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Changes since rc.1:
* Hide the whole metadata block if group has no description
* Increase task timeout in Refresher to 60 seconds
* Allow webfinger to be fetched over http (not https) in dev mode
* Fix rejecting instance follow
* Allow instance to have non-standard ports
* Improve reactions when approving/rejecting an instance follow
* Improve instance admin view for mobile
* Allow to reject instance following
* Fix pagination of group events
* Add pagination to the instances list
* Upgrade deps
* Eventually fetch actors in mentions
* Add proper fallback for when a TZ isn't registered
* Improve IdentityPicker
* Hide side of report modal on low width screens
* Improve JoinGroupWithAccount component
* Various group and posts improvements
* Fix Telegram Logo being replaced with Mastodon logo in ShareGroupModal
* Change URL to Mastodon Share Manager
* Improve ActorInline component
* Avoid assuming we're on Debian-based in release build
* Fix receiving Flag activities on federated events
* Update schema.graphql file