diff --git a/changelog.d/12008.removal b/changelog.d/12008.removal
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..57599d9ee955d751407512f7c452903131e60ecc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/changelog.d/12008.removal
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+Remove support for the legacy structured logging configuration (please see the the [upgrade notes](https://matrix-org.github.io/synapse/develop/upgrade#legacy-structured-logging-configuration-removal) if you are using `structured: true` in the Synapse configuration).
diff --git a/docs/structured_logging.md b/docs/structured_logging.md
index 14db85f58728b7249fd6e08f6a759db3d18afa5f..805c8676534076e7204dee3863ecadc23e93e1ef 100644
--- a/docs/structured_logging.md
+++ b/docs/structured_logging.md
@@ -81,14 +81,12 @@ remote endpoint at
 ## Upgrading from legacy structured logging configuration
-Versions of Synapse prior to v1.23.0 included a custom structured logging
-configuration which is deprecated. It used a `structured: true` flag and
-configured `drains` instead of ``handlers`` and `formatters`.
-Synapse currently automatically converts the old configuration to the new
-configuration, but this will be removed in a future version of Synapse. The
-following reference can be used to update your configuration. Based on the drain
-`type`, we can pick a new handler:
+Versions of Synapse prior to v1.54.0 automatically converted the legacy
+structured logging configuration, which was deprecated in v1.23.0, to the standard
+library logging configuration.
+The following reference can be used to update your configuration. Based on the
+drain `type`, we can pick a new handler:
 1. For a type of `console`, `console_json`, or `console_json_terse`: a handler
    with a class of `logging.StreamHandler` and a `stream` of `ext://sys.stdout`
diff --git a/docs/upgrade.md b/docs/upgrade.md
index 477d7d0e81c847942bc94f9eda0d99d0bdf52f3e..9860ae97b9970fe6be16dedd0f8674ad8d333fb9 100644
--- a/docs/upgrade.md
+++ b/docs/upgrade.md
@@ -85,6 +85,15 @@ process, for example:
     dpkg -i matrix-synapse-py3_1.3.0+stretch1_amd64.deb
+# Upgrading to v1.54.0
+## Legacy structured logging configuration removal
+This release removes support for the `structured: true` logging configuration
+which was deprecated in Synapse v1.23.0. If your logging configuration contains
+`structured: true` then it should be modified based on the
+[structured logging documentation](structured_logging.md).
 # Upgrading to v1.53.0
 ## Dropping support for `webclient` listeners and non-HTTP(S) `web_client_location`
diff --git a/synapse/config/logger.py b/synapse/config/logger.py
index b7145a44ae1dd22c8af05511b429be635fe80304..cbbe221965280ea893c67b8a465db31242165eaf 100644
--- a/synapse/config/logger.py
+++ b/synapse/config/logger.py
@@ -33,7 +33,6 @@ from twisted.logger import (
-from synapse.logging._structured import setup_structured_logging
 from synapse.logging.context import LoggingContextFilter
 from synapse.logging.filter import MetadataFilter
@@ -138,6 +137,12 @@ Support for the log_file configuration option and --log-file command-line option
 removed in Synapse 1.3.0. You should instead set up a separate log configuration file.
+Support for the structured configuration option was removed in Synapse 1.54.0.
+You should instead use the standard logging configuration. See
 class LoggingConfig(Config):
     section = "logging"
@@ -292,10 +297,9 @@ def _load_logging_config(log_config_path: str) -> None:
     if not log_config:
         logging.warning("Loaded a blank logging config?")
-    # If the old structured logging configuration is being used, convert it to
-    # the new style configuration.
+    # If the old structured logging configuration is being used, raise an error.
     if "structured" in log_config and log_config.get("structured"):
-        log_config = setup_structured_logging(log_config)
+        raise ConfigError(STRUCTURED_ERROR)
diff --git a/synapse/logging/_structured.py b/synapse/logging/_structured.py
deleted file mode 100644
index b9933a1528478f6c25afabe4db5e753c667e9a58..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/synapse/logging/_structured.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,163 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2019 The Matrix.org Foundation C.I.C.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import os.path
-from typing import Any, Dict, Generator, Optional, Tuple
-from constantly import NamedConstant, Names
-from synapse.config._base import ConfigError
-class DrainType(Names):
-    CONSOLE = NamedConstant()
-    CONSOLE_JSON = NamedConstant()
-    CONSOLE_JSON_TERSE = NamedConstant()
-    FILE = NamedConstant()
-    FILE_JSON = NamedConstant()
-    NETWORK_JSON_TERSE = NamedConstant()
-DEFAULT_LOGGERS = {"synapse": {"level": "info"}}
-def parse_drain_configs(
-    drains: dict,
-) -> Generator[Tuple[str, Dict[str, Any]], None, None]:
-    """
-    Parse the drain configurations.
-    Args:
-        drains (dict): A list of drain configurations.
-    Yields:
-        dict instances representing a logging handler.
-    Raises:
-        ConfigError: If any of the drain configuration items are invalid.
-    """
-    for name, config in drains.items():
-        if "type" not in config:
-            raise ConfigError("Logging drains require a 'type' key.")
-        try:
-            logging_type = DrainType.lookupByName(config["type"].upper())
-        except ValueError:
-            raise ConfigError(
-                "%s is not a known logging drain type." % (config["type"],)
-            )
-        # Either use the default formatter or the tersejson one.
-        if logging_type in (
-            DrainType.CONSOLE_JSON,
-            DrainType.FILE_JSON,
-        ):
-            formatter: Optional[str] = "json"
-        elif logging_type in (
-            DrainType.CONSOLE_JSON_TERSE,
-            DrainType.NETWORK_JSON_TERSE,
-        ):
-            formatter = "tersejson"
-        else:
-            # A formatter of None implies using the default formatter.
-            formatter = None
-        if logging_type in [
-            DrainType.CONSOLE,
-            DrainType.CONSOLE_JSON,
-            DrainType.CONSOLE_JSON_TERSE,
-        ]:
-            location = config.get("location")
-            if location is None or location not in ["stdout", "stderr"]:
-                raise ConfigError(
-                    (
-                        "The %s drain needs the 'location' key set to "
-                        "either 'stdout' or 'stderr'."
-                    )
-                    % (logging_type,)
-                )
-            yield name, {
-                "class": "logging.StreamHandler",
-                "formatter": formatter,
-                "stream": "ext://sys." + location,
-            }
-        elif logging_type in [DrainType.FILE, DrainType.FILE_JSON]:
-            if "location" not in config:
-                raise ConfigError(
-                    "The %s drain needs the 'location' key set." % (logging_type,)
-                )
-            location = config.get("location")
-            if os.path.abspath(location) != location:
-                raise ConfigError(
-                    "File paths need to be absolute, '%s' is a relative path"
-                    % (location,)
-                )
-            yield name, {
-                "class": "logging.FileHandler",
-                "formatter": formatter,
-                "filename": location,
-            }
-        elif logging_type in [DrainType.NETWORK_JSON_TERSE]:
-            host = config.get("host")
-            port = config.get("port")
-            maximum_buffer = config.get("maximum_buffer", 1000)
-            yield name, {
-                "class": "synapse.logging.RemoteHandler",
-                "formatter": formatter,
-                "host": host,
-                "port": port,
-                "maximum_buffer": maximum_buffer,
-            }
-        else:
-            raise ConfigError(
-                "The %s drain type is currently not implemented."
-                % (config["type"].upper(),)
-            )
-def setup_structured_logging(
-    log_config: dict,
-) -> dict:
-    """
-    Convert a legacy structured logging configuration (from Synapse < v1.23.0)
-    to one compatible with the new standard library handlers.
-    """
-    if "drains" not in log_config:
-        raise ConfigError("The logging configuration requires a list of drains.")
-    new_config = {
-        "version": 1,
-        "formatters": {
-            "json": {"class": "synapse.logging.JsonFormatter"},
-            "tersejson": {"class": "synapse.logging.TerseJsonFormatter"},
-        },
-        "handlers": {},
-        "loggers": log_config.get("loggers", DEFAULT_LOGGERS),
-        "root": {"handlers": []},
-    }
-    for handler_name, handler in parse_drain_configs(log_config["drains"]):
-        new_config["handlers"][handler_name] = handler
-        # Add each handler to the root logger.
-        new_config["root"]["handlers"].append(handler_name)
-    return new_config