diff --git a/changelog.d/10569.feature b/changelog.d/10569.feature
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ffc4e4289cfa63325e2efe09c7b38d1c9140c922
--- /dev/null
+++ b/changelog.d/10569.feature
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+Add pagination to the spaces summary based on updates to [MSC2946](https://github.com/matrix-org/matrix-doc/pull/2946).
diff --git a/synapse/federation/federation_client.py b/synapse/federation/federation_client.py
index 2eefac04fd09eb7aae7f38c00311a39b0b8bb67e..0af953a5d6e2faf5daec83dfaa3275e35631ca19 100644
--- a/synapse/federation/federation_client.py
+++ b/synapse/federation/federation_client.py
@@ -1290,6 +1290,88 @@ class FederationClient(FederationBase):
+    async def get_room_hierarchy(
+        self,
+        destinations: Iterable[str],
+        room_id: str,
+        suggested_only: bool,
+    ) -> Tuple[JsonDict, Sequence[JsonDict], Sequence[str]]:
+        """
+        Call other servers to get a hierarchy of the given room.
+        Performs simple data validates and parsing of the response.
+        Args:
+            destinations: The remote servers. We will try them in turn, omitting any
+                that have been blacklisted.
+            room_id: ID of the space to be queried
+            suggested_only:  If true, ask the remote server to only return children
+                with the "suggested" flag set
+        Returns:
+            A tuple of:
+                The room as a JSON dictionary.
+                A list of children rooms, as JSON dictionaries.
+                A list of inaccessible children room IDs.
+        Raises:
+            SynapseError if we were unable to get a valid summary from any of the
+               remote servers
+        """
+        async def send_request(
+            destination: str,
+        ) -> Tuple[JsonDict, Sequence[JsonDict], Sequence[str]]:
+            res = await self.transport_layer.get_room_hierarchy(
+                destination=destination,
+                room_id=room_id,
+                suggested_only=suggested_only,
+            )
+            room = res.get("room")
+            if not isinstance(room, dict):
+                raise InvalidResponseError("'room' must be a dict")
+            # Validate children_state of the room.
+            children_state = room.get("children_state", [])
+            if not isinstance(children_state, Sequence):
+                raise InvalidResponseError("'room.children_state' must be a list")
+            if any(not isinstance(e, dict) for e in children_state):
+                raise InvalidResponseError("Invalid event in 'children_state' list")
+            try:
+                [
+                    FederationSpaceSummaryEventResult.from_json_dict(e)
+                    for e in children_state
+                ]
+            except ValueError as e:
+                raise InvalidResponseError(str(e))
+            # Validate the children rooms.
+            children = res.get("children", [])
+            if not isinstance(children, Sequence):
+                raise InvalidResponseError("'children' must be a list")
+            if any(not isinstance(r, dict) for r in children):
+                raise InvalidResponseError("Invalid room in 'children' list")
+            # Validate the inaccessible children.
+            inaccessible_children = res.get("inaccessible_children", [])
+            if not isinstance(inaccessible_children, Sequence):
+                raise InvalidResponseError("'inaccessible_children' must be a list")
+            if any(not isinstance(r, str) for r in inaccessible_children):
+                raise InvalidResponseError(
+                    "Invalid room ID in 'inaccessible_children' list"
+                )
+            return room, children, inaccessible_children
+        # TODO Fallback to the old federation API and translate the results.
+        return await self._try_destination_list(
+            "fetch room hierarchy",
+            destinations,
+            send_request,
+            failover_on_unknown_endpoint=True,
+        )
 @attr.s(frozen=True, slots=True, auto_attribs=True)
 class FederationSpaceSummaryEventResult:
diff --git a/synapse/federation/transport/client.py b/synapse/federation/transport/client.py
index 90a7c16b62a1398467a345dde315ad903ac282b3..8b247fe2066d1d7992e07afcea1d19f0df50d4b8 100644
--- a/synapse/federation/transport/client.py
+++ b/synapse/federation/transport/client.py
@@ -1177,6 +1177,28 @@ class TransportLayerClient:
             destination=destination, path=path, data=params
+    async def get_room_hierarchy(
+        self,
+        destination: str,
+        room_id: str,
+        suggested_only: bool,
+    ) -> JsonDict:
+        """
+        Args:
+            destination: The remote server
+            room_id: The room ID to ask about.
+            suggested_only: if True, only suggested rooms will be returned
+        """
+        path = _create_path(
+            FEDERATION_UNSTABLE_PREFIX, "/org.matrix.msc2946/hierarchy/%s", room_id
+        )
+        return await self.client.get_json(
+            destination=destination,
+            path=path,
+            args={"suggested_only": "true" if suggested_only else "false"},
+        )
 def _create_path(federation_prefix: str, path: str, *args: str) -> str:
diff --git a/synapse/federation/transport/server.py b/synapse/federation/transport/server.py
index 640f46fff6bfc10cf40bf26e7b32af1a57fce23e..79a2e1afa0a03f84dad3c466b880fbe9fdf48725 100644
--- a/synapse/federation/transport/server.py
+++ b/synapse/federation/transport/server.py
@@ -1936,6 +1936,33 @@ class FederationSpaceSummaryServlet(BaseFederationServlet):
+class FederationRoomHierarchyServlet(BaseFederationServlet):
+    PREFIX = FEDERATION_UNSTABLE_PREFIX + "/org.matrix.msc2946"
+    PATH = "/hierarchy/(?P<room_id>[^/]*)"
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        hs: HomeServer,
+        authenticator: Authenticator,
+        ratelimiter: FederationRateLimiter,
+        server_name: str,
+    ):
+        super().__init__(hs, authenticator, ratelimiter, server_name)
+        self.handler = hs.get_space_summary_handler()
+    async def on_GET(
+        self,
+        origin: str,
+        content: Literal[None],
+        query: Mapping[bytes, Sequence[bytes]],
+        room_id: str,
+    ) -> Tuple[int, JsonDict]:
+        suggested_only = parse_boolean_from_args(query, "suggested_only", default=False)
+        return 200, await self.handler.get_federation_hierarchy(
+            origin, room_id, suggested_only
+        )
 class RoomComplexityServlet(BaseFederationServlet):
     Indicates to other servers how complex (and therefore likely
@@ -1999,6 +2026,7 @@ FEDERATION_SERVLET_CLASSES: Tuple[Type[BaseFederationServlet], ...] = (
+    FederationRoomHierarchyServlet,
diff --git a/synapse/handlers/space_summary.py b/synapse/handlers/space_summary.py
index d0060f90462e6fd608ef573db1ffe92f934c46b9..c74e90abbc087b9dbf55be6fb4a5d613f41ef088 100644
--- a/synapse/handlers/space_summary.py
+++ b/synapse/handlers/space_summary.py
@@ -16,17 +16,7 @@ import itertools
 import logging
 import re
 from collections import deque
-from typing import (
-    Deque,
-    Dict,
-    Iterable,
-    List,
-    Optional,
-    Sequence,
-    Set,
-    Tuple,
+from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Dict, Iterable, List, Optional, Sequence, Set, Tuple
 import attr
@@ -80,7 +70,7 @@ class _PaginationSession:
     # The time the pagination session was created, in milliseconds.
     creation_time_ms: int
     # The queue of rooms which are still to process.
-    room_queue: Deque["_RoomQueueEntry"]
+    room_queue: List["_RoomQueueEntry"]
     # A set of rooms which have been processed.
     processed_rooms: Set[str]
@@ -197,7 +187,7 @@ class SpaceSummaryHandler:
                 events: Sequence[JsonDict] = []
                 if room_entry:
-                    events = room_entry.children
+                    events = room_entry.children_state_events
                     "Query of local room %s returned events %s",
@@ -232,7 +222,7 @@ class SpaceSummaryHandler:
                         room.pop("allowed_spaces", None)
-                        events.extend(room_entry.children)
+                        events.extend(room_entry.children_state_events)
                     # All rooms returned don't need visiting again (even if the user
                     # didn't have access to them).
@@ -350,8 +340,8 @@ class SpaceSummaryHandler:
             room_queue = pagination_session.room_queue
             processed_rooms = pagination_session.processed_rooms
-            # the queue of rooms to process
-            room_queue = deque((_RoomQueueEntry(requested_room_id, ()),))
+            # The queue of rooms to process, the next room is last on the stack.
+            room_queue = [_RoomQueueEntry(requested_room_id, ())]
             # Rooms we have already processed.
             processed_rooms = set()
@@ -367,7 +357,7 @@ class SpaceSummaryHandler:
         # Iterate through the queue until we reach the limit or run out of
         # rooms to include.
         while room_queue and len(rooms_result) < limit:
-            queue_entry = room_queue.popleft()
+            queue_entry = room_queue.pop()
             room_id = queue_entry.room_id
             current_depth = queue_entry.depth
             if room_id in processed_rooms:
@@ -376,6 +366,18 @@ class SpaceSummaryHandler:
             logger.debug("Processing room %s", room_id)
+            # A map of summaries for children rooms that might be returned over
+            # federation. The rationale for caching these and *maybe* using them
+            # is to prefer any information local to the homeserver before trusting
+            # data received over federation.
+            children_room_entries: Dict[str, JsonDict] = {}
+            # A set of room IDs which are children that did not have information
+            # returned over federation and are known to be inaccessible to the
+            # current server. We should not reach out over federation to try to
+            # summarise these rooms.
+            inaccessible_children: Set[str] = set()
+            # If the room is known locally, summarise it!
             is_in_room = await self._store.is_host_joined(room_id, self._server_name)
             if is_in_room:
                 room_entry = await self._summarize_local_room(
@@ -387,26 +389,68 @@ class SpaceSummaryHandler:
-                if room_entry:
-                    rooms_result.append(room_entry.as_json())
-                    # Add the child to the queue. We have already validated
-                    # that the vias are a list of server names.
-                    #
-                    # If the current depth is the maximum depth, do not queue
-                    # more entries.
-                    if max_depth is None or current_depth < max_depth:
-                        room_queue.extendleft(
-                            _RoomQueueEntry(
-                                ev["state_key"], ev["content"]["via"], current_depth + 1
-                            )
-                            for ev in reversed(room_entry.children)
-                        )
-                processed_rooms.add(room_id)
+            # Otherwise, attempt to use information for federation.
-                # TODO Federation.
-                pass
+                # A previous call might have included information for this room.
+                # It can be used if either:
+                #
+                # 1. The room is not a space.
+                # 2. The maximum depth has been achieved (since no children
+                #    information is needed).
+                if queue_entry.remote_room and (
+                    queue_entry.remote_room.get("room_type") != RoomTypes.SPACE
+                    or (max_depth is not None and current_depth >= max_depth)
+                ):
+                    room_entry = _RoomEntry(
+                        queue_entry.room_id, queue_entry.remote_room
+                    )
+                # If the above isn't true, attempt to fetch the room
+                # information over federation.
+                else:
+                    (
+                        room_entry,
+                        children_room_entries,
+                        inaccessible_children,
+                    ) = await self._summarize_remote_room_hiearchy(
+                        queue_entry,
+                        suggested_only,
+                    )
+                # Ensure this room is accessible to the requester (and not just
+                # the homeserver).
+                if room_entry and not await self._is_remote_room_accessible(
+                    requester, queue_entry.room_id, room_entry.room
+                ):
+                    room_entry = None
+            # This room has been processed and should be ignored if it appears
+            # elsewhere in the hierarchy.
+            processed_rooms.add(room_id)
+            # There may or may not be a room entry based on whether it is
+            # inaccessible to the requesting user.
+            if room_entry:
+                # Add the room (including the stripped m.space.child events).
+                rooms_result.append(room_entry.as_json())
+                # If this room is not at the max-depth, check if there are any
+                # children to process.
+                if max_depth is None or current_depth < max_depth:
+                    # The children get added in reverse order so that the next
+                    # room to process, according to the ordering, is the last
+                    # item in the list.
+                    room_queue.extend(
+                        _RoomQueueEntry(
+                            ev["state_key"],
+                            ev["content"]["via"],
+                            current_depth + 1,
+                            children_room_entries.get(ev["state_key"]),
+                        )
+                        for ev in reversed(room_entry.children_state_events)
+                        if ev["type"] == EventTypes.SpaceChild
+                        and ev["state_key"] not in inaccessible_children
+                    )
         result: JsonDict = {"rooms": rooms_result}
@@ -477,15 +521,78 @@ class SpaceSummaryHandler:
             if room_entry:
-                events_result.extend(room_entry.children)
+                events_result.extend(room_entry.children_state_events)
                 # add any children to the queue
-                    edge_event["state_key"] for edge_event in room_entry.children
+                    edge_event["state_key"]
+                    for edge_event in room_entry.children_state_events
         return {"rooms": rooms_result, "events": events_result}
+    async def get_federation_hierarchy(
+        self,
+        origin: str,
+        requested_room_id: str,
+        suggested_only: bool,
+    ):
+        """
+        Implementation of the room hierarchy Federation API.
+        This is similar to get_room_hierarchy, but does not recurse into the space.
+        It also considers whether anyone on the server may be able to access the
+        room, as opposed to whether a specific user can.
+        Args:
+            origin: The server requesting the spaces summary.
+            requested_room_id: The room ID to start the hierarchy at (the "root" room).
+            suggested_only: whether we should only return children with the "suggested"
+                flag set.
+        Returns:
+            The JSON hierarchy dictionary.
+        """
+        root_room_entry = await self._summarize_local_room(
+            None, origin, requested_room_id, suggested_only, max_children=None
+        )
+        if root_room_entry is None:
+            # Room is inaccessible to the requesting server.
+            raise SynapseError(404, "Unknown room: %s" % (requested_room_id,))
+        children_rooms_result: List[JsonDict] = []
+        inaccessible_children: List[str] = []
+        # Iterate through each child and potentially add it, but not its children,
+        # to the response.
+        for child_room in root_room_entry.children_state_events:
+            room_id = child_room.get("state_key")
+            assert isinstance(room_id, str)
+            # If the room is unknown, skip it.
+            if not await self._store.is_host_joined(room_id, self._server_name):
+                continue
+            room_entry = await self._summarize_local_room(
+                None, origin, room_id, suggested_only, max_children=0
+            )
+            # If the room is accessible, include it in the results.
+            #
+            # Note that only the room summary (without information on children)
+            # is included in the summary.
+            if room_entry:
+                children_rooms_result.append(room_entry.room)
+            #  Otherwise, note that the requesting server shouldn't bother
+            #  trying to summarize this room - they do not have access to it.
+            else:
+                inaccessible_children.append(room_id)
+        return {
+            # Include the requested room (including the stripped children events).
+            "room": root_room_entry.as_json(),
+            "children": children_rooms_result,
+            "inaccessible_children": inaccessible_children,
+        }
     async def _summarize_local_room(
         requester: Optional[str],
@@ -519,8 +626,9 @@ class SpaceSummaryHandler:
         room_entry = await self._build_room_entry(room_id, for_federation=bool(origin))
-        # If the room is not a space, return just the room information.
-        if room_entry.get("room_type") != RoomTypes.SPACE:
+        # If the room is not a space or the children don't matter, return just
+        # the room information.
+        if room_entry.get("room_type") != RoomTypes.SPACE or max_children == 0:
             return _RoomEntry(room_id, room_entry)
         # Otherwise, look for child rooms/spaces.
@@ -616,6 +724,59 @@ class SpaceSummaryHandler:
         return results
+    async def _summarize_remote_room_hiearchy(
+        self, room: "_RoomQueueEntry", suggested_only: bool
+    ) -> Tuple[Optional["_RoomEntry"], Dict[str, JsonDict], Set[str]]:
+        """
+        Request room entries and a list of event entries for a given room by querying a remote server.
+        Args:
+            room: The room to summarize.
+            suggested_only: True if only suggested children should be returned.
+                Otherwise, all children are returned.
+        Returns:
+            A tuple of:
+                The room entry.
+                Partial room data return over federation.
+                A set of inaccessible children room IDs.
+        """
+        room_id = room.room_id
+        logger.info("Requesting summary for %s via %s", room_id, room.via)
+        via = itertools.islice(room.via, MAX_SERVERS_PER_SPACE)
+        try:
+            (
+                room_response,
+                children,
+                inaccessible_children,
+            ) = await self._federation_client.get_room_hierarchy(
+                via,
+                room_id,
+                suggested_only=suggested_only,
+            )
+        except Exception as e:
+            logger.warning(
+                "Unable to get hierarchy of %s via federation: %s",
+                room_id,
+                e,
+                exc_info=logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG),
+            )
+            return None, {}, set()
+        # Map the children to their room ID.
+        children_by_room_id = {
+            c["room_id"]: c
+            for c in children
+            if "room_id" in c and isinstance(c["room_id"], str)
+        }
+        return (
+            _RoomEntry(room_id, room_response, room_response.pop("children_state", ())),
+            children_by_room_id,
+            set(inaccessible_children),
+        )
     async def _is_local_room_accessible(
         self, room_id: str, requester: Optional[str], origin: Optional[str] = None
     ) -> bool:
@@ -866,9 +1027,16 @@ class SpaceSummaryHandler:
 @attr.s(frozen=True, slots=True, auto_attribs=True)
 class _RoomQueueEntry:
+    # The room ID of this entry.
     room_id: str
+    # The server to query if the room is not known locally.
     via: Sequence[str]
+    # The minimum number of hops necessary to get to this room (compared to the
+    # originally requested room).
     depth: int = 0
+    # The room summary for this room returned via federation. This will only be
+    # used if the room is not known locally (and is not a space).
+    remote_room: Optional[JsonDict] = None
 @attr.s(frozen=True, slots=True, auto_attribs=True)
@@ -879,11 +1047,17 @@ class _RoomEntry:
     # An iterable of the sorted, stripped children events for children of this room.
     # This may not include all children.
-    children: Sequence[JsonDict] = ()
+    children_state_events: Sequence[JsonDict] = ()
     def as_json(self) -> JsonDict:
+        """
+        Returns a JSON dictionary suitable for the room hierarchy endpoint.
+        It returns the room summary including the stripped m.space.child events
+        as a sub-key.
+        """
         result = dict(self.room)
-        result["children_state"] = self.children
+        result["children_state"] = self.children_state_events
         return result
diff --git a/tests/handlers/test_space_summary.py b/tests/handlers/test_space_summary.py
index 83c2bdd8f99cededfbdb50f73444d2cb97398959..bc8e131f4a0b60153c46b3d5de2e287419b07d7f 100644
--- a/tests/handlers/test_space_summary.py
+++ b/tests/handlers/test_space_summary.py
@@ -481,7 +481,7 @@ class SpaceSummaryTestCase(unittest.HomeserverTestCase):
         self.assertNotIn("next_batch", result)
     def test_invalid_pagination_token(self):
-        """"""
+        """An invalid pagination token, or changing other parameters, shoudl be rejected."""
         room_ids = []
         for i in range(1, 10):
             room = self.helper.create_room_as(self.user, tok=self.token)
@@ -581,33 +581,40 @@ class SpaceSummaryTestCase(unittest.HomeserverTestCase):
         subspace = "#subspace:" + fed_hostname
         subroom = "#subroom:" + fed_hostname
+        # Generate some good data, and some bad data:
+        #
+        # * Event *back* to the root room.
+        # * Unrelated events / rooms
+        # * Multiple levels of events (in a not-useful order, e.g. grandchild
+        #   events before child events).
+        # Note that these entries are brief, but should contain enough info.
+        requested_room_entry = _RoomEntry(
+            subspace,
+            {
+                "room_id": subspace,
+                "world_readable": True,
+                "room_type": RoomTypes.SPACE,
+            },
+            [
+                {
+                    "type": EventTypes.SpaceChild,
+                    "room_id": subspace,
+                    "state_key": subroom,
+                    "content": {"via": [fed_hostname]},
+                }
+            ],
+        )
+        child_room = {
+            "room_id": subroom,
+            "world_readable": True,
+        }
         async def summarize_remote_room(
             _self, room, suggested_only, max_children, exclude_rooms
-            # Return some good data, and some bad data:
-            #
-            # * Event *back* to the root room.
-            # * Unrelated events / rooms
-            # * Multiple levels of events (in a not-useful order, e.g. grandchild
-            #   events before child events).
-            # Note that these entries are brief, but should contain enough info.
             return [
-                _RoomEntry(
-                    subspace,
-                    {
-                        "room_id": subspace,
-                        "world_readable": True,
-                        "room_type": RoomTypes.SPACE,
-                    },
-                    [
-                        {
-                            "room_id": subspace,
-                            "state_key": subroom,
-                            "content": {"via": [fed_hostname]},
-                        }
-                    ],
-                ),
+                requested_room_entry,
@@ -617,6 +624,9 @@ class SpaceSummaryTestCase(unittest.HomeserverTestCase):
+        async def summarize_remote_room_hiearchy(_self, room, suggested_only):
+            return requested_room_entry, {subroom: child_room}, set()
         # Add a room to the space which is on another server.
         self._add_child(self.space, subspace, self.token)
@@ -636,6 +646,15 @@ class SpaceSummaryTestCase(unittest.HomeserverTestCase):
         self._assert_rooms(result, expected)
+        with mock.patch(
+            "synapse.handlers.space_summary.SpaceSummaryHandler._summarize_remote_room_hiearchy",
+            new=summarize_remote_room_hiearchy,
+        ):
+            result = self.get_success(
+                self.handler.get_room_hierarchy(self.user, self.space)
+            )
+        self._assert_hierarchy(result, expected)
     def test_fed_filtering(self):
         Rooms returned over federation should be properly filtered to only include
@@ -657,100 +676,106 @@ class SpaceSummaryTestCase(unittest.HomeserverTestCase):
         # Poke an invite over federation into the database.
         self._poke_fed_invite(invited_room, "@remote:" + fed_hostname)
+        # Note that these entries are brief, but should contain enough info.
+        children_rooms = (
+            (
+                public_room,
+                {
+                    "room_id": public_room,
+                    "world_readable": False,
+                    "join_rules": JoinRules.PUBLIC,
+                },
+            ),
+            (
+                knock_room,
+                {
+                    "room_id": knock_room,
+                    "world_readable": False,
+                    "join_rules": JoinRules.KNOCK,
+                },
+            ),
+            (
+                not_invited_room,
+                {
+                    "room_id": not_invited_room,
+                    "world_readable": False,
+                    "join_rules": JoinRules.INVITE,
+                },
+            ),
+            (
+                invited_room,
+                {
+                    "room_id": invited_room,
+                    "world_readable": False,
+                    "join_rules": JoinRules.INVITE,
+                },
+            ),
+            (
+                restricted_room,
+                {
+                    "room_id": restricted_room,
+                    "world_readable": False,
+                    "join_rules": JoinRules.RESTRICTED,
+                    "allowed_spaces": [],
+                },
+            ),
+            (
+                restricted_accessible_room,
+                {
+                    "room_id": restricted_accessible_room,
+                    "world_readable": False,
+                    "join_rules": JoinRules.RESTRICTED,
+                    "allowed_spaces": [self.room],
+                },
+            ),
+            (
+                world_readable_room,
+                {
+                    "room_id": world_readable_room,
+                    "world_readable": True,
+                    "join_rules": JoinRules.INVITE,
+                },
+            ),
+            (
+                joined_room,
+                {
+                    "room_id": joined_room,
+                    "world_readable": False,
+                    "join_rules": JoinRules.INVITE,
+                },
+            ),
+        )
+        subspace_room_entry = _RoomEntry(
+            subspace,
+            {
+                "room_id": subspace,
+                "world_readable": True,
+            },
+            # Place each room in the sub-space.
+            [
+                {
+                    "type": EventTypes.SpaceChild,
+                    "room_id": subspace,
+                    "state_key": room_id,
+                    "content": {"via": [fed_hostname]},
+                }
+                for room_id, _ in children_rooms
+            ],
+        )
         async def summarize_remote_room(
             _self, room, suggested_only, max_children, exclude_rooms
-            # Note that these entries are brief, but should contain enough info.
-            rooms = [
-                _RoomEntry(
-                    public_room,
-                    {
-                        "room_id": public_room,
-                        "world_readable": False,
-                        "join_rules": JoinRules.PUBLIC,
-                    },
-                ),
-                _RoomEntry(
-                    knock_room,
-                    {
-                        "room_id": knock_room,
-                        "world_readable": False,
-                        "join_rules": JoinRules.KNOCK,
-                    },
-                ),
-                _RoomEntry(
-                    not_invited_room,
-                    {
-                        "room_id": not_invited_room,
-                        "world_readable": False,
-                        "join_rules": JoinRules.INVITE,
-                    },
-                ),
-                _RoomEntry(
-                    invited_room,
-                    {
-                        "room_id": invited_room,
-                        "world_readable": False,
-                        "join_rules": JoinRules.INVITE,
-                    },
-                ),
-                _RoomEntry(
-                    restricted_room,
-                    {
-                        "room_id": restricted_room,
-                        "world_readable": False,
-                        "join_rules": JoinRules.RESTRICTED,
-                        "allowed_spaces": [],
-                    },
-                ),
-                _RoomEntry(
-                    restricted_accessible_room,
-                    {
-                        "room_id": restricted_accessible_room,
-                        "world_readable": False,
-                        "join_rules": JoinRules.RESTRICTED,
-                        "allowed_spaces": [self.room],
-                    },
-                ),
-                _RoomEntry(
-                    world_readable_room,
-                    {
-                        "room_id": world_readable_room,
-                        "world_readable": True,
-                        "join_rules": JoinRules.INVITE,
-                    },
-                ),
-                _RoomEntry(
-                    joined_room,
-                    {
-                        "room_id": joined_room,
-                        "world_readable": False,
-                        "join_rules": JoinRules.INVITE,
-                    },
-                ),
+            return [subspace_room_entry] + [
+                # A copy is made of the room data since the allowed_spaces key
+                # is removed.
+                _RoomEntry(child_room[0], dict(child_room[1]))
+                for child_room in children_rooms
-            # Also include the subspace.
-            rooms.insert(
-                0,
-                _RoomEntry(
-                    subspace,
-                    {
-                        "room_id": subspace,
-                        "world_readable": True,
-                    },
-                    # Place each room in the sub-space.
-                    [
-                        {
-                            "room_id": subspace,
-                            "state_key": room.room_id,
-                            "content": {"via": [fed_hostname]},
-                        }
-                        for room in rooms
-                    ],
-                ),
-            )
-            return rooms
+        async def summarize_remote_room_hiearchy(_self, room, suggested_only):
+            return subspace_room_entry, dict(children_rooms), set()
         # Add a room to the space which is on another server.
         self._add_child(self.space, subspace, self.token)
@@ -788,6 +813,15 @@ class SpaceSummaryTestCase(unittest.HomeserverTestCase):
         self._assert_rooms(result, expected)
+        with mock.patch(
+            "synapse.handlers.space_summary.SpaceSummaryHandler._summarize_remote_room_hiearchy",
+            new=summarize_remote_room_hiearchy,
+        ):
+            result = self.get_success(
+                self.handler.get_room_hierarchy(self.user, self.space)
+            )
+        self._assert_hierarchy(result, expected)
     def test_fed_invited(self):
         A room which the user was invited to should be included in the response.
@@ -802,19 +836,22 @@ class SpaceSummaryTestCase(unittest.HomeserverTestCase):
         # Poke an invite over federation into the database.
         self._poke_fed_invite(fed_room, "@remote:" + fed_hostname)
+        fed_room_entry = _RoomEntry(
+            fed_room,
+            {
+                "room_id": fed_room,
+                "world_readable": False,
+                "join_rules": JoinRules.INVITE,
+            },
+        )
         async def summarize_remote_room(
             _self, room, suggested_only, max_children, exclude_rooms
-            return [
-                _RoomEntry(
-                    fed_room,
-                    {
-                        "room_id": fed_room,
-                        "world_readable": False,
-                        "join_rules": JoinRules.INVITE,
-                    },
-                ),
-            ]
+            return [fed_room_entry]
+        async def summarize_remote_room_hiearchy(_self, room, suggested_only):
+            return fed_room_entry, {}, set()
         # Add a room to the space which is on another server.
         self._add_child(self.space, fed_room, self.token)
@@ -833,3 +870,12 @@ class SpaceSummaryTestCase(unittest.HomeserverTestCase):
             (fed_room, ()),
         self._assert_rooms(result, expected)
+        with mock.patch(
+            "synapse.handlers.space_summary.SpaceSummaryHandler._summarize_remote_room_hiearchy",
+            new=summarize_remote_room_hiearchy,
+        ):
+            result = self.get_success(
+                self.handler.get_room_hierarchy(self.user, self.space)
+            )
+        self._assert_hierarchy(result, expected)