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Commit 82277a01 authored by gabrielhdt's avatar gabrielhdt
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commented unvalid prelude

parent a49f7637
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require open personoj.encodings.cert_f
require personoj.adlib.subtype as S
require open personoj.encodings.lhol
require open personoj.encodings.pvs_cert
require open personoj.encodings.bool_hol
require open personoj.encodings.prenex
require open personoj.prelude.logic
// functions [D, R: TYPE]
......@@ -11,55 +11,55 @@ require personoj.adlib.subtype as S
// extensionality_postulate (D R: Term uType) (f g: Term (D ~> R))
// : Term (biff (forall (λx: Term D, f x = g ) (f = g)))
definition {|injective?|} {D} {R} (f: Term (D ~> R)) ≔
forall (λx1, forall (λx2, imp (f x1 = f x2) (x1 = x2)))
// definition {|injective?|} {D} {R} (f: Term (D ~> R)) ≔
// forall (λx1, forall (λx2, imp (f x1 = f x2) (x1 = x2)))
definition {|surjective?|} {D: Term uType} {R: Term uType} (f: Term (D ~> R)) ≔
forall (λy, ∃ (λx, (f x) = y))
// definition {|surjective?|} {D: Term uType} {R: Term uType} (f: Term (D ~> R)) ≔
// forall (λy, ∃ (λx, (f x) = y))
definition {|bijective?|} {D: Term uType} {R: Term uType} (f: Term (D ~> R)) ≔
({|injective?|} f) ∧ ({|surjective?|} f)
// definition {|bijective?|} {D: Term uType} {R: Term uType} (f: Term (D ~> R)) ≔
// ({|injective?|} f) ∧ ({|surjective?|} f)
theorem bij_is_inj {D: Term uType} {R: Term uType}:
Term (Psub {D ~> R} {|bijective?|} ⊑ Psub {D ~> R} {|injective?|})
// theorem bij_is_inj {D: Term uType} {R: Term uType}:
// Term (Psub {D ~> R} {|bijective?|} ⊑ Psub {D ~> R} {|injective?|})
// proof
// admit
theorem bij_is_surj {D: Term uType} {R: Term uType}:
Term (Psub {D ~> R} {|bijective?|} ⊑ Psub {D ~> R} {|surjective?|})
// theorem bij_is_surj {D: Term uType} {R: Term uType}:
// Term (Psub {D ~> R} {|bijective?|} ⊑ Psub {D ~> R} {|surjective?|})
// proof
// admit
symbol domain {D: Term uType} {R: Term uType} (f: Term (D ~> R)): Term uType
rule domain {$D} {_} _ ↪ $D
// symbol domain {D: Term uType} {R: Term uType} (f: Term (D ~> R)): Term uType
// rule domain {$D} {_} _ ↪ $D
// restrict[T: TYPE, S: TYPE FROM T, R: TYPE]
symbol restrict {T: Term uType} (S: Term uType) {R: Term uType}
(f: Term (T ~> R)) (_: Term (S ⊑ T)) (s: Term S):
Term R
rule restrict {$T} _ {_} $f $pr $s ↪ $f (↑ $T $pr $s)
// //
// // restrict[T: TYPE, S: TYPE FROM T, R: TYPE]
// //
// symbol restrict {T: Term uType} (S: Term uType) {R: Term uType}
// (f: Term (T ~> R)) (_: Term (S ⊑ T)) (s: Term S):
// Term R
// rule restrict {$T} _ {_} $f $pr $s ↪ $f (↑ $T $pr $s)
theorem injective_restrict {T} S {R} (f: Term (T ~> R)) (pr: Term (S ⊑ T)):
Term ({|injective?|} f) → Term ({|injective?|} (restrict S f pr))
// theorem injective_restrict {T} S {R} (f: Term (T ~> R)) (pr: Term (S ⊑ T)):
// Term ({|injective?|} f) → Term ({|injective?|} (restrict S f pr))
// proof
// admit
// restrict_props[T: TYPE, R: TYPE]
// //
// // restrict_props[T: TYPE, R: TYPE]
// //
theorem restrict_full {T: Term uType} {R: Term uType} (f: Term (T ~> R)):
Term (eq {T ~> R} (restrict {T} T {R} f (S.refl T)) f)
// theorem restrict_full {T: Term uType} {R: Term uType} (f: Term (T ~> R)):
// Term (eq {T ~> R} (restrict {T} T {R} f (S.refl T)) f)
// proof
// admit
// extend[T: TYPE, S: TYPE FROM T, R: TYPE, d: R]
// //
// // extend[T: TYPE, S: TYPE FROM T, R: TYPE, d: R]
// //
definition extend {T: Term uType}
(s_pred: Term (pred T)) {R: Term uType} (d: Term R)
(f: Term (Psub s_pred ~> R)) (t: Term T) (pr: Term (s_pred t)) ≔
if (s_pred t) (f (↓ s_pred t pr)) d
// definition extend {T: Term uType}
// (s_pred: Term (pred T)) {R: Term uType} (d: Term R)
// (f: Term (Psub s_pred ~> R)) (t: Term T) (pr: Term (s_pred t)) ≔
// if (s_pred t) (f (↓ s_pred t pr)) d
require personoj.adlib.subtype as S
require open personoj.encodings.cert_f
require open personoj.encodings.lhol
require open personoj.encodings.pvs_cert
require open personoj.encodings.bool_hol
require open personoj.encodings.prenex
require open personoj.prelude.logic
// Theory numbers
constant symbol number: Term uType
// Theory number_fields
symbol field_pred: Term number → Univ Prop
definition number_field ≔ Psub field_pred
// number_field is an uninterpreted subtype
definition numfield ≔ number_field
symbol {|+|}: Term numfield → Term numfield → Term numfield
set infix left 6 "+" ≔ {|+|}
symbol {|-|}: Term numfield → Term numfield → Term numfield
set infix left 6 "-" ≔ {|-|}
// Other way to extend type of functions,
symbol ty_plus: Term uType → Term uType → Term uType
symbol polyplus {T: Term uType} {U: Term uType}
: Term T → Term U → Term (ty_plus T U)
// plus is defined on numfield
rule ty_plus numfield numfield ↪ numfield
symbol commutativ_add (x y: Term numfield): Term ((x + y) = (y + x))
symbol associative_add (x y z: Term numfield): Term (x + (y + z) = (x + y) + z)
// FIXME add a cast on zero?
// symbol identity_add (x: Term numfield): Term (x + zero = x)
// reals
symbol real_pred: Term (pred numfield)
definition real ≔ Psub real_pred
theorem real_not_empty: Term (∃ real_pred)
proof admit
constant symbol zero : Term real
// Built in the PVS typechecker
definition nonzero_real_pred ≔ neq zero
definition nonzero_real ≔ Psub nonzero_real_pred
theorem nonzero_real_not_empty: Term (∃ nonzero_real_pred)
proof admit
definition nzreal ≔ nonzero_real
symbol closed_plus_real: Π(x y: Term real),
let pr ≔ S.restr numfield real_pred in
let xnf ≔ ↑ numfield pr x in
let ynf ≔ ↑ numfield pr y in
Term (real_pred (xnf + ynf))
// hint Term $x ≡ Univ Type ↪ $x ≡ uType
// With polymorphic plus
rule ty_plus real real ↪ real
symbol lt (x y: Term real): Term bool
set infix 6 "<" ≔ lt
definition leq (x y: Term real) ≔ (lt x y) ∨ (eq {real} x y)
set infix 6 "<=" ≔ leq
definition gt (x y: Term real) ≔ y < x
set infix 7 ">" ≔ gt
definition geq (x y: Term real) ≔ leq y x
set infix 7 ">=" ≔ geq
// real_axioms
// ...
// rationals
symbol rational_pred: Term (pred real)
definition rational ≔ Psub rational_pred
definition rat ≔ rational
theorem rational_not_empty: Term (∃ rational_pred)
proof admit
// Typically a TCC
theorem rat_is_real: Term (rational ⊑ real)
refine S.restr real rational_pred
// hint Psub $x ⊑ $y ≡ rational ⊑ real ↪ $x ≡ rational_pred, $y ≡ real
theorem rat_is_real_auto: Term (rational ⊑ real)
apply S.restr _ _
definition nonzero_rational_pred (x: Term rational): Term bool ≔
neq zero (↑ real rat_is_real x)
definition nonzero_rational ≔ Psub nonzero_rational_pred
definition nzrat ≔ nonzero_rational
symbol closed_plus_rat (x y: Term rat):
let xreal ≔ ↑ real rat_is_real x in
let yreal ≔ ↑ real rat_is_real y in
let xnf ≔ ↑ numfield (S.restr numfield real_pred) xreal in
let ynf ≔ ↑ numfield (S.restr numfield real_pred) yreal in
let sum ≔ xnf + ynf in
Term (rational_pred (↓ real_pred sum (closed_plus_real xreal yreal)))
rule ty_plus rat rat ↪ rat
definition nonneg_rat_pred (x: Term rational) ≔ (↑ real rat_is_real x) >= zero
definition nonneg_rat ≔ Psub nonneg_rat_pred
theorem nonneg_rat_is_real: Term (nonneg_rat ⊑ real)
refine S.trans nonneg_rat rational real ?nnr_is_r ?r_is_r
focus 1
apply rat_is_real
apply S.restr rational nonneg_rat_pred
definition posrat_pred (x: Term nonneg_rat) ≔ (↑ real nonneg_rat_is_real x) > zero
definition posrat ≔ Psub posrat_pred
symbol div: Term real → Term nonzero_real → Term real
set infix left 8 "/" ≔ div
/// NOTE: any expression of the type below would generate a TCC to prove
// that posrat is a nzrat
type λ (r: Term real) (q: Term posrat), r / (↑ nzreal _ q)
theorem posrat_is_nzreal: Term (posrat ⊑ nzreal)
// but PVS prefers to state that posrat is nzrat
theorem posrat_is_nzrat: Term (posrat ⊑ nzrat)
refine S.sub nonzero_rational_pred posrat ?R ?P1 ?Fa
refine λx, x // Trivial proof that rational and posrat have the same root
refine S.trans posrat nonneg_rat rat ?R1 ?R2
apply S.restr nonneg_rat posrat_pred
apply S.restr rational nonneg_rat_pred
assume x
// TODO finish this proof
type λ (r: Term real) (q: Term posrat), r /
(↑ nzreal _ (↑ nzrat posrat_is_nzrat q))
// integers
symbol integer_pred: Term (pred rational)
definition integer ≔ Psub integer_pred
// Proof of existence because NONEMPTY_TYPE
theorem integer_not_empty: Term (∃ integer_pred)
definition int ≔ integer
// constant symbol number: Term uType
// //
// // Theory number_fields
// //
// symbol field_pred: Term number → Univ Prop
// definition number_field ≔ Psub field_pred
// // number_field is an uninterpreted subtype
// definition numfield ≔ number_field
// symbol {|+|}: Term numfield → Term numfield → Term numfield
// set infix left 6 "+" ≔ {|+|}
// symbol {|-|}: Term numfield → Term numfield → Term numfield
// set infix left 6 "-" ≔ {|-|}
// // Other way to extend type of functions,
// symbol ty_plus: Term uType → Term uType → Term uType
// symbol polyplus {T: Term uType} {U: Term uType}
// : Term T → Term U → Term (ty_plus T U)
// // plus is defined on numfield
// rule ty_plus numfield numfield ↪ numfield
// symbol commutativ_add (x y: Term numfield): Term ((x + y) = (y + x))
// symbol associative_add (x y z: Term numfield): Term (x + (y + z) = (x + y) + z)
// // FIXME add a cast on zero?
// // symbol identity_add (x: Term numfield): Term (x + zero = x)
// //
// // reals
// //
// symbol real_pred: Term (pred numfield)
// definition real ≔ Psub real_pred
// theorem real_not_empty: Term (∃ real_pred)
// proof admit
// constant symbol zero : Term real
// // Built in the PVS typechecker
// definition nonzero_real_pred ≔ neq zero
// definition nonzero_real ≔ Psub nonzero_real_pred
// theorem nonzero_real_not_empty: Term (∃ nonzero_real_pred)
// proof admit
// definition nzreal ≔ nonzero_real
// symbol closed_plus_real: Π(x y: Term real),
// let pr ≔ S.restr numfield real_pred in
// let xnf ≔ ↑ numfield pr x in
// let ynf ≔ ↑ numfield pr y in
// Term (real_pred (xnf + ynf))
// // hint Term $x ≡ Univ Type ↪ $x ≡ uType
// // With polymorphic plus
// rule ty_plus real real ↪ real
// symbol lt (x y: Term real): Term bool
// set infix 6 "<" ≔ lt
// definition leq (x y: Term real) ≔ (lt x y) ∨ (eq {real} x y)
// set infix 6 "<=" ≔ leq
// definition gt (x y: Term real) ≔ y < x
// set infix 7 ">" ≔ gt
// definition geq (x y: Term real) ≔ leq y x
// set infix 7 ">=" ≔ geq
// //
// // real_axioms
// //
// // ...
// //
// // rationals
// //
// symbol rational_pred: Term (pred real)
// definition rational ≔ Psub rational_pred
// definition rat ≔ rational
// theorem rational_not_empty: Term (∃ rational_pred)
// proof admit
// // Typically a TCC
// theorem rat_is_real: Term (rational ⊑ real)
// proof
// refine S.restr real rational_pred
// qed
// // hint Psub $x ⊑ $y ≡ rational ⊑ real ↪ $x ≡ rational_pred, $y ≡ real
// theorem rat_is_real_auto: Term (rational ⊑ real)
// proof
// apply S.restr _ _
// qed
// definition nonzero_rational_pred (x: Term rational): Term bool ≔
// neq zero (↑ real rat_is_real x)
// definition nonzero_rational ≔ Psub nonzero_rational_pred
// definition nzrat ≔ nonzero_rational
// symbol closed_plus_rat (x y: Term rat):
// let xreal ≔ ↑ real rat_is_real x in
// let yreal ≔ ↑ real rat_is_real y in
// let xnf ≔ ↑ numfield (S.restr numfield real_pred) xreal in
// let ynf ≔ ↑ numfield (S.restr numfield real_pred) yreal in
// let sum ≔ xnf + ynf in
// Term (rational_pred (↓ real_pred sum (closed_plus_real xreal yreal)))
// rule ty_plus rat rat ↪ rat
// definition nonneg_rat_pred (x: Term rational) ≔ (↑ real rat_is_real x) >= zero
// definition nonneg_rat ≔ Psub nonneg_rat_pred
// theorem nonneg_rat_is_real: Term (nonneg_rat ⊑ real)
// proof
// refine S.trans nonneg_rat rational real ?nnr_is_r ?r_is_r
// focus 1
// apply rat_is_real
// apply S.restr rational nonneg_rat_pred
// qed
// definition posrat_pred (x: Term nonneg_rat) ≔ (↑ real nonneg_rat_is_real x) > zero
// definition posrat ≔ Psub posrat_pred
// symbol div: Term real → Term nonzero_real → Term real
// set infix left 8 "/" ≔ div
// /// NOTE: any expression of the type below would generate a TCC to prove
// // that posrat is a nzrat
// type λ (r: Term real) (q: Term posrat), r / (↑ nzreal _ q)
// theorem posrat_is_nzreal: Term (posrat ⊑ nzreal)
// proof
// admit
// // but PVS prefers to state that posrat is nzrat
// theorem posrat_is_nzrat: Term (posrat ⊑ nzrat)
// proof
// refine S.sub nonzero_rational_pred posrat ?R ?P1 ?Fa
// print
// refine λx, x // Trivial proof that rational and posrat have the same root
// refine S.trans posrat nonneg_rat rat ?R1 ?R2
// apply S.restr nonneg_rat posrat_pred
// apply S.restr rational nonneg_rat_pred
// assume x
// // TODO finish this proof
// admit
// type λ (r: Term real) (q: Term posrat), r /
// (↑ nzreal _ (↑ nzrat posrat_is_nzrat q))
// ///
// //
// // integers
// //
// symbol integer_pred: Term (pred rational)
// definition integer ≔ Psub integer_pred
// // Proof of existence because NONEMPTY_TYPE
// theorem integer_not_empty: Term (∃ integer_pred)
// proof
// admit
// definition int ≔ integer
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