner
-let deps =
-  let doc =
-    "Dependencies of propositions inside Dedukti file. A line $(b,tgt: hyp0 \
-     hyp1) specifies that proposition $(b,tgt) is deduced from $(b,hyp0) and \
-     $(b,hyp1)."
-  in
-  Arg.(required & pos 0 (some non_dir_file) None & info [] ~doc ~docv:"DEPS")
-let imply =
-  let doc = "Use symbol $(docv) for implication" in
-  Arg.(value & opt string "imp" & info [ "imp" ] ~doc ~docv:"IMP")
-let pp_deps =
-  let doc = "Print parsed dependencies to stderr (for debugging purposes)" in
-  Arg.(value & flag & info [ "pp-deps" ] ~doc)
-let cmd =
-  let doc = "Build a proof tree from propositions and dependencies" in
-  let exits = Term.default_exits in
-  let man =
-    [
-      `S Manpage.s_description;
-      `P
-        "psnj-chainprops tranform a list of propositions given on its standard \
-         input into a list of inferences represented as implications. The \
-         hypothesese and conclusions of inferences are specified in a \
-         dependency file which follows a Makefile syntax.";
-      `S Manpage.s_examples;
-      `P "Given a file foo.dep";
-      `Pre "tgt: hyp0 hyp1";
-      `P "and the input";
-      `Pre "symbol tgt: P;\nsymbol hyp0: H0;\nsymbol hyp1: H1;";
-      `P "$(b,psnj-chainprops foo.dep) outputs";
-      `Pre
-        "symbol hyp0: H0;\nsymbol hyp1: H1;\nsymbol tgt: @imp H0 (@imp H1 P);";
-    ]
-  in
-  ( Term.(const chainprops $ deps $ imply $ pp_deps),
-    Term.info "psnj-chainprops" ~doc ~exits ~man )
-let () = Term.(exit @@ eval cmd)
diff --git a/proofs/chainprops/chainprops.opam b/proofs/chainprops/chainprops.opam
deleted file mode 100644
index d3041df5a01cf186aef8a6e2628e5b987f63762d..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/proofs/chainprops/chainprops.opam
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-# This file is generated by dune, edit dune-project instead
-opam-version: "2.0"
-synopsis: "Make inference steps out of Dedukti propositions"
-maintainer: ["dedukti-dev@inria.fr"]
-depends: [
-  "dune" {>= "2.9"}
-  "cmdliner"
-  "angstrom"
-  "lambdapi"
-  "odoc" {with-doc}
-build: [
-  ["dune" "subst"] {dev}
-  [
-    "dune"
-    "build"
-    "-p"
-    name
-    "-j"
-    jobs
-    "--promote-install-files=false"
-    "@install"
-    "@runtest" {with-test}
-    "@doc" {with-doc}
-  ]
-  ["dune" "install" "-p" name "--create-install-files" name]
diff --git a/proofs/chainprops/dune b/proofs/chainprops/dune
deleted file mode 100644
index fc6bf90c2a7f0348c4cab9a31e7ef89cf223b2fd..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/proofs/chainprops/dune
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
- (name chainprops)
- (libraries angstrom cmdliner lambdapi.common lambdapi.parsing))
diff --git a/proofs/chainprops/dune-project b/proofs/chainprops/dune-project
deleted file mode 100644
index fb65ab4c61d7c10fa59133a3f3ddf85e0e2ee837..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/proofs/chainprops/dune-project
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-(lang dune 2.9)
-(name chainprops)
-(cram enable)
-(generate_opam_files true)
-(maintainers "dedukti-dev@inria.fr")
- (name chainprops)
- (synopsis "Make inference steps out of Dedukti propositions")
- (depends
-  cmdliner angstrom lambdapi))
diff --git a/proofs/chainprops/test/dune b/proofs/chainprops/test/dune
deleted file mode 100644
index dfa5154a06c2b555b45c9fe51fc6e26be62dc298..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/proofs/chainprops/test/dune
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
- (deps ../chainprops.exe example.lp example.dep foo.lp foo.dep))
diff --git a/proofs/dopth/.gitignore b/proofs/dopth/.gitignore
deleted file mode 100644
index a61f5c2a8ea98fcb76530d46e8283c119635ca43..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/proofs/dopth/.gitignore
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/proofs/dopth/.ocamlformat b/proofs/dopth/.ocamlformat
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29bb2d1d6434b8b29ae775ad8c2e48c5391..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
diff --git a/proofs/dopth/Makefile b/proofs/dopth/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index 272bda42c44fa7d7a4bba1f98fc371767c0dd47b..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/proofs/dopth/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-ROOT = dopth
-.include "../dune-exe.mk"
-.include "../tools.mk"
diff --git a/proofs/dopth/dopth.ml b/proofs/dopth/dopth.ml
deleted file mode 100644
index ee36181c2ff4994b67b52548c0ec136bd391c5e1..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/proofs/dopth/dopth.ml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
-module Path = struct
-  type t = int list
-  (** [is_predecessor p q] is true if [q = p.i] ([p] is closer to the root). *)
-  let is_predecessor (p : t) (q : t) : bool =
-    match q with [] -> false | _ :: q_tl -> q_tl = p
-  let of_string (s : string) : t =
-    if s = "root" then []
-    else
-      try String.split_on_char '.' s |> List.rev_map int_of_string
-      with Failure err ->
-        Format.eprintf "Invalid path: %s@." s;
-        invalid_arg err
-module Id = struct
-  type t = string
-  let make (name : string) = name
-  let hash : t -> int = Hashtbl.hash
-  let pp = Format.pp_print_string
-  let compare = String.compare
-let id2path : (Id.t * Path.t) list ref = ref []
-module Deps = struct
-  module IdMap = Map.Make (struct
-    type t = Id.t
-    let compare = Id.compare
-  end)
-  type t = Id.t list IdMap.t
-  let empty = IdMap.empty
-  (** [add id d t] adds dependency [d] to [id] in table [t]. If [id]
-      is not bound, it is added to the table.  *)
-  let add (id : Id.t) (d : Id.t) (t : t) : t =
-    let deps =
-      match IdMap.find_opt id t with None -> [] | Some deps -> d :: deps
-    in
-    IdMap.add id (d :: deps) t
-  let find (id : Id.t) (t : t) : Id.t list = IdMap.find id t
-  (** [update x x_pth tbl] updates the entries of the table [tbl] adding [id]: if
-      [(e,q)] is an element of [id2path], [p] is the successor of [q] then
-      [id] is added to the dependencies of [e] element [e] of the table *)
-  let update (x : Id.t) (x_pth : Path.t) (tbl : t) : t =
-    let f (t : t) ((y, y_pth) : Id.t * Path.t) : t =
-      if Path.is_predecessor y_pth x_pth then add y x t else t
-    in
-    List.fold_left f tbl !id2path
-  let pp (ppf : Format.formatter) (tbl : t) : unit =
-    let open Format in
-    let pp_deplist ppf (l : Id.t list) : unit =
-      let pp_sep ppf () = pp_print_space ppf () in
-      let l = List.sort_uniq Id.compare l in
-      pp_print_list ~pp_sep Id.pp ppf l
-    in
-    let pprint_d (id : Id.t) (d : Id.t list) : unit =
-      fprintf ppf "%a: @[<h>%a@]@\n" Id.pp id pp_deplist d
-    in
-    IdMap.iter pprint_d tbl
-let () =
-  (try
-     while true do
-       let id = input_line stdin in
-       let pth = input_line stdin in
-       id2path := (Id.make id, Path.of_string pth) :: !id2path
-     done
-   with End_of_file -> ());
-  let tbl = Deps.empty in
-  try
-    let tbl =
-      List.fold_left (fun acc (x, pth) -> Deps.update x pth acc) tbl !id2path
-    in
-    Deps.pp Format.std_formatter tbl
-  with Invalid_argument err ->
-    Format.eprintf "Invalid input (%s)@." err;
-    exit 1
diff --git a/proofs/dopth/dune b/proofs/dopth/dune
deleted file mode 100644
index aad211b63cb2a2dda24bf1dfcf2575a92cc76ddc..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/proofs/dopth/dune
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
- (name dopth))
diff --git a/proofs/dopth/dune-project b/proofs/dopth/dune-project
deleted file mode 100644
index ae730292676bfc91a5a5e576cfbc1f333eb7df2d..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/proofs/dopth/dune-project
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-(lang dune 2.9)
-(cram enable)
diff --git a/proofs/dopth/psnj-dopth.asciidoc b/proofs/dopth/psnj-dopth.asciidoc
deleted file mode 100644
index 3b59219fd4f337c635de78f6b3f858b6a917481e..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/proofs/dopth/psnj-dopth.asciidoc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-:Date: 2021-11-17
-== NAME
-psnj-dopth - Build a Makefile dependency list from paths
-*psnj-dopth* is a filter that transform a newline-separated list
-of strings and paths into a Makefile dependency list. A path is a
-dot-separated list of integers (such as 0.1.1) or the word *root*. A
-string _s1_ depends on a string _s2_ if the path of _s1_ is a successor
-of the path of _s2_.  A path _p_ is a successor of _q_ if _p_ = _q_.i
-where _i_ is an integer.
-*psnj-dopth* exits with 0 on success, and something else on failure.
-With input
-dopth returns (the order is not specified)
-foo: bar frob
-bar: baz
diff --git a/proofs/dopth/tests/dopth.t b/proofs/dopth/tests/dopth.t
deleted file mode 100644
index d4d4b0aa5ef1b86e017640ab342770f371d2cdc6..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/proofs/dopth/tests/dopth.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-  $ ../dopth.exe < example.plain
-  bar: baz
-  foo: bar frob
diff --git a/proofs/dopth/tests/dune b/proofs/dopth/tests/dune
deleted file mode 100644
index 4188c17b72c4842cdeeb4767ab73fdfc0c23a1f1..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/proofs/dopth/tests/dune
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
- (deps ../dopth.exe example.plain))
diff --git a/proofs/pipeline/examples/encoding/propositional_connectives.lp b/proofs/pipeline/examples/encoding/propositional_connectives.lp
index 243a6dea3971b7e95ec3f65638cfd499676f9339..b6afc53218c7a8ba6ba811a6c83e63fccc1661e6 100644
--- a/proofs/pipeline/examples/encoding/propositional_connectives.lp
+++ b/proofs/pipeline/examples/encoding/propositional_connectives.lp
@@ -1,7 +1,5 @@
 // Klassische propositional logic
-// TODO: define connectives using constructive ones
 require open qfo.encoding.lhol;
-require qfo.encoding.cpl as C;
 constant symbol top: Prop;
 constant symbol bot: Prop;
@@ -9,8 +7,11 @@ constant symbol imp: Prop → Prop → Prop;
 constant symbol conj: Prop → Prop → Prop;
 constant symbol disj: Prop → Prop → Prop;
 constant symbol not: Prop → Prop;
-constant symbol ex: Set → (Set → Prop) → Prop;
-constant symbol all: Set → (Set → Prop) → Prop;
+constant symbol ex (a: Set): (El a → Prop) → Prop;
+symbol all (a: Set): (El a → Prop) → Prop;
+rule Prf (all $a $p) ↪ Π x: El $a, Prf ($p x);
+// Allow to assume over prenex quantifications
 //builtin "T" ≔ El;
 //builtin "P" ≔ Prf;
diff --git a/proofs/pipeline/pipe.ml b/proofs/pipeline/pipe.ml
index 8ac1ce5fbd3627863a17013ae62c02d0b2393065..92fbdde7eb11919291fcf53cfcd78962c06c94f2 100644
--- a/proofs/pipeline/pipe.ml
+++ b/proofs/pipeline/pipe.ml
@@ -14,17 +14,12 @@ let process proveit src qfo_conf =
   and mkdeps =
     process "jq" [ "-r"; {|(.name + "!" + (.incr | tostring)), .path|} ]
-  and dopth = process "psnj-dopth" []
+  and dopth = process "psnj" [ "dopth" ]
   and foise =
-    process "psnj-qfo"
-      [
-        qfo_conf;
-        "-e";
-        "require open qfo.spec.main;";
-      ]
-  and chainprops depfile = process "psnj-chainprops" [ depfile ]
-  and appaxiom = process "psnj-appaxiom" [ "-a"; "Prf" ] 
-  and solve = process "psnj-autosolve" [ "--fixed" ] in
+    process "psnj" [ "qfo"; qfo_conf; "-e"; "require open qfo.spec.main;" ]
+  and chainprops depfile = process "psnj" [ "chainprops"; depfile ]
+  and appaxiom = process "psnj" [ "appaxiom"; "-a"; "Prf" ]
+  and solve = process "psnj" [ "autosolve"; "--fixed" ] in
   (* Set some file names *)
   let logfile =
     (* File produced by proveit if proveit is provided, src otherwise *)
diff --git a/proofs/psnj_toolbox/.gitignore b/proofs/psnj_toolbox/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0edf27191e5b698f302fbd22adb51798864ca205
--- /dev/null
+++ b/proofs/psnj_toolbox/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/proofs/appaxiom/.ocamlformat b/proofs/psnj_toolbox/.ocamlformat
similarity index 100%
rename from proofs/appaxiom/.ocamlformat
rename to proofs/psnj_toolbox/.ocamlformat
diff --git a/proofs/psnj_toolbox/Makefile b/proofs/psnj_toolbox/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3d7d3904133b81c59cadf277b8af0611b8800369
--- /dev/null
+++ b/proofs/psnj_toolbox/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+PREFIX = /usr/local/
+bin: psnj
+	opam exec -- dune build
+psnj: _build/install/default/bin/psnj
+	ln -sf _build/install/default/bin/psnj .
+	cp -fL psnj ${PREFIX}/bin/psnj
+.PHONY: bin install
diff --git a/proofs/appaxiom/appaxiom.ml b/proofs/psnj_toolbox/bin/appaxiom.ml
similarity index 84%
rename from proofs/appaxiom/appaxiom.ml
rename to proofs/psnj_toolbox/bin/appaxiom.ml
index 70951f2d42b069d09f33d205d8141dcc3e4ef5ea..757ad332737c81fe0e4c6e100f08e1135e3e5dca 100644
--- a/proofs/appaxiom/appaxiom.ml
+++ b/proofs/psnj_toolbox/bin/appaxiom.ml
@@ -36,17 +36,15 @@ let cmd =
         "$(tname) is a filter that apply some symbol on top of the type of \
          symbol declarations.";
       `S Manpage.s_examples;
-      `Pre "echo 'symbol true : imp P P;' | psnj-appaxiom --add 'Prf'";
+      `Pre "echo 'symbol true : imp P P;' | psnj-appaxiom --app 'Prf'";
       `P "outputs";
       `Pre "symbol true : @Prf (=> P P);";
       `S Manpage.s_bugs;
         "$(tname) operates a syntactic transformation. If a symbol has a \
          definition, it won't be changed, so the type of the definition will \
-         surely not match the declared type. To change definitions based on \
+         probably not match the declared type. To change definitions based on \
          their type, coercions are needed.";
-  (Term.(const appaxiom $ sym), Term.info "psnj-appaxiom" ~doc ~exits ~man)
-let () = Term.(exit @@ eval cmd)
+  (Term.(const appaxiom $ sym), Term.info "appaxiom" ~doc ~exits ~man)
diff --git a/proofs/autosolve/autosolve.ml b/proofs/psnj_toolbox/bin/autosolve.ml
similarity index 70%
rename from proofs/autosolve/autosolve.ml
rename to proofs/psnj_toolbox/bin/autosolve.ml
index c63f56934b0448e469efe268d72589d10575ce32..04814ea66006b325ddee11ffc078febef52dce45 100644
--- a/proofs/autosolve/autosolve.ml
+++ b/proofs/psnj_toolbox/bin/autosolve.ml
@@ -9,10 +9,18 @@ let appaxiom fixed =
   let process Pos.{ elt = cmd; pos } =
     match cmd with
     | S.P_symbol s ->
-        let script =
-          Some ([ Pos.none @@ S.P_tac_why3 None ], Pos.none @@ S.P_proof_end)
+        (* Lambdapi 1.0 *)
+        let script = [ Pos.none (S.P_tac_why3 None) ] in
+        (* Lambdapi 2.0 *)
+        (* let script = [ [ S.Tactic (Pos.none (S.P_tac_why3 None), []) ] ] in *)
+        let cmd =
+          S.P_symbol
+            {
+              s with
+              p_sym_prf = Some (script, Pos.none S.P_proof_end);
+              p_sym_def = true;
+            }
-        let cmd = S.P_symbol { s with p_sym_prf = script; p_sym_def = true } in
         Format.printf "%a@\n" Pretty.command (Pos.make pos cmd)
     | _ ->
         Format.eprintf "Ill-formed input: only axioms allowed@.";
@@ -42,6 +50,4 @@ let cmd =
       `Pre "symbol foo: TYPE :=\nbegin\n  why3;\nend;";
-  (Term.(const appaxiom $ fixed), Term.info "psnj-autosolve" ~doc ~exits ~man)
-let () = Term.(exit @@ eval cmd)
+  (Term.(const appaxiom $ fixed), Term.info "autosolve" ~doc ~exits ~man)
diff --git a/proofs/psnj_toolbox/bin/chainprops.ml b/proofs/psnj_toolbox/bin/chainprops.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e6feb3c179e19165e93e3c0a29e1f036b6aba0df
--- /dev/null
+++ b/proofs/psnj_toolbox/bin/chainprops.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+open Psnj
+open Parsing
+module C = Chainprops
+let chainprops deps imply pp_deps =
+  let ic = open_in deps in
+  let deps = Deps.of_makefile ic in
+  close_in ic;
+  if pp_deps then (
+    Format.(
+      eprintf "=== Dependencies ===@\n";
+      Deps.pp_makefile Format.err_formatter deps;
+      eprintf "@\n====================@."));
+  let imply = Syntax.P.iden imply in
+  let props = Chainprops.propositions (Parser.parse stdin) in
+  let inferences = Chainprops.merge imply deps props in
+  let open Format in
+  pp_print_list ~pp_sep:pp_print_newline C.pp std_formatter inferences;
+  pp_print_newline std_formatter ()
+open Cmdliner
+let deps =
+  let doc =
+    "Dependencies of propositions inside Dedukti file. A line $(b,tgt: hyp0 \
+     hyp1) specifies that proposition $(b,tgt) is deduced from $(b,hyp0) and \
+     $(b,hyp1)."
+  in
+  Arg.(required & pos 0 (some non_dir_file) None & info [] ~doc ~docv:"DEPS")
+let imply =
+  let doc = "Use symbol $(docv) for implication" in
+  Arg.(value & opt string "imp" & info [ "imp" ] ~doc ~docv:"IMP")
+let pp_deps =
+  let doc = "Print parsed dependencies to stderr (for debugging purposes)" in
+  Arg.(value & flag & info [ "pp-deps" ] ~doc)
+let cmd =
+  let doc = "Build a proof tree from propositions and dependencies" in
+  let exits = Term.default_exits in
+  let man =
+    [
+      `S Manpage.s_description;
+      `P
+        "psnj-chainprops tranform a list of propositions given on its standard \
+         input into a list of inferences represented as implications. The \
+         hypothesese and conclusions of inferences are specified in a \
+         dependency file which follows a Makefile syntax.";
+      `S Manpage.s_examples;
+      `P "Given a file foo.dep";
+      `Pre "tgt: hyp0 hyp1";
+      `P "and the input";
+      `Pre "symbol tgt: P;\nsymbol hyp0: H0;\nsymbol hyp1: H1;";
+      `P "$(b,psnj-chainprops foo.dep) outputs";
+      `Pre
+        "symbol hyp0: H0;\nsymbol hyp1: H1;\nsymbol tgt: @imp H0 (@imp H1 P);";
+    ]
+  in
+  ( Term.(const chainprops $ deps $ imply $ pp_deps),
+    Term.info "chainprops" ~doc ~exits ~man )
diff --git a/proofs/psnj_toolbox/bin/dopth.ml b/proofs/psnj_toolbox/bin/dopth.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6e9df16e711ba64e10489f0c3a88e9e8032d0369
--- /dev/null
+++ b/proofs/psnj_toolbox/bin/dopth.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+open Psnj
+module D = Deps
+let dopth fixed =
+  if fixed then Format.set_geometry ~max_indent:16 ~margin:80;
+  let id2path =
+    (* Read ids and paths from stdin *)
+    let id2path = ref D.IdMap.empty in
+    (try
+       while true do
+         let id = input_line stdin in
+         let pth = input_line stdin in
+         id2path := D.(IdMap.add (Id.make id) (Path.of_string pth) !id2path)
+       done
+     with End_of_file -> ());
+    !id2path
+  in
+  try
+    let tbl = D.of_paths id2path in
+    D.pp_makefile Format.std_formatter tbl
+  with Invalid_argument err ->
+    Format.eprintf "Invalid input (%s)@." err;
+    exit 1
+open Cmdliner
+let fixed =
+  let doc = "Fix terminal geometry to avoid depending on environment" in
+  Arg.(value & flag & info [ "fixed" ] ~doc)
+let cmd =
+  let exits = Term.default_exits in
+  let doc = "Build a Makefile dependency list from paths" in
+  let man =
+    [
+      `S Manpage.s_description;
+      `P
+        "$(tname) is a filter that transform newline-separated list of strings \
+         and paths into a Makefile dependency list. A path is a dot-separated \
+         list of integers (such as 0.1.1) or the word $(b,root). A string \
+         $(i,s1) depends on a string $(i,s2) if the path of $(i,s1) is a \
+         successor of the path of $(i,s2). A path $(i,p) is a successor of \
+         $(i,q) if $(i,p) = $(i,q).$(i,i) where $(i,i) is a natural number.";
+      `S Manpage.s_examples;
+      `P "With input";
+      `Pre {|foo
+      `P "$(tname) outputs (the order is not specified";
+      `Pre {|foo: bar frob
+bar: baz|};
+    ]
+  in
+  (Term.(const dopth $ fixed), Term.info "dopth" ~exits ~man ~doc)
diff --git a/proofs/psnj_toolbox/bin/dune b/proofs/psnj_toolbox/bin/dune
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d28c3fabbdbd436bb617516fcec012506d1584d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/proofs/psnj_toolbox/bin/dune
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+ (public_name psnj)
+ (name main)
+ (modules main dopth chainprops appaxiom autosolve qfo)
+ (libraries
+  personoj
+  personoj.qfo
+  cmdliner
+  lambdapi.common
+  lambdapi.handle
+  lambdapi.parsing
+  lambdapi.lplib))
diff --git a/proofs/psnj_toolbox/bin/main.ml b/proofs/psnj_toolbox/bin/main.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7287e787c3fc21a21be02fa90b681e4ef0ea8977
--- /dev/null
+++ b/proofs/psnj_toolbox/bin/main.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+open Cmdliner
+let default_cmd =
+  let doc = "A set of tools to manipulate propositions as inference steps" in
+  let exits = Term.default_exits in
+  (Term.(ret @@ const @@ `Help (`Pager, None)), Term.info "psnj" ~doc ~exits)
+let cmds = [ Dopth.cmd; Chainprops.cmd; Appaxiom.cmd; Autosolve.cmd; Qfo.cmd ]
+let () = Term.(exit @@ eval_choice default_cmd cmds)
diff --git a/proofs/qfo/bin/main.ml b/proofs/psnj_toolbox/bin/qfo.ml
similarity index 85%
rename from proofs/qfo/bin/main.ml
rename to proofs/psnj_toolbox/bin/qfo.ml
index b6c156cbcdb3bdf41612b0b576b06f41319c136f..ec31b58f765366b83b07b365fb929364b12f081a 100644
--- a/proofs/qfo/bin/main.ml
+++ b/proofs/psnj_toolbox/bin/qfo.ml
@@ -16,7 +16,8 @@ let compile_ast (sig_st : Sig_state.t) (ast : Syntax.ast) : Sig_state.t =
   let ss = ref sig_st in
   let compile = Compile.Pure.compile false in
   let consume cmd = ss := Command.handle compile !ss cmd in
-  Stream.iter consume ast; !ss
+  Stream.iter consume ast;
+  !ss
 (** [compile_props sig_st ast] compiles an AST made of symbol declarations
     of the form [symbol foo: bar;]. Term [bar] need not be of type [TYPE]. *)
@@ -39,14 +40,17 @@ let compile_props (sig_st : Sig_state.t) (ast : Syntax.ast) :
             let te = Scope.scope_term false !ss [] pty in
             fst (Unif.Infer.infer [] (Pos.none te))
-          with Error.Fatal (p, msg) -> print_err p msg; exit 1
+          with Error.Fatal (p, msg) ->
+            print_err p msg;
+            exit 1
         out := (p_sym_nam.elt, ty) :: !out
     | _ ->
         Format.eprintf "Invalid input: only symbol declarations allowed@.";
         exit 1
-  Stream.iter consume ast; List.rev !out
+  Stream.iter consume ast;
+  List.rev !out
 let new_sig_state (mp : Path.t) : Sig_state.t =
   Sig_state.(of_sign (create_sign mp))
@@ -56,7 +60,7 @@ let new_sig_state (mp : Path.t) : Sig_state.t =
 let translate (lib_root : string option) (map_dir : (string * string) list)
     (mapfile : string) (eval : string list) : unit =
   (* Get symbol mappings *)
-  let mapping = Qfo.Mappings.of_file mapfile in
+  let mapping = PsnjQfo.Mappings.of_file mapfile in
   let pvs_cert, pvs_connectives, propositional_connectives =
     let f s =
       try StrMap.find s mapping
@@ -73,7 +77,9 @@ let translate (lib_root : string option) (map_dir : (string * string) list)
      Library.set_lib_root lib_root;
      List.iter Library.add_mapping map_dir;
      Console.State.push ()
-   with Error.Fatal (pos, msg) -> print_err pos msg; exit 1);
+   with Error.Fatal (pos, msg) ->
+     print_err pos msg;
+     exit 1);
   (* Try to find lambdapi pkgs from current working directory, and do
      nothing if it fails *)
@@ -95,7 +101,7 @@ let translate (lib_root : string option) (map_dir : (string * string) list)
       print_err pos msg;
       exit 1
-  let ps = Qfo.Encodings.mkpredicate_subtyping pvs_cert pvs_cert_ss in
+  let ps = PsnjQfo.Encodings.mkpredicate_subtyping pvs_cert pvs_cert_ss in
   Console.out 1 "Loaded PVS-Cert encoding";
   let pvs_c =
     let pvs_connectives_ss =
@@ -111,7 +117,7 @@ let translate (lib_root : string option) (map_dir : (string * string) list)
         print_err p m;
         exit 2
-    Qfo.Encodings.mkconnectives pvs_connectives pvs_connectives_ss
+    PsnjQfo.Encodings.mkconnectives pvs_connectives pvs_connectives_ss
   let prop_calc_ss =
     let ss = new_sig_state mp in
@@ -122,7 +128,7 @@ let translate (lib_root : string option) (map_dir : (string * string) list)
     compile_ast ss ast
   let prop_c =
-    Qfo.Encodings.mkconnectives propositional_connectives prop_calc_ss
+    PsnjQfo.Encodings.mkconnectives propositional_connectives prop_calc_ss
   Console.out 1 "Loaded classical propositional calculus";
   let qfo_ss =
@@ -149,7 +155,7 @@ let translate (lib_root : string option) (map_dir : (string * string) list)
   (* Load propositions from stdin in [qfo_ss] *)
   let props = compile_props qfo_ss (Parser.parse stdin) in
   let transpile_print (name, ty) =
-    let open Qfo.Transpile in
+    let open PsnjQfo.Transpile in
       let propty = translate_term ~ps ~prop_c ~pvs_c ty in
       Format.printf "@[symbol %s:@ %a;@]@." name Print.pp_term propty
@@ -203,56 +209,56 @@ let cmd =
   let doc = "Convert PVS-Cert encoded file quasi first order encoded files" in
   let man =
-      `S Manpage.s_description
-    ; `P
+      `S Manpage.s_description;
+      `P
         "$(tname) is a filter that transforms a list of Dedukti axioms encoded \
          in PVS-Cert with dependent logical connectives into a list of axioms \
          expressed in something close to simple type theory with non dependent \
-         logical connectives."
-    ; `P
+         logical connectives.";
+      `P
         "The program requires all its source files to be in the package \
          $(b,qfo). The easiest way to do that is to place the source files in \
          a directory where there is a $(b,lambdapi.pkg) file with the line \
-         $(b,root_path=qfo)."
-    ; `P
+         $(b,root_path=qfo).";
+      `P
         "To convert files, the program needs identify the symbols of the \
          encoding. The mapping allows to indicate the name of such symbols. \
-         This mapping is a JSON object with the following structure"
-    ; `Pre
+         This mapping is a JSON object with the following structure";
+      `Pre
         "{ \"pvs_cert\": ...,\n\
         \  \"pvs_connectives\": ...,\n\
-        \  \"propositional_connectives\": ... }"
-    ; `P
+        \  \"propositional_connectives\": ... }";
+      `P
         "where the value associated to \"pvs_cert\" is an object that define \
-         the following form"
-    ; `Pre "{ \"subset\": STRING }"
-    ; `P
+         the following form";
+      `Pre "{ \"subset\": STRING }";
+      `P
         "and the values associated to both \"pvs_connectives\" and \
-         \"propositional_connectives\" must be of the form"
-    ; `Pre
+         \"propositional_connectives\" must be of the form";
+      `Pre
         "{ \"truth\": STRING; \"falsity\": STRING;\n\
         \  \"implication\": STRING;\n\
         \  \"negation\": STRING; \n\
         \  \"conjunction\": STRING; \"disjunction\": STRING;\n\
-        \  \"existential\": STRING; \"universal\": STRING }"
-    ; `P
+        \  \"existential\": STRING; \"universal\": STRING }";
+      `P
         "The object \"pvs_cert\" define symbols used to encode PVS-Cert while \
          \"pvs_connectives\" and \"propositional_connectives\" define logical \
          connectors: connectors from \"pvs_connectives\" are replaced by \
-         connectors from \"propositional_connectives\"."
-    ; `P
+         connectors from \"propositional_connectives\".";
+      `P
         "Symbols mentioned in $(b,\"pvs_cert\") are expected to be found in \
          modules $(b,qfo.encoding.pvs_cert) and $(b,qfo.encoding.lhol), \
          symbols mentioned in $(b,\"pvs_connectives\") are expected to be \
          found in module $(b,qfo.encoding.pvs_connectives) and symbols \
          mentioned in $(b,\"propositional_connectives\") are expected to be \
-         found in module $(b,qfo.encoding.proposisitional_connectives)."
-    ; `P
+         found in module $(b,qfo.encoding.proposisitional_connectives).";
+      `P
         "Furthermore, if the standard input uses symbols from some other \
-         module \"mod\", it can be opened using $(b,-e 'require open mod;')."
-    ; `S Manpage.s_examples
-    ; `P "Let qfo.json be the following json file"
-    ; `Pre
+         module \"mod\", it can be opened using $(b,-e 'require open mod;').";
+      `S Manpage.s_examples;
+      `P "Let qfo.json be the following json file";
+      `Pre
   "pvs_cert": {
     "subset": "psub"
@@ -277,19 +283,17 @@ let cmd =
     "existential": "ex",
     "universal": "all"
-    ; `P "and with the following input,"
-    ; `Pre "symbol true : ∀ {prop} (λ p: El prop, p ⇒ (λ _: Prf p, p));"
-    ; `P "The program outputs"
-    ; `Pre "symbol true: @∀ prop (λ p: El prop, imp p p);"
-    ; `S Manpage.s_bugs
-    ; `P
+      `P "and with the following input,";
+      `Pre "symbol true : ∀ {prop} (λ p: El prop, p ⇒ (λ _: Prf p, p));";
+      `P "The program outputs";
+      `Pre "symbol true: @∀ prop (λ p: El prop, imp p p);";
+      `S Manpage.s_bugs;
+      `P
         "If the input opens some module (using \"open mod\"), then symbols \
-         from this module will appear fully qualified."
+         from this module will appear fully qualified.";
   let exits = Term.default_exits in
-  ( Term.(const translate $ lib_root $ map_dir $ mapfile $ lp_eval)
-  , Term.info "psnj-qfo" ~doc ~man ~exits )
-let () = Term.(exit @@ eval cmd)
+  ( Term.(const translate $ lib_root $ map_dir $ mapfile $ lp_eval),
+    Term.info "qfo" ~doc ~man ~exits )
diff --git a/proofs/psnj_toolbox/dune-project b/proofs/psnj_toolbox/dune-project
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..bef01ac58fb9acd8879340ac34ef4d1a1ad9ef99
--- /dev/null
+++ b/proofs/psnj_toolbox/dune-project
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+(lang dune 2.9)
+(name personoj)
+(generate_opam_files true)
+(cram enable)
+ (name personoj)
+ (synopsis "todo")
+ (depends cmdliner angstrom lambdapi))
diff --git a/proofs/psnj_toolbox/lib/chainprops.ml b/proofs/psnj_toolbox/lib/chainprops.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c4d991e13242ba870b5e4aacf8f8abeab5a308e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/proofs/psnj_toolbox/lib/chainprops.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+open Common
+open Parsing
+module S = Syntax
+type decl = Deps.Id.t * S.p_term
+(** A proposition declaration with a name and a type. *)
+(** [pp ppf decl] pretty prints declaration [decl] to formatter [ppf]. *)
+let pp (ppf : Format.formatter) ((n, ty) : decl) : unit =
+  Format.fprintf ppf "@[symbol %a:@ %a;@]" Deps.Id.pp n Pretty.term ty
+(** [propositions ast] returns the list of propositions as pairs
+    [(name,ty)] where [name] is the name of the proposition and [ty]
+    is its type. *)
+let propositions (ast : S.ast) : decl list =
+  let props : decl list ref = ref [] in
+  let match_decl = function
+    | S.P_symbol { p_sym_nam; p_sym_typ = Some ty; _ } ->
+        (Deps.Id.make p_sym_nam.elt, ty)
+    | _ ->
+        failwith
+          "Invalid Dedukti source file: only symbol declarations are supported"
+  in
+  Stream.iter (fun c -> props := match_decl c.Pos.elt :: !props) ast;
+  List.rev !props
+(** [merge imp deps props] transform each proposition of [props] into
+    implications (the implication is defined by [imp]) from its
+    dependencies specified in [deps] to itself. *)
+let merge (imp : S.p_term) (deps : Deps.t) (props : decl list) : decl list =
+  let fn ((name, ty) : decl) : decl =
+    let deps = try Deps.get name deps with Not_found -> [] in
+    let f dep acc =
+      let d_ty = List.assoc dep props in
+      Syntax.P.(appl (appl imp d_ty) acc)
+    in
+    let ty = List.fold_right f deps ty in
+    (name, ty)
+  in
+  List.map fn props
diff --git a/proofs/psnj_toolbox/lib/deps.ml b/proofs/psnj_toolbox/lib/deps.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3ca525a5e0e2446945c746b6d57cca963e5d655c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/proofs/psnj_toolbox/lib/deps.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+(** Paths are (possibly) empty lists of natural numbers. *)
+module Path = struct
+  type t = int list
+  let is_predecessor (p : t) (q : t) : bool =
+    match q with [] -> false | _ :: q_tl -> q_tl = p
+  let of_string (s : string) : t =
+    if s = "root" then []
+    else
+      try String.split_on_char '.' s |> List.rev_map int_of_string
+      with Failure err ->
+        Format.eprintf "Invalid path: %s@." s;
+        invalid_arg err
+module Id = struct
+  type t = string
+  let make (name : string) : t = name
+  let pp = Format.pp_print_string
+  let compare = String.compare
+module IdMap = Map.Make (struct
+  type t = Id.t
+  let compare = Id.compare
+type t = Id.t list IdMap.t
+(** [add id d t] adds dependency [d] to [id] in table [t]. If [id]
+    is not bound, it is added to the table.  *)
+let add (id : Id.t) (d : Id.t) (t : t) : t =
+  let deps =
+    match IdMap.find_opt id t with None -> [] | Some deps -> d :: deps
+  in
+  IdMap.add id (d :: deps) t
+let get (id : Id.t) (m : t) : Id.t list = IdMap.find id m
+(** [update x x_pth tbl id_paths] updates the entries of the table
+    [tbl] adding [id]: if [(e,q)] is an element of [id_paths], [x_th]
+    is the successor of [q] then [x] is added to the dependencies of
+    element [e] of the table *)
+let update (x : Id.t) (x_pth : Path.t) (tbl : t) (id_paths : Path.t IdMap.t) : t
+    =
+  let f (y : Id.t) (y_pth : Path.t) (t : t) : t =
+    if Path.is_predecessor y_pth x_pth then add y x t else t
+  in
+  IdMap.fold f id_paths tbl
+let of_paths (m : Path.t IdMap.t) : t =
+  IdMap.fold (fun x pth acc -> update x pth acc m) m IdMap.empty
+let pp_makefile (ppf : Format.formatter) (tbl : t) : unit =
+  let open Format in
+  let pp_deplist ppf (l : Id.t list) : unit =
+    let pp_sep ppf () = pp_print_space ppf () in
+    let l = List.sort_uniq Id.compare l in
+    pp_print_list ~pp_sep Id.pp ppf l
+  in
+  let pprint_d (id : Id.t) (d : Id.t list) : unit =
+    fprintf ppf "@[<h>%a:@ %a@]@\n" Id.pp id pp_deplist d
+  in
+  IdMap.iter pprint_d tbl
+module P = struct
+  open Angstrom
+  let is_space = function ' ' | '\t' -> true | _ -> false
+  let blank = skip_while is_space
+  let blank1 = satisfy is_space *> blank
+  let eol = string "\n\r" <|> string "\n"
+  let colon = blank *> char ':' <* blank
+  (* Word characters taken from the parser of lambdapi. *)
+  let is_wordchar = function
+    | ' ' | '\r' | '\t' | '\n' | '(' | ')' | '{' | '}' | '[' | ']' | ':' | '.'
+    | '`' | '"' ->
+        false
+    | _ -> true
+  let word = take_while1 is_wordchar
+  let line = both (word <* colon) (sep_by blank1 word)
+  let deps = many (line <* many1 eol)
+  let parse (ic : in_channel) : (string * string list) list =
+    let file = really_input_string ic (in_channel_length ic) in
+    match parse_string ~consume:All deps file with
+    | Ok v -> v
+    | Error msg -> failwith msg
+let of_makefile (ic : in_channel) : t =
+  let elts = P.parse ic in
+  List.fold_right
+    (fun (src, tgts) acc -> IdMap.add src tgts acc)
+    elts IdMap.empty
diff --git a/proofs/psnj_toolbox/lib/deps.mli b/proofs/psnj_toolbox/lib/deps.mli
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c0a3f7d1fd26b4cc4115e07bebf9e5d443489913
--- /dev/null
+++ b/proofs/psnj_toolbox/lib/deps.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+module Path : sig
+  type t
+  val is_predecessor : t -> t -> bool
+  (** [is_predecessor p q] is true if [q = p.i] ([p] is closer to the
+      root). *)
+  val of_string : string -> t
+  (** [of_string s] parses a string [s] into a path. The string [s]
+      may be ["root"] or a dot-separated list of integers.
+      @raise Invalid_argument when [s] is ill-formed *)
+module Id : sig
+  type t
+  val make : string -> t
+  val pp : Format.formatter -> t -> unit
+  val compare : t -> t -> int
+module IdMap : Map.S with type key = Id.t
+type t
+(** The type of dependencies collections *)
+val get : Id.t -> t -> Id.t list
+(** [get id c] returns the dependencies of identifier [id] in collection
+    [c]. *)
+val of_paths : Path.t IdMap.t -> t
+(** [of_paths ps] creates a dependencies collection out of a mapping
+    [ps] from identifiers to paths. *)
+val pp_makefile : Format.formatter -> t -> unit
+(** [pp_makefile ppf c] prints dependencies of [c] in makefile syntax
+    on formatter [ppf]. *)
+val of_makefile : in_channel -> t
+(** [of_makefile ic] parses a makefile dependency list from channel [ic]. *)
diff --git a/proofs/psnj_toolbox/lib/dune b/proofs/psnj_toolbox/lib/dune
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e3291041a24bb94918e601c2a29d7f1ca4d18c2f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/proofs/psnj_toolbox/lib/dune
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+ (name psnj)
+ (public_name personoj)
+ (libraries angstrom lambdapi.common lambdapi.parsing lambdapi.core))
diff --git a/proofs/qfo/lib/dune b/proofs/psnj_toolbox/lib/qfo/dune
similarity index 69%
rename from proofs/qfo/lib/dune
rename to proofs/psnj_toolbox/lib/qfo/dune
index c767a7329edef43bcdee9fa9143f9a31af30bc71..9a493de4446f5c8e4e7b36c589d9d1bd517d2585 100644
--- a/proofs/qfo/lib/dune
+++ b/proofs/psnj_toolbox/lib/qfo/dune
@@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
+ (public_name personoj.qfo)
- (name qfo))
+ (name PsnjQfo))
diff --git a/proofs/qfo/lib/encodings.ml b/proofs/psnj_toolbox/lib/qfo/encodings.ml
similarity index 73%
rename from proofs/qfo/lib/encodings.ml
rename to proofs/psnj_toolbox/lib/qfo/encodings.ml
index f05ec3cbb8d9871d451bda0451c90ce36192ae8d..05cb31ac9e2462c8e3809a0fe8f00ff0be8a440b 100644
--- a/proofs/qfo/lib/encodings.ml
+++ b/proofs/psnj_toolbox/lib/qfo/encodings.ml
@@ -27,14 +27,14 @@ let mkpredicate_subtyping (map : mapping) (sig_st : Sig_state.t) :
   { subset = s "subset" }
 type connectives = {
-    truth 			: T.sym
-  ; falsity 		: T.sym
-  ; implication : T.sym
-  ; negation 		: T.sym
-  ; conjunction : T.sym
-  ; disjunction : T.sym
-  ; existential : T.sym
-  ; universal 	: T.sym
+  truth : T.sym;
+  falsity : T.sym;
+  implication : T.sym;
+  negation : T.sym;
+  conjunction : T.sym;
+  disjunction : T.sym;
+  existential : T.sym;
+  universal : T.sym;
 (** Logical connectives *)
@@ -46,12 +46,12 @@ let mkconnectives (map : (string * string) list) (sig_st : Sig_state.t) :
       failwith (Format.sprintf "Symbol \"%s\" not found in mapping" name)
-    truth 			= s "truth"
-  ; falsity 		= s "falsity"
-  ; negation 		= s "negation"
-  ; implication = s "implication"
-  ; conjunction = s "conjunction"
-  ; disjunction = s "disjunction"
-  ; existential = s "existential"
-  ; universal 	= s "universal"
+    truth = s "truth";
+    falsity = s "falsity";
+    negation = s "negation";
+    implication = s "implication";
+    conjunction = s "conjunction";
+    disjunction = s "disjunction";
+    existential = s "existential";
+    universal = s "universal";
diff --git a/proofs/qfo/lib/encodings.mli b/proofs/psnj_toolbox/lib/qfo/encodings.mli
similarity index 82%
rename from proofs/qfo/lib/encodings.mli
rename to proofs/psnj_toolbox/lib/qfo/encodings.mli
index 5598bbdfe944e3e0ea631a830146c1ad64403c1f..edfb8262b926afb719b2cfc3343ca15280af1dae 100644
--- a/proofs/qfo/lib/encodings.mli
+++ b/proofs/psnj_toolbox/lib/qfo/encodings.mli
@@ -19,14 +19,14 @@ type predicate_subtyping = { subset : Term.sym }
 val mkpredicate_subtyping : mapping -> Sig_state.t -> predicate_subtyping
 type connectives = {
-    truth : Term.sym
-  ; falsity : Term.sym
-  ; implication : Term.sym
-  ; negation : Term.sym
-  ; conjunction : Term.sym
-  ; disjunction : Term.sym
-  ; existential : Term.sym
-  ; universal : Term.sym
+  truth : Term.sym;
+  falsity : Term.sym;
+  implication : Term.sym;
+  negation : Term.sym;
+  conjunction : Term.sym;
+  disjunction : Term.sym;
+  existential : Term.sym;
+  universal : Term.sym;
 (** Logical connectives. They may be dependent or non-dependent. *)
diff --git a/proofs/qfo/lib/mappings.ml b/proofs/psnj_toolbox/lib/qfo/mappings.ml
similarity index 100%
rename from proofs/qfo/lib/mappings.ml
rename to proofs/psnj_toolbox/lib/qfo/mappings.ml
diff --git a/proofs/qfo/lib/mappings.mli b/proofs/psnj_toolbox/lib/qfo/mappings.mli
similarity index 100%
rename from proofs/qfo/lib/mappings.mli
rename to proofs/psnj_toolbox/lib/qfo/mappings.mli
diff --git a/proofs/qfo/lib/transpile.ml b/proofs/psnj_toolbox/lib/qfo/transpile.ml
similarity index 94%
rename from proofs/qfo/lib/transpile.ml
rename to proofs/psnj_toolbox/lib/qfo/transpile.ml
index 37bf94c6b002b405fa2bd7356047431a650b44a8..17e0d5f7fbf9d77e91d2b58684ea91cb8413bf7e 100644
--- a/proofs/qfo/lib/transpile.ml
+++ b/proofs/psnj_toolbox/lib/qfo/transpile.ml
@@ -16,9 +16,9 @@ let translate_term ~(ps : E.predicate_subtyping) ~(pvs_c : E.connectives)
     ~(prop_c : E.connectives) (t : T.term) : T.term =
   let binary =
-      (pvs_c.implication, prop_c.implication)
-    ; (pvs_c.conjunction, prop_c.conjunction)
-    ; (pvs_c.disjunction, prop_c.disjunction)
+      (pvs_c.implication, prop_c.implication);
+      (pvs_c.conjunction, prop_c.conjunction);
+      (pvs_c.disjunction, prop_c.disjunction);
   let rec f (t : T.term) =
diff --git a/proofs/appaxiom/appaxiom.opam b/proofs/psnj_toolbox/personoj.opam
similarity index 83%
rename from proofs/appaxiom/appaxiom.opam
rename to proofs/psnj_toolbox/personoj.opam
index b0418660e6cef4158b109a22dd9fb4d5ecf58c08..ddcfb66995694475013bf1b4efa62ab02805875c 100644
--- a/proofs/appaxiom/appaxiom.opam
+++ b/proofs/psnj_toolbox/personoj.opam
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
 # This file is generated by dune, edit dune-project instead
 opam-version: "2.0"
-synopsis: "Apply something on Dedukti axioms"
-maintainer: ["dedukti-dev@inria.fr"]
+synopsis: "todo"
 depends: [
   "dune" {>= "2.9"}
+  "angstrom"
   "odoc" {with-doc}
diff --git a/proofs/psnj_toolbox/test/appaxiom.t b/proofs/psnj_toolbox/test/appaxiom.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..389d2a836816b0a14831904bcbbb510aba364228
--- /dev/null
+++ b/proofs/psnj_toolbox/test/appaxiom.t
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+  $ echo 'symbol true : imp P P;' | psnj appaxiom
+  symbol true : @Prf (imp P P);
+  $ echo 'symbol x : nat;' | psnj appaxiom --app 'El'
+  symbol x : @El nat;
diff --git a/proofs/autosolve/tests/autosolve.t b/proofs/psnj_toolbox/test/autosolve.t
similarity index 53%
rename from proofs/autosolve/tests/autosolve.t
rename to proofs/psnj_toolbox/test/autosolve.t
index 022ed716738ec4c0c94c4a3c8cefbbf7b19684dd..b2861f5d21cdb0286a88ee40d27d5d4d3005314b 100644
--- a/proofs/autosolve/tests/autosolve.t
+++ b/proofs/psnj_toolbox/test/autosolve.t
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
-  $ echo 'symbol true: foo bar baz;' | ../autosolve.exe --fixed
+  $ echo 'symbol true : foo bar baz;' | psnj autosolve --fixed
   symbol true : foo bar baz ≔
-  $ echo 'symbol foo: TYPE; symbol bar: TYPE;' | ../autosolve.exe --fixed
+  $ echo 'symbol foo: TYPE; symbol bar: TYPE;' | psnj autosolve --fixed
   symbol foo : TYPE ≔
@@ -13,3 +13,4 @@
diff --git a/proofs/chainprops/test/example.dep b/proofs/psnj_toolbox/test/ch_example.dep
similarity index 100%
rename from proofs/chainprops/test/example.dep
rename to proofs/psnj_toolbox/test/ch_example.dep
diff --git a/proofs/chainprops/test/example.lp b/proofs/psnj_toolbox/test/ch_example.lp
similarity index 100%
rename from proofs/chainprops/test/example.lp
rename to proofs/psnj_toolbox/test/ch_example.lp
diff --git a/proofs/chainprops/test/foo.dep b/proofs/psnj_toolbox/test/ch_foo.dep
similarity index 100%
rename from proofs/chainprops/test/foo.dep
rename to proofs/psnj_toolbox/test/ch_foo.dep
diff --git a/proofs/chainprops/test/foo.lp b/proofs/psnj_toolbox/test/ch_foo.lp
similarity index 100%
rename from proofs/chainprops/test/foo.lp
rename to proofs/psnj_toolbox/test/ch_foo.lp
diff --git a/proofs/chainprops/test/run.t b/proofs/psnj_toolbox/test/chainprops.t
similarity index 70%
rename from proofs/chainprops/test/run.t
rename to proofs/psnj_toolbox/test/chainprops.t
index c253b0459675dd7f2a6276151735ec813947f452..ca7eddeaa19c9d7e66b177e5cb9b740f477e1016 100644
--- a/proofs/chainprops/test/run.t
+++ b/proofs/psnj_toolbox/test/chainprops.t
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
-  $ ../chainprops.exe example.dep < example.lp
+  $ psnj chainprops ch_example.dep < ch_example.lp
   symbol tgt: @imp H0 (@imp H1 P);
   symbol hyp0: H0;
   symbol hyp1: H1;
-  $ ../chainprops.exe foo.dep < foo.lp
+  $ psnj chainprops ch_foo.dep < ch_foo.lp
   symbol foo: @imp Bar (@imp Baz Foo);
   symbol bar: @imp Frob (@imp Nitz (@imp Baz Bar));
   symbol baz: Baz;
diff --git a/proofs/psnj_toolbox/test/dopth.t b/proofs/psnj_toolbox/test/dopth.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..12af2d4310d25fc33b35ae9cfc9768a36450b8a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/proofs/psnj_toolbox/test/dopth.t
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+  $ psnj dopth < example.plain
+  bar: baz
+  foo: bar frob
diff --git a/proofs/psnj_toolbox/test/dune b/proofs/psnj_toolbox/test/dune
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..177990a1e114abc01c64ff830641bbb0546c16e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/proofs/psnj_toolbox/test/dune
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+ (name psnj_toolbox))
+ (deps example.plain ch_foo.dep ch_foo.lp ch_example.dep ch_example.lp))
diff --git a/proofs/dopth/tests/example.plain b/proofs/psnj_toolbox/test/example.plain
similarity index 100%
rename from proofs/dopth/tests/example.plain
rename to proofs/psnj_toolbox/test/example.plain
diff --git a/proofs/autosolve/.ocamlformat b/proofs/psnj_toolbox/test/psnj_toolbox.ml
similarity index 100%
rename from proofs/autosolve/.ocamlformat
rename to proofs/psnj_toolbox/test/psnj_toolbox.ml
diff --git a/proofs/psnj_toolbox/test/qfo/dune b/proofs/psnj_toolbox/test/qfo/dune
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1333a843e4e24fb0388d0a8f66c56f5fd90406de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/proofs/psnj_toolbox/test/qfo/dune
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+ (deps
+  lambdapi.pkg
+  withsymb_thms.lp
+  false.lp
+  qfo.json
+  (glob_files encoding/*)
+  (glob_files spec/*)))
diff --git a/proofs/qfo/test/encoding/cpl.lp b/proofs/psnj_toolbox/test/qfo/encoding/cpl.lp
similarity index 100%
rename from proofs/qfo/test/encoding/cpl.lp
rename to proofs/psnj_toolbox/test/qfo/encoding/cpl.lp
diff --git a/proofs/qfo/test/encoding/lhol.lp b/proofs/psnj_toolbox/test/qfo/encoding/lhol.lp
similarity index 100%
rename from proofs/qfo/test/encoding/lhol.lp
rename to proofs/psnj_toolbox/test/qfo/encoding/lhol.lp
diff --git a/proofs/qfo/test/encoding/propositional_connectives.lp b/proofs/psnj_toolbox/test/qfo/encoding/propositional_connectives.lp
similarity index 100%
rename from proofs/qfo/test/encoding/propositional_connectives.lp
rename to proofs/psnj_toolbox/test/qfo/encoding/propositional_connectives.lp
diff --git a/proofs/qfo/test/encoding/pvs_cert.lp b/proofs/psnj_toolbox/test/qfo/encoding/pvs_cert.lp
similarity index 100%
rename from proofs/qfo/test/encoding/pvs_cert.lp
rename to proofs/psnj_toolbox/test/qfo/encoding/pvs_cert.lp
diff --git a/proofs/qfo/test/encoding/pvs_connectives.lp b/proofs/psnj_toolbox/test/qfo/encoding/pvs_connectives.lp
similarity index 100%
rename from proofs/qfo/test/encoding/pvs_connectives.lp
rename to proofs/psnj_toolbox/test/qfo/encoding/pvs_connectives.lp
diff --git a/proofs/qfo/test/false.lp b/proofs/psnj_toolbox/test/qfo/false.lp
similarity index 100%
rename from proofs/qfo/test/false.lp
rename to proofs/psnj_toolbox/test/qfo/false.lp
diff --git a/proofs/qfo/test/lambdapi.pkg b/proofs/psnj_toolbox/test/qfo/lambdapi.pkg
similarity index 100%
rename from proofs/qfo/test/lambdapi.pkg
rename to proofs/psnj_toolbox/test/qfo/lambdapi.pkg
diff --git a/proofs/qfo/test/qfo.json b/proofs/psnj_toolbox/test/qfo/qfo.json
similarity index 100%
rename from proofs/qfo/test/qfo.json
rename to proofs/psnj_toolbox/test/qfo/qfo.json
diff --git a/proofs/qfo/test/qfo.t b/proofs/psnj_toolbox/test/qfo/qfo.t
similarity index 73%
rename from proofs/qfo/test/qfo.t
rename to proofs/psnj_toolbox/test/qfo/qfo.t
index f437d2ebcc01575c2605a5293857d500513bdcee..9abbedebb7bb60b623669addff0c0a38260f73a4 100644
--- a/proofs/qfo/test/qfo.t
+++ b/proofs/psnj_toolbox/test/qfo/qfo.t
@@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
-  $ psnj-qfo qfo.json < false.lp
+  $ psnj qfo qfo.json < false.lp
   Loaded package file from "$TESTCASE_ROOT"
   symbol false: all prop (λ p: El prop, p);
   symbol true: all prop (λ p: El prop, imp p p);
-  $ echo 'symbol tt: ∀ {prop} (λ p: El prop, p ∧ (λ _, p));' | psnj-qfo qfo.json
+  $ echo 'symbol tt: ∀ {prop} (λ p: El prop, p ∧ (λ _, p));' | psnj qfo qfo.json
   Loaded package file from "$TESTCASE_ROOT"
   symbol tt: all prop (λ p: El prop, conj p p);
-  $ echo 'symbol tt: ∃ {prop} (λ p: El prop, p);' | psnj-qfo qfo.json
+  $ echo 'symbol tt: ∃ {prop} (λ p: El prop, p);' | psnj qfo qfo.json
   Loaded package file from "$TESTCASE_ROOT"
   symbol tt: ex prop (λ p: El prop, p);
-  $ psnj-qfo -e 'require open qfo.spec.withsymb;' qfo.json < withsymb_thms.lp
+  $ psnj qfo -e 'require open qfo.spec.withsymb;' qfo.json < withsymb_thms.lp
   Loaded package file from "$TESTCASE_ROOT"
   symbol trivial: imp qfo.spec.withsymb.P qfo.spec.withsymb.P;
diff --git a/proofs/qfo/test/spec/withsymb.lp b/proofs/psnj_toolbox/test/qfo/spec/withsymb.lp
similarity index 100%
rename from proofs/qfo/test/spec/withsymb.lp
rename to proofs/psnj_toolbox/test/qfo/spec/withsymb.lp
diff --git a/proofs/qfo/test/withsymb_thms.lp b/proofs/psnj_toolbox/test/qfo/withsymb_thms.lp
similarity index 100%
rename from proofs/qfo/test/withsymb_thms.lp
rename to proofs/psnj_toolbox/test/qfo/withsymb_thms.lp
diff --git a/proofs/qfo/.gitignore b/proofs/qfo/.gitignore
deleted file mode 100644
index 93b95a23816f1aacc5e0b8e98be1cc23bae41ce5..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/proofs/qfo/.gitignore
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/proofs/qfo/.ocamlformat b/proofs/qfo/.ocamlformat
deleted file mode 100644
index 42e44b125e415b03c85ff79fe6f79b950e3b022f..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/proofs/qfo/.ocamlformat
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/proofs/qfo/Makefile b/proofs/qfo/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index af6b6f01a10a63c1482c746e140275b622f8ffd1..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/proofs/qfo/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-PREFIX ?= /usr/local
-_EXE = _build/default/bin/main.exe
-all: psnj-qfo psnj-qfo.1
-	@opam exec -- dune build
-psnj-qfo: ${_EXE}
-	@ln -sf ${_EXE} $@
-psnj-qfo.1: psnj-qfo
-	@./psnj-qfo --help=groff > $@
-install: psnj-qfo psnj-qfo.1
-	cp -Lf psnj-qfo ${PREFIX}/bin/
-	cp -Lf psnj-qfo.1 ${PREFIX}/man/man1/
-	rm -f ${PREFIX}/bin/psnj-qfo
-	rm -f ${PREFIX}/man/man1/psnj-qfo.1
-	rm -f psnj-qfo psnj-qfo.1
-	opam exec -- dune clean
-	@opam exec -- dune runtest
-	@echo 'Success'
-.PHONY: install uninstall clean tests
diff --git a/proofs/qfo/bin/dune b/proofs/qfo/bin/dune
deleted file mode 100644
index 7cef94817a1755dd9a88f62fc16e20275a02cafb..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/proofs/qfo/bin/dune
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
- (public_name psnj-qfo)
- (name main)
- (libraries cmdliner lambdapi.common lambdapi.handle qfo))
diff --git a/proofs/qfo/dune-project b/proofs/qfo/dune-project
deleted file mode 100644
index ee333d85f77e2b6556ced36840c01237bb722e2b..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/proofs/qfo/dune-project
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-(lang dune 2.9)
-(name psnj_qfo)
-(cram enable)
-(generate_opam_files true)
-(maintainers "dedukti-dev@inria.fr")
- (name psnj_qfo)
- (synopsis "Transform PVS-Cert encoded lambdapi to solver friendly encodings")
- (depends cmdliner yojson lambdapi))
diff --git a/proofs/qfo/psnj_qfo.opam b/proofs/qfo/psnj_qfo.opam
deleted file mode 100644
index 9e3543700b277f08ddb5af3dc9609786300c6a79..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/proofs/qfo/psnj_qfo.opam
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-# This file is generated by dune, edit dune-project instead
-opam-version: "2.0"
-synopsis: "Transform PVS-Cert encoded lambdapi to solver friendly encodings"
-maintainer: ["dedukti-dev@inria.fr"]
-depends: [
-  "dune" {>= "2.9"}
-  "cmdliner"
-  "yojson"
-  "lambdapi"
-  "odoc" {with-doc}
-build: [
-  ["dune" "subst"] {dev}
-  [
-    "dune"
-    "build"
-    "-p"
-    name
-    "-j"
-    jobs
-    "--promote-install-files=false"
-    "@install"
-    "@runtest" {with-test}
-    "@doc" {with-doc}
-  ]
-  ["dune" "install" "-p" name "--create-install-files" name]
diff --git a/proofs/qfo/test/dune b/proofs/qfo/test/dune
deleted file mode 100644
index dc6f72f318b6f391d732e1a1d71a9298df040364..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/proofs/qfo/test/dune
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
- (name lpvs))
- (deps
-  lambdapi.pkg
-  encoding/lhol.lp
-  encoding/pvs_cert.lp
-  encoding/propositional_connectives.lp
-  encoding/pvs_connectives.lp
-  encoding/cpl.lp
-  qfo.json
-  false.lp
-  spec/withsymb.lp
-  withsymb_thms.lp))
diff --git a/proofs/qfo/test/lpvs.ml b/proofs/qfo/test/lpvs.ml
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29bb2d1d6434b8b29ae775ad8c2e48c5391..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000