# usage: [options]
# -f p, --file p translate theory from file p
# -t h, --theory h translate theory t
# -o p, --output p write translation to file p
printf "NAME: pvs2dk --- Translate PVS specifications to Dedukti
-t Name of the theory to translate
-o Target file of the translation
Translate a PVS theory to lambdapi, an implementation of λΠ/R. It
translates only declarations, definitions and propositions, proofs are
not translated.
PVS filepaths are ALWAYS relative to the root of PVS. This restriction
is imposed by PVS (which uses a environment variable PVSPATH).
pvs2dk -f lib/prelude.pvs -t booleans -o booleans.lp
Translate the theory $(ansi 4 booleans) in file $(ansi 4 booleans.pvs)
to the file $(ansi 4 booleans.lp)
case "$o" in
f) file="$(realpath "${OPTARG}")" ;;
t) theory="${OPTARG}" ;;
o) output="${OPTARG}" ;;
output="$(realpath "$(dirname "${output}")")/$(basename "${output}")"
pvscmd="(prettyprint-dedukti \"${file}#${theory}\" \"${output}\")"