diff --git a/changelog.d/10996.misc b/changelog.d/10996.misc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c830d7ec2cc77eb9b5b969a7d3131666fb095634
--- /dev/null
+++ b/changelog.d/10996.misc
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+Fix a bug introduced in Synapse 1.21.0 that causes opentracing and Prometheus metrics for replication requests to be measured incorrectly.
diff --git a/synapse/logging/opentracing.py b/synapse/logging/opentracing.py
index 5276c4bfcce84ac3db281bd73eb1f387cc8e055c..20d23a426064d3b246320258a9f898d03e599100 100644
--- a/synapse/logging/opentracing.py
+++ b/synapse/logging/opentracing.py
@@ -807,6 +807,14 @@ def trace(func=None, opname=None):
                         result.addCallbacks(call_back, err_back)
+                        if inspect.isawaitable(result):
+                            logger.error(
+                                "@trace may not have wrapped %s correctly! "
+                                "The function is not async but returned a %s.",
+                                func.__qualname__,
+                                type(result).__name__,
+                            )
                         scope.__exit__(None, None, None)
                     return result
diff --git a/synapse/replication/http/_base.py b/synapse/replication/http/_base.py
index f1b78d09f9a2aae8e10fbf8f734fb3feb5bf9fbd..e047ec74d85f64c24466a97a8a81697993ef9a36 100644
--- a/synapse/replication/http/_base.py
+++ b/synapse/replication/http/_base.py
@@ -182,85 +182,87 @@ class ReplicationEndpoint(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):
-        @outgoing_gauge.track_inprogress()
         async def send_request(*, instance_name="master", **kwargs):
-            if instance_name == local_instance_name:
-                raise Exception("Trying to send HTTP request to self")
-            if instance_name == "master":
-                host = master_host
-                port = master_port
-            elif instance_name in instance_map:
-                host = instance_map[instance_name].host
-                port = instance_map[instance_name].port
-            else:
-                raise Exception(
-                    "Instance %r not in 'instance_map' config" % (instance_name,)
+            with outgoing_gauge.track_inprogress():
+                if instance_name == local_instance_name:
+                    raise Exception("Trying to send HTTP request to self")
+                if instance_name == "master":
+                    host = master_host
+                    port = master_port
+                elif instance_name in instance_map:
+                    host = instance_map[instance_name].host
+                    port = instance_map[instance_name].port
+                else:
+                    raise Exception(
+                        "Instance %r not in 'instance_map' config" % (instance_name,)
+                    )
+                data = await cls._serialize_payload(**kwargs)
+                url_args = [
+                    urllib.parse.quote(kwargs[name], safe="") for name in cls.PATH_ARGS
+                ]
+                if cls.CACHE:
+                    txn_id = random_string(10)
+                    url_args.append(txn_id)
+                if cls.METHOD == "POST":
+                    request_func = client.post_json_get_json
+                elif cls.METHOD == "PUT":
+                    request_func = client.put_json
+                elif cls.METHOD == "GET":
+                    request_func = client.get_json
+                else:
+                    # We have already asserted in the constructor that a
+                    # compatible was picked, but lets be paranoid.
+                    raise Exception(
+                        "Unknown METHOD on %s replication endpoint" % (cls.NAME,)
+                    )
+                uri = "http://%s:%s/_synapse/replication/%s/%s" % (
+                    host,
+                    port,
+                    cls.NAME,
+                    "/".join(url_args),
-            data = await cls._serialize_payload(**kwargs)
-            url_args = [
-                urllib.parse.quote(kwargs[name], safe="") for name in cls.PATH_ARGS
-            ]
-            if cls.CACHE:
-                txn_id = random_string(10)
-                url_args.append(txn_id)
-            if cls.METHOD == "POST":
-                request_func = client.post_json_get_json
-            elif cls.METHOD == "PUT":
-                request_func = client.put_json
-            elif cls.METHOD == "GET":
-                request_func = client.get_json
-            else:
-                # We have already asserted in the constructor that a
-                # compatible was picked, but lets be paranoid.
-                raise Exception(
-                    "Unknown METHOD on %s replication endpoint" % (cls.NAME,)
-                )
-            uri = "http://%s:%s/_synapse/replication/%s/%s" % (
-                host,
-                port,
-                cls.NAME,
-                "/".join(url_args),
-            )
-            try:
-                # We keep retrying the same request for timeouts. This is so that we
-                # have a good idea that the request has either succeeded or failed on
-                # the master, and so whether we should clean up or not.
-                while True:
-                    headers: Dict[bytes, List[bytes]] = {}
-                    # Add an authorization header, if configured.
-                    if replication_secret:
-                        headers[b"Authorization"] = [b"Bearer " + replication_secret]
-                    opentracing.inject_header_dict(headers, check_destination=False)
-                    try:
-                        result = await request_func(uri, data, headers=headers)
-                        break
-                    except RequestTimedOutError:
-                        if not cls.RETRY_ON_TIMEOUT:
-                            raise
-                    logger.warning("%s request timed out; retrying", cls.NAME)
-                    # If we timed out we probably don't need to worry about backing
-                    # off too much, but lets just wait a little anyway.
-                    await clock.sleep(1)
-            except HttpResponseException as e:
-                # We convert to SynapseError as we know that it was a SynapseError
-                # on the main process that we should send to the client. (And
-                # importantly, not stack traces everywhere)
-                _outgoing_request_counter.labels(cls.NAME, e.code).inc()
-                raise e.to_synapse_error()
-            except Exception as e:
-                _outgoing_request_counter.labels(cls.NAME, "ERR").inc()
-                raise SynapseError(502, "Failed to talk to main process") from e
-            _outgoing_request_counter.labels(cls.NAME, 200).inc()
-            return result
+                try:
+                    # We keep retrying the same request for timeouts. This is so that we
+                    # have a good idea that the request has either succeeded or failed
+                    # on the master, and so whether we should clean up or not.
+                    while True:
+                        headers: Dict[bytes, List[bytes]] = {}
+                        # Add an authorization header, if configured.
+                        if replication_secret:
+                            headers[b"Authorization"] = [
+                                b"Bearer " + replication_secret
+                            ]
+                        opentracing.inject_header_dict(headers, check_destination=False)
+                        try:
+                            result = await request_func(uri, data, headers=headers)
+                            break
+                        except RequestTimedOutError:
+                            if not cls.RETRY_ON_TIMEOUT:
+                                raise
+                        logger.warning("%s request timed out; retrying", cls.NAME)
+                        # If we timed out we probably don't need to worry about backing
+                        # off too much, but lets just wait a little anyway.
+                        await clock.sleep(1)
+                except HttpResponseException as e:
+                    # We convert to SynapseError as we know that it was a SynapseError
+                    # on the main process that we should send to the client. (And
+                    # importantly, not stack traces everywhere)
+                    _outgoing_request_counter.labels(cls.NAME, e.code).inc()
+                    raise e.to_synapse_error()
+                except Exception as e:
+                    _outgoing_request_counter.labels(cls.NAME, "ERR").inc()
+                    raise SynapseError(502, "Failed to talk to main process") from e
+                _outgoing_request_counter.labels(cls.NAME, 200).inc()
+                return result
         return send_request