pukkandan authored
* Automate more of the release process by animelover1984, pukkandan - closes #823 * Fix sha256 by nihil-admirari - closes #385 * Bring back brew taps by nao20010128nao #865 * Provide `--onedir` zip for windows by pukkandan - Closes #1024, #661, #705 and #890 Authored by: pukkandan, animelover1984, nihil-admirari, nao20010128nao
pukkandan authored* Automate more of the release process by animelover1984, pukkandan - closes #823 * Fix sha256 by nihil-admirari - closes #385 * Bring back brew taps by nao20010128nao #865 * Provide `--onedir` zip for windows by pukkandan - Closes #1024, #661, #705 and #890 Authored by: pukkandan, animelover1984, nihil-admirari, nao20010128nao
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