diff --git a/.buildkite/worker-blacklist b/.buildkite/worker-blacklist
index d7908af17769d83e893ba1295753997f41767550..7950d19db339d28b87c32a2ad2c15be16fbeeb77 100644
--- a/.buildkite/worker-blacklist
+++ b/.buildkite/worker-blacklist
@@ -57,3 +57,10 @@ Don't get pushed for rooms you've muted
 Rejected events are not pushed
 Test that rejected pushers are removed.
 Events come down the correct room
+# https://buildkite.com/matrix-dot-org/sytest/builds/326#cca62404-a88a-4fcb-ad41-175fd3377603
+Presence changes to UNAVAILABLE are reported to remote room members
+If remote user leaves room, changes device and rejoins we see update in sync
+uploading self-signing key notifies over federation
+Inbound federation can receive redacted events
+Outbound federation can request missing events