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Miniflux 2.0.46

* Add scraper and rewrite rules for Webtoons
* Fix regression in integration page and simplify SQL query
* Wallabag integration: add more information in log messages
* Add support for custom Youtube embed URL
* Fix accessibility issues in modal component
    * Fix modal aria role
    * Trap focusing with tab / shift+tab inside the modal
    * Restore keyboard focus when closing modal
    * Automatically move keyboard focus to first focusable element unless specified otherwise
    * Keyboard shortcut help modal: move keyboard focus to modal title
    * Keyboard shortcut help modal: change close control from link to button
* Add Notion integration
* Update `*` dependencies and `go-oidc` to v3.6.0
* Improve responsive design
* Add user setting for marking entry as read on view
* Improve Russian translation
* Add the possibility to run cleanup tasks from the command line
* Add the possibility to run Miniflux as a cronjob
* Use `go-httpbin` to run tests locally and avoid remote calls to ``
* Display tags when viewing entries
* Update categories API endpoint to return `total_unread` and `feed_count`
* Improve date parser to handle various broken date formats
* Avoid `pq: time zone displacement out of range` errors
* Improve entry existance check to make better use of index
* Add unique index `enclosures_user_entry_url_idx`
* Add mark as unread for Linkding integration
* Add sub-folder support for Wallabag integration
* Use RockyLinux to build RPM package
* Disable CGO when building RPM package
* Disable CGO when building Docker images