diff --git a/.buildkite/.env b/.buildkite/.env
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..85b102d07fff29eee22d72ac51c76d65e4103402
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.buildkite/.env
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
diff --git a/.buildkite/docker-compose.py27.pg94.yaml b/.buildkite/docker-compose.py27.pg94.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2d4b9eadd99b5f07d31dc6a2d55f6a1cf6a30298
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.buildkite/docker-compose.py27.pg94.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+version: '3.1'
+  postgres:
+    image: postgres:9.4
+    environment:
+      POSTGRES_PASSWORD: postgres
+  testenv:
+    image: python:2.7
+    depends_on:
+      - postgres
+    env_file: .env
+    environment:
+      SYNAPSE_POSTGRES_HOST: postgres
+      SYNAPSE_POSTGRES_USER: postgres
+    working_dir: /app
+    volumes:
+      - ..:/app
diff --git a/.buildkite/docker-compose.py27.pg95.yaml b/.buildkite/docker-compose.py27.pg95.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c6a41f1da0f9413f0acba0c95e83e2434c9dba60
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.buildkite/docker-compose.py27.pg95.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+version: '3.1'
+  postgres:
+    image: postgres:9.5
+    environment:
+      POSTGRES_PASSWORD: postgres
+  testenv:
+    image: python:2.7
+    depends_on:
+      - postgres
+    env_file: .env
+    environment:
+      SYNAPSE_POSTGRES_HOST: postgres
+      SYNAPSE_POSTGRES_USER: postgres
+    working_dir: /app
+    volumes:
+      - ..:/app
diff --git a/.buildkite/docker-compose.py35.pg94.yaml b/.buildkite/docker-compose.py35.pg94.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..978aedd1159e00c7f8ccbe72b4f82c4a2d166b8e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.buildkite/docker-compose.py35.pg94.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+version: '3.1'
+  postgres:
+    image: postgres:9.4
+    environment:
+      POSTGRES_PASSWORD: postgres
+  testenv:
+    image: python:3.5
+    depends_on:
+      - postgres
+    env_file: .env
+    environment:
+      SYNAPSE_POSTGRES_HOST: postgres
+      SYNAPSE_POSTGRES_USER: postgres
+    working_dir: /app
+    volumes:
+      - ..:/app
diff --git a/.buildkite/docker-compose.py35.pg95.yaml b/.buildkite/docker-compose.py35.pg95.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2f14387fbc37f40c4e748cd9dc90ed00283f1cf1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.buildkite/docker-compose.py35.pg95.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+version: '3.1'
+  postgres:
+    image: postgres:9.5
+    environment:
+      POSTGRES_PASSWORD: postgres
+  testenv:
+    image: python:3.5
+    depends_on:
+      - postgres
+    env_file: .env
+    environment:
+      SYNAPSE_POSTGRES_HOST: postgres
+      SYNAPSE_POSTGRES_USER: postgres
+    working_dir: /app
+    volumes:
+      - ..:/app
diff --git a/.buildkite/docker-compose.py37.pg11.yaml b/.buildkite/docker-compose.py37.pg11.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f3eec05ceb52942074a54d960a1bc60762d35bfd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.buildkite/docker-compose.py37.pg11.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+version: '3.1'
+  postgres:
+    image: postgres:11
+    environment:
+      POSTGRES_PASSWORD: postgres
+  testenv:
+    image: python:3.7
+    depends_on:
+      - postgres
+    env_file: .env
+    environment:
+      SYNAPSE_POSTGRES_HOST: postgres
+      SYNAPSE_POSTGRES_USER: postgres
+    working_dir: /app
+    volumes:
+      - ..:/app
diff --git a/.buildkite/docker-compose.py37.pg95.yaml b/.buildkite/docker-compose.py37.pg95.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2a41db8eba902860c85d18767447ce9c8cb00b0e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.buildkite/docker-compose.py37.pg95.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+version: '3.1'
+  postgres:
+    image: postgres:9.5
+    environment:
+      POSTGRES_PASSWORD: postgres
+  testenv:
+    image: python:3.7
+    depends_on:
+      - postgres
+    env_file: .env
+    environment:
+      SYNAPSE_POSTGRES_HOST: postgres
+      SYNAPSE_POSTGRES_USER: postgres
+    working_dir: /app
+    volumes:
+      - ..:/app
diff --git a/.buildkite/pipeline.yml b/.buildkite/pipeline.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..24f22c85b460281c82d9053a327e588d147c2565
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.buildkite/pipeline.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
+  CODECOV_TOKEN: "2dd7eb9b-0eda-45fe-a47c-9b5ac040045f"
+  - command:
+      - "python -m pip install tox"
+      - "tox -e pep8"
+    label: "\U0001F9F9 PEP-8"
+    plugins:
+      - docker#v3.0.1:
+          image: "python:3.6"
+  - command:
+      - "python -m pip install tox"
+      - "tox -e packaging"
+    label: "\U0001F9F9 packaging"
+    plugins:
+      - docker#v3.0.1:
+          image: "python:3.6"
+  - command:
+      - "python -m pip install tox"
+      - "tox -e check_isort"
+    label: "\U0001F9F9 isort"
+    plugins:
+      - docker#v3.0.1:
+          image: "python:3.6"
+  - command:
+      - "python -m pip install tox"
+      - "scripts-dev/check-newsfragment"
+    label: ":newspaper: Newsfile"
+    branches: "!master !develop !release-*"
+    plugins:
+      - docker#v3.0.1:
+          image: "python:3.6"
+          propagate-environment: true
+  - wait
+  - command:
+      - "python -m pip install tox"
+      - "tox -e py27,codecov"
+    label: ":python: 2.7 / SQLite"
+    env:
+      TRIAL_FLAGS: "-j 2"
+    plugins:
+      - docker#v3.0.1:
+          image: "python:2.7"
+          propagate-environment: true
+  - command:
+      - "python -m pip install tox"
+      - "tox -e py35,codecov"
+    label: ":python: 3.5 / SQLite"
+    env:
+      TRIAL_FLAGS: "-j 2"
+    plugins:
+      - docker#v3.0.1:
+          image: "python:3.5"
+          propagate-environment: true
+  - command:
+      - "python -m pip install tox"
+      - "tox -e py36,codecov"
+    label: ":python: 3.6 / SQLite"
+    env:
+      TRIAL_FLAGS: "-j 2"
+    plugins:
+      - docker#v3.0.1:
+          image: "python:3.6"
+          propagate-environment: true
+  - command:
+      - "python -m pip install tox"
+      - "tox -e py37,codecov"
+    label: ":python: 3.7 / SQLite"
+    env:
+      TRIAL_FLAGS: "-j 2"
+    plugins:
+      - docker#v3.0.1:
+          image: "python:3.7"
+          propagate-environment: true
+  - label: ":python: 2.7 / :postgres: 9.4"
+    env:
+      TRIAL_FLAGS: "-j 4"
+    command:
+      - "bash -c 'python -m pip install tox && python -m tox -e py27-postgres,codecov'"
+    plugins:
+      - docker-compose#v2.1.0:
+          run: testenv
+          config:
+            - .buildkite/docker-compose.py27.pg94.yaml
+  - label: ":python: 2.7 / :postgres: 9.5"
+    env:
+      TRIAL_FLAGS: "-j 4"
+    command:
+      - "bash -c 'python -m pip install tox && python -m tox -e py27-postgres,codecov'"
+    plugins:
+      - docker-compose#v2.1.0:
+          run: testenv
+          config:
+            - .buildkite/docker-compose.py27.pg95.yaml
+  - label: ":python: 3.5 / :postgres: 9.4"
+    env:
+      TRIAL_FLAGS: "-j 4"
+    command:
+      - "bash -c 'python -m pip install tox && python -m tox -e py35-postgres,codecov'"
+    plugins:
+      - docker-compose#v2.1.0:
+          run: testenv
+          config:
+            - .buildkite/docker-compose.py35.pg94.yaml
+  - label: ":python: 3.5 / :postgres: 9.5"
+    env:
+      TRIAL_FLAGS: "-j 4"
+    command:
+      - "bash -c 'python -m pip install tox && python -m tox -e py35-postgres,codecov'"
+    plugins:
+      - docker-compose#v2.1.0:
+          run: testenv
+          config:
+            - .buildkite/docker-compose.py35.pg95.yaml
+  - label: ":python: 3.7 / :postgres: 9.5"
+    env:
+      TRIAL_FLAGS: "-j 4"
+    command:
+      - "bash -c 'python -m pip install tox && python -m tox -e py37-postgres,codecov'"
+    plugins:
+      - docker-compose#v2.1.0:
+          run: testenv
+          config:
+            - .buildkite/docker-compose.py37.pg95.yaml
+  - label: ":python: 3.7 / :postgres: 11"
+    env:
+      TRIAL_FLAGS: "-j 4"
+    command:
+      - "bash -c 'python -m pip install tox && python -m tox -e py37-postgres,codecov'"
+    plugins:
+      - docker-compose#v2.1.0:
+          run: testenv
+          config:
+            - .buildkite/docker-compose.py37.pg11.yaml
diff --git a/.travis.yml b/.travis.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 0d0fa7082a5125545077d341621b8cd9e5e3e93e..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/.travis.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,97 +0,0 @@
-dist: xenial
-language: python
-  directories:
-    # we only bother to cache the wheels; parts of the http cache get
-    # invalidated every build (because they get served with a max-age of 600
-    # seconds), which means that we end up re-uploading the whole cache for
-    # every build, which is time-consuming In any case, it's not obvious that
-    # downloading the cache from S3 would be much faster than downloading the
-    # originals from pypi.
-    #
-    - $HOME/.cache/pip/wheels
-# don't clone the whole repo history, one commit will do
-  depth: 1
-# only build branches we care about (PRs are built seperately)
-  only:
-    - master
-    - develop
-    - /^release-v/
-    - rav/pg95
-# When running the tox environments that call Twisted Trial, we can pass the -j
-# flag to run the tests concurrently. We set this to 2 for CPU bound tests
-# (SQLite) and 4 for I/O bound tests (PostgreSQL).
-  fast_finish: true
-  include:
-  - name: "pep8"
-    python: 3.6
-    env: TOX_ENV="pep8,check_isort,packaging"
-  - name: "py2.7 / sqlite"
-    python: 2.7
-    env: TOX_ENV=py27,codecov TRIAL_FLAGS="-j 2"
-  - name: "py2.7 / sqlite / olddeps"
-    python: 2.7
-    env: TOX_ENV=py27-old TRIAL_FLAGS="-j 2"
-  - name: "py2.7 / postgres9.5"
-    python: 2.7
-    addons:
-      postgresql: "9.5"
-    env: TOX_ENV=py27-postgres,codecov TRIAL_FLAGS="-j 4"
-    services:
-      - postgresql
-  - name: "py3.5 / sqlite"
-    python: 3.5
-    env: TOX_ENV=py35,codecov TRIAL_FLAGS="-j 2"
-  - name: "py3.7 / sqlite"
-    python: 3.7
-    env: TOX_ENV=py37,codecov TRIAL_FLAGS="-j 2"
-  - name: "py3.7 / postgres9.4"
-    python: 3.7
-    addons:
-      postgresql: "9.4"
-    env: TOX_ENV=py37-postgres TRIAL_FLAGS="-j 4"
-    services:
-      - postgresql
-  - name: "py3.7 / postgres9.5"
-    python: 3.7
-    addons:
-      postgresql: "9.5"
-    env: TOX_ENV=py37-postgres,codecov TRIAL_FLAGS="-j 4"
-    services:
-      - postgresql
-  - # we only need to check for the newsfragment if it's a PR build
-    if: type = pull_request
-    name: "check-newsfragment"
-    python: 3.6
-    script: scripts-dev/check-newsfragment
-  # this just logs the postgres version we will be testing against (if any)
-  - psql -At -U postgres -c 'select version();' || true
-  - pip install tox
-  # if we don't have python3.6 in this environment, travis unhelpfully gives us
-  # a `python3.6` on our path which does nothing but spit out a warning. Tox
-  # tries to run it (even if we're not running a py36 env), so the build logs
-  # then have warnings which look like errors. To reduce the noise, remove the
-  # non-functional python3.6.
-  - ( ! command -v python3.6 || python3.6 --version ) &>/dev/null || rm -f $(command -v python3.6)
-  - tox -e $TOX_ENV
diff --git a/MANIFEST.in b/MANIFEST.in
index eb2de60f723f0bfbcb6939724cc858feb0109f66..0500dd6b876a99ebdc1c06ec7a06619173a58e2c 100644
--- a/MANIFEST.in
+++ b/MANIFEST.in
@@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ prune .circleci
 prune .coveragerc
 prune debian
 prune .codecov.yml
+prune .buildkite
 exclude jenkins*
 recursive-exclude jenkins *.sh
diff --git a/changelog.d/4752.misc b/changelog.d/4752.misc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..fb1e76edcec013c1f64b33b9d2da404e9749ab4e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/changelog.d/4752.misc
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+Change from TravisCI to Buildkite for CI.
diff --git a/synapse/server.pyi b/synapse/server.pyi
index 06cd083a74894e7414f7268414134b4d4cfc2d16..fb8df56cd5d432e09bee99fd444757a2d4a5a5b2 100644
--- a/synapse/server.pyi
+++ b/synapse/server.pyi
@@ -7,9 +7,9 @@ import synapse.handlers.auth
 import synapse.handlers.deactivate_account
 import synapse.handlers.device
 import synapse.handlers.e2e_keys
+import synapse.handlers.message
 import synapse.handlers.room
 import synapse.handlers.room_member
-import synapse.handlers.message
 import synapse.handlers.set_password
 import synapse.rest.media.v1.media_repository
 import synapse.server_notices.server_notices_manager
diff --git a/tests/utils.py b/tests/utils.py
index e8ab31252854d887e5e5d23b50dde5a1359eb2bd..cf49833a4310504a20f7e204adf39b0b20c3a8df 100644
--- a/tests/utils.py
+++ b/tests/utils.py
@@ -45,7 +45,9 @@ from synapse.util.ratelimitutils import FederationRateLimiter
 # set this to True to run the tests against postgres instead of sqlite.
 LEAVE_DB = os.environ.get("SYNAPSE_LEAVE_DB", False)
-POSTGRES_USER = os.environ.get("SYNAPSE_POSTGRES_USER", "postgres")
 POSTGRES_BASE_DB = "_synapse_unit_tests_base_%s" % (os.getpid(),)
@@ -58,6 +60,8 @@ def setupdb():
             "args": {
                 "database": POSTGRES_BASE_DB,
                 "user": POSTGRES_USER,
+                "host": POSTGRES_HOST,
+                "password": POSTGRES_PASSWORD,
                 "cp_min": 1,
                 "cp_max": 5,
@@ -66,7 +70,9 @@ def setupdb():
         config.password_providers = []
         config.database_config = pgconfig
         db_engine = create_engine(pgconfig)
-        db_conn = db_engine.module.connect(user=POSTGRES_USER)
+        db_conn = db_engine.module.connect(
+        )
         db_conn.autocommit = True
         cur = db_conn.cursor()
         cur.execute("DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS %s;" % (POSTGRES_BASE_DB,))
@@ -76,7 +82,10 @@ def setupdb():
         # Set up in the db
         db_conn = db_engine.module.connect(
-            database=POSTGRES_BASE_DB, user=POSTGRES_USER
+            database=POSTGRES_BASE_DB,
+            user=POSTGRES_USER,
+            host=POSTGRES_HOST,
+            password=POSTGRES_PASSWORD,
         cur = db_conn.cursor()
         _get_or_create_schema_state(cur, db_engine)
@@ -86,7 +95,9 @@ def setupdb():
         def _cleanup():
-            db_conn = db_engine.module.connect(user=POSTGRES_USER)
+            db_conn = db_engine.module.connect(
+                user=POSTGRES_USER, host=POSTGRES_HOST, password=POSTGRES_PASSWORD
+            )
             db_conn.autocommit = True
             cur = db_conn.cursor()
             cur.execute("DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS %s;" % (POSTGRES_BASE_DB,))
@@ -206,7 +217,14 @@ def setup_test_homeserver(
         config.database_config = {
             "name": "psycopg2",
-            "args": {"database": test_db, "cp_min": 1, "cp_max": 5},
+            "args": {
+                "database": test_db,
+                "host": POSTGRES_HOST,
+                "password": POSTGRES_PASSWORD,
+                "user": POSTGRES_USER,
+                "cp_min": 1,
+                "cp_max": 5,
+            },
         config.database_config = {
@@ -220,7 +238,10 @@ def setup_test_homeserver(
     # the template database we generate in setupdb()
     if datastore is None and isinstance(db_engine, PostgresEngine):
         db_conn = db_engine.module.connect(
-            database=POSTGRES_BASE_DB, user=POSTGRES_USER
+            database=POSTGRES_BASE_DB,
+            user=POSTGRES_USER,
+            host=POSTGRES_HOST,
+            password=POSTGRES_PASSWORD,
         db_conn.autocommit = True
         cur = db_conn.cursor()
@@ -270,7 +291,10 @@ def setup_test_homeserver(
                 # Drop the test database
                 db_conn = db_engine.module.connect(
-                    database=POSTGRES_BASE_DB, user=POSTGRES_USER
+                    database=POSTGRES_BASE_DB,
+                    user=POSTGRES_USER,
+                    host=POSTGRES_HOST,
+                    password=POSTGRES_PASSWORD,
                 db_conn.autocommit = True
                 cur = db_conn.cursor()
@@ -492,7 +516,7 @@ class MockClock(object):
         return t
     def looping_call(self, function, interval):
-        self.loopers.append([function, interval / 1000., self.now])
+        self.loopers.append([function, interval / 1000.0, self.now])
     def cancel_call_later(self, timer, ignore_errs=False):
         if timer[2]:
@@ -528,7 +552,7 @@ class MockClock(object):
                 looped[2] = self.now
     def advance_time_msec(self, ms):
-        self.advance_time(ms / 1000.)
+        self.advance_time(ms / 1000.0)
     def time_bound_deferred(self, d, *args, **kwargs):
         # We don't bother timing things out for now.
@@ -637,7 +661,7 @@ def create_room(hs, room_id, creator_id):
             "sender": creator_id,
             "room_id": room_id,
             "content": {},
-        }
+        },
     event, context = yield event_creation_handler.create_new_client_event(builder)