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Commit 1ccf8b9c authored by hondet's avatar hondet
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add pipeline

parent 08c282ed
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*.lpo *.lpo
log-lp.txt log-lp.txt
log-lsp.txt log-lsp.txt
ROOT = pipe
.include "../"
.include "../"
File moved
(name pipe)
(libraries feather cmdliner))
(lang dune 2.9)
(name psnj_pipe)
(generate_opam_files true)
(name psnj_pipe)
(synopsis "Pipeline for personoj")
(depends cmdliner feather))
open Feather
open Feather.Infix
let process src proveit qfo_conf =
(* Define commands *)
let proveit = process proveit [ "--traces"; "-l"; src ]
and keepjson = process "perl" [ "-ne"; "print if /^\\{.*\\}$/" ]
and mkprops =
process "jq"
{d|"symbol {|" + .name + "!" + (.incr | tostring) + "|}: " + .dk + ";"|d};
and mkdeps =
process "jq" [ "-r"; {|(.name + "!" + (.incr | tostring)), .path|} ]
and dopth = process "dopth" []
and chainprops depfile = process "psnj-chainprops" [ depfile ]
and foise = process "psnj-qfo" [qfo_conf] in
let logfile = Filename.remove_extension src ^ ".log" in
let depfile = Filename.(temp_file (remove_extension src) ".dep") in
(* Run commands *)
run (proveit > "/dev/null");
let json = collect stdout (cat logfile |. keepjson) in
run (echo json |. mkdeps |. dopth > depfile);
let propositions =
collect stdout (echo json |. mkprops |. chainprops depfile |. foise)
Format.printf "%s" propositions
open Cmdliner
let src =
let doc = "Rerun proofs of file $(docv) and record log" in
Arg.(required & pos 0 (some string) None & info [] ~doc ~docv:"PVS")
let proveit =
let doc = "Path to the proveit script" in
Arg.(value & opt string "proveit" & info [ "proveit" ] ~doc)
let qfo_conf =
let doc = "Configuration for QFO" in
Arg.(value & opt string "qfo.json" & info [ "qfo" ] ~doc)
let cmd =
let exits = Term.default_exits in
let doc = "Pipeline for personoj" in
( Term.(const process $ src $ proveit $ qfo_conf),
Term.(info "psnj-pipe" ~exits ~doc) )
let () = Term.(exit @@ eval cmd)
# This file is generated by dune, edit dune-project instead
opam-version: "2.0"
synopsis: "Pipeline for personoj"
depends: [
"dune" {>= "2.9"}
"odoc" {with-doc}
build: [
["dune" "subst"] {dev}
"@runtest" {with-test}
"@doc" {with-doc}
["dune" "install" "-p" name "--create-install-files" name]
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