diff --git a/encodings/deferred.lp b/encodings/deferred.lp
index 4107912032b219c7b4890f7a5e296cd335af278a..8c67619703268cf6284497fe4afb3a0e3dfbbdd7 100644
--- a/encodings/deferred.lp
+++ b/encodings/deferred.lp
@@ -5,11 +5,13 @@ require open
 constant symbol t: Set ⇒ TYPE
+constant symbol p: Bool ⇒ TYPE
 constant symbol quote {T: Set}: η T ⇒ t T
+constant symbol quote_p {P: Bool}: ε P ⇒ p P
-// Application at sort type
+// Application at sort level
 symbol sapp: Set ⇒ Set ⇒ Set
-rule sapp (&T ~> &S) &T → &T
+rule sapp (&T ~> &S) &T → &S
 // Quoted terms application
 constant symbol app {T: Set} {S: Set}: t T ⇒ t S ⇒ t (sapp T S)
@@ -18,3 +20,5 @@ constant symbol app {T: Set} {S: Set}: t T ⇒ t S ⇒ t (sapp T S)
 symbol unquote {T: Set}: t T ⇒ η T
 rule unquote (quote &x) → &x
 rule unquote {&S} (app {&T ~> &S} {&T} &t &u) → (unquote &t) (unquote &u)
+symbol unquote_p {P: Bool}: p P ⇒ ε P
diff --git a/encodings/if.lp b/encodings/if.lp
index 02c8556a3ac6b23040e3b47a27ef96524bc1dd02..1e4ed10e2abd2fc9e6a5199a14451dd2578dcf70 100644
--- a/encodings/if.lp
+++ b/encodings/if.lp
@@ -8,8 +8,33 @@ symbol if {U: Set} {V: Set} (S: Set)
 : ε (U ⊑ S) ⇒ ε (V ⊑ S) ⇒ Bool ⇒ η U ⇒ η V ⇒ η S
 symbol lif {U: Set} {V: Set} (S: Set)
-: ε (U ⊑ S) ⇒ ε (V ⊑ S) ⇒ Bool ⇒ Deferred.t U ⇒ Deferred.t V ⇒ η S
+: Deferred.p (U ⊑ S) ⇒ Deferred.p (V ⊑ S) ⇒ Bool ⇒ Deferred.t U ⇒ Deferred.t V ⇒ η S
 // lazy if
-rule lif _ &pr _ true &t _ → ↑ &pr (Deferred.unquote &t)
-rule lif _ _ &pr false _ &f → ↑ &pr (Deferred.unquote &f)
+set flag "print_implicits" on
+rule lif _ &pr _ true &t _ → ↑ (Deferred.unquote_p &pr) (Deferred.unquote &t)
+rule lif _ _ &pr false _ &f → ↑ (Deferred.unquote_p &pr) (Deferred.unquote &f)
+// The if is lazy, that is, the expression [if true 2 (1/0)] must type check and
+// return 2. For this, we use the [Deferred.t] datatype. But remember that [if]
+// is typed by a super type of [2] and [1/0]. This super type is provided as
+// argument, and the types of the expressions must be verified to be sub-types
+// of this super-types. Since these arguments are deferred and can be ill-typed,
+// we want to defer the verification of sub-type as well. Therefore, we
+// introduce the [lifSet] type to type the [lif].
+// [lifset &T &F &S p] reduces to the type of the function that maps a proof of
+// &T is a sub-type of &S to &S if [p] is true and the function that maps a
+// proof of &F is a sub-type of &S if [p] is false.
+// The result of [lif S true e1 e2] is the function that maps the proof of
+// sub-typing [Te1 ⊑ S] to the evaluation (or unquoting) of [e1].
+type λ (T S: Set), ε (T ⊑ S) ⇒ η S
+symbol lifSet (T U S: Set): Bool ⇒ TYPE
+rule lifSet &U _ &S true → ε (&U ⊑ &S) ⇒ η &S
+rule lifSet _ &F &S false → ε (&F ⊑ &S) ⇒ η &S
+compute λ(U V S: Set), lifSet U V S true
+symbol lifn {U: Set} {V: Set} (S: Set) (p: Bool)
+: Deferred.t U ⇒ Deferred.t V ⇒ lifSet U V S p
+rule lifn {&U} {&V} &S true &t &f → λh:ε (&U ⊑ &S), ↑ {&U} {&S} h (Deferred.unquote &t)
diff --git a/sandbox/quote.lp b/sandbox/quote.lp
index 0cf4195973201ccc5b745f41d571e5b2347daf76..4084a62e6b7a4a7e95577de05d1582d91e38d397 100644
--- a/sandbox/quote.lp
+++ b/sandbox/quote.lp
@@ -1,7 +1,10 @@
 require open
+  personoj.encodings.if
+  personoj.encodings.booleans
 require personoj.encodings.deferred as Deferred
+require open personoj.encodings.subtype
 constant symbol T: Set
 symbol t: η T
@@ -19,3 +22,9 @@ compute Deferred.unquote qu_ok
 compute Deferred.quote {T ~> T} (λx:η T, f x)
 symbol lor: Deferred.t bool ⇒ Deferred.t bool ⇒ Bool
+compute let f' ≔ Deferred.quote f in
+        let t' ≔ Deferred.quote t in
+        let s' ≔ Deferred.quote s in
+        let refl_t' ≔ Deferred.quote_p (S_Refl T) in
+  lif T refl_t' refl_t' true (Deferred.app f' t') (Deferred.app f' s')