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Commit a21656fa authored by gabrielhdt's avatar gabrielhdt
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changed notations

parent b5679a70
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......@@ -4,5 +4,6 @@
(eval set-local-abbrevs
'(("subtype" "⊑" nil)
("upcast" "↑" nil)))
("upcast" "↑" nil)
("downcast" "↓" nil)))
(eval abbrev-mode)))
......@@ -8,14 +8,14 @@ set flag "print_implicits" on
// Term (&P x) ⇒ Term (&Q (↑ &B pr x))
// FIXME 'File "src/", line 116 character 36-42: Assertion failed'
symbol refl eA: Term (eAeA)
symbol restr eA P: Term (ePsub eA P ⊑ eA)
symbol refl T: Term (TT)
symbol restr T P: Term (Psub T P ⊑ T)
symbol trans (eA eB eC: Term uType):
Term (eAeB) ⇒ Term (eBeC) ⇒ Term (eAeC)
symbol trans (T U V: Term uType):
Term (TU) ⇒ Term (UV) ⇒ Term (TV)
symbol sub {eT eS: Term uType}
(P: Term eT ⇒ Term bool) (Q: Term eS ⇒ Term bool)
(psubt: Term (eT ⊑ eS)): // Proof of eT ⊑ eS
Term (forall (λx, imp (P x) (Q (↑ eS psubt x)))) ⇒
Term (ePsub eT P ⊑ ePsub eS Q)
symbol sub {T S: Term uType}
(P: Term T ⇒ Term bool) (Q: Term S ⇒ Term bool)
(psubt: Term (T ⊑ S)): // Proof of eT ⊑ eS
Term (forall (λx, imp (P x) (Q (↑ S psubt x)))) ⇒
Term (Psub T P ⊑ Psub S Q)
......@@ -37,45 +37,51 @@ rule Term (@prod &s1 &s2 &A &B) → ∀ x : @Term &s1 &A, @Term &s2 (&B x)
// can be seen as a dependant pair type with
// - first element is a term of some type [A] and
// - second is a predicate on [A] verified by the first element.
symbol ePsub (A : Term uType) : (Term A ⇒ Term uProp) ⇒ Term uType
symbol Psub (T : Term uType) : (Term T ⇒ Term uProp) ⇒ Term uType
// Γ ⊢ M : { v : T | U }
// Γ ⊢ M : { v : T | P }
// —————————————————————PROJl
// Γ ⊢ fst(M) : T
symbol fst {T : Univ Type} (U : Term T ⇒ Univ Prop): Term (ePsub T U) ⇒ Term T
symbol fst {T: Univ Type} (P: Term T ⇒ Univ Prop): Term (Psub T P) ⇒ Term T
// Γ ⊢ M : { v : T | U }
// Γ ⊢ M : { v : T | P }
// ——————————————————————————PROJr
// Γ ⊢ snd(M) : U[v ≔ fst(M)]
constant symbol snd {T: Univ Type} (U: Term T ⇒ Univ Prop)
(M: Term (ePsub T U)):
Term (U (fst U M))
// Γ ⊢ snd(M) : P[v ≔ fst(M)]
constant symbol snd {T: Univ Type} (P: Term T ⇒ Univ Prop)
(M: Term (Psub T P)):
Term (P (fst P M))
// An inhabitant of a predicate subtype, that is, a pair of
// an element and the proof that it satisfies the predicate
// Γ ⊢ M : T Γ ⊢ N : U[v ≔ M] Γ ⊢ { v : T | U }
// Γ ⊢ M : T Γ ⊢ N : P[v ≔ M] Γ ⊢ { v : T | P }
// ——————————————————————————————————————————————————PAIR
// Γ ⊢ ⟨M, N⟩ : {v : T | U}
symbol pair {T: Univ Type} (U: Term T ⇒ Univ Prop) (M: Term T):
Term (U M) ⇒ Term (ePsub T U)
// Γ ⊢ ⟨M, N⟩ : {v : T | P}
symbol pair {T: Univ Type} (P: Term T ⇒ Univ Prop) (M: Term T):
Term (P M) ⇒ Term (Psub T P)
rule fst &U (pair &U &M _) → &M
// FIXME: unification should allow to remove non linearity
rule fst &P (pair &P &M _) → &M
// opair is a pair forgetting its snd argument
protected symbol opair (T: Univ Type) (U: Term T ⇒ Univ Prop) (M: Term T):
Term (ePsub T U)
protected symbol opair (T: Univ Type) (P: Term T ⇒ Univ Prop) (M: Term T):
Term (Psub T P)
// Two pairs are convertible if their first element is
rule pair {&T} &U &M _ → opair &T &U &M
rule pair {&T} &P &M _ → opair &T &P &M
// The subtype relation
symbol subtype: Term uType ⇒ Term uType ⇒ Term uProp
set infix left 6 "⊑" ≔ subtype
// [cast eA eB p t] casts element [t] from type [eA] to type [eB] given
// the proof [p] that [eA] is a subtype of [eB]
symbol cast {eA: Term uType} (eB: Term uType):
Term (eA ⊑ eB) ⇒ Term eA ⇒ Term eB
// [↑ {T} U p t] casts element [t] from type [T] to type [U] given
// the proof [p] that [T] is a subtype of [U]
set declared "↑"
definition ↑ {eA: Term uType} ≔ cast {eA}
rule cast {&eA} &eA _ &x → &x
symbol ↑ {T: Term uType} (U: Term uType):
Term (T ⊑ U) ⇒ Term T ⇒ Term U
rule ↑ {&T} &T _ &x → &x // Identity cast
// NOTE: a cast from a type [{x: A | P}] to type [A] is a [fst],
// and a "downcast" is the pair constructor
set declared "↓"
symbol ↓ {T: Term uType} (P: Term T ⇒ Term uProp) (x: Term T):
Term (P x) ⇒ Term (Psub T P)
// NOTE: we can only down-cast from a type to its direct sub-type
......@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ require adlib.cert_f.subtype as S
// Equalities
symbol eq {T: Term uType}: Term T ⇒ Term T ⇒ Term uProp
set infix 5 "=" ≔ eq
// NOTE not in the prelude
constant symbol cast_trans (A B C: Term uType) (prab: Term (A ⊑ B)) (prbc: Term (B ⊑ C))
require adlib.cert_f.subtype as S
require open encodings.cert_f
......@@ -12,16 +13,26 @@ constant symbol number: Term uType
// Theory number_fields
symbol field_pred: Term number ⇒ Univ Prop
definition number_field ≔ ePsub number field_pred
definition number_field ≔ Psub number field_pred
// number_field is an uninterpreted subtype
definition numfield ≔ number_field
symbol {|+|}: Term numfield ⇒ Term numfield ⇒ Term numfield
set infix left 6 "+" ≔ {|+|}
symbol {|-|}: Term numfield ⇒ Term numfield ⇒ Term numfield
set infix left 6 "-" ≔ {|-|}
symbol commutativ_add (x y: Term numfield): Term ((x + y) = (y + x))
symbol associative_add (x y z: Term numfield): Term (x + (y + z) = (x + y) + z)
// FIXME add a cast on zero?
// symbol identity_add (x: Term numfield): Term (x + zero = x)
// reals
symbol real_pred: Term (pred numfield)
definition real ≔ ePsub numfield real_pred
definition real ≔ Psub numfield real_pred
theorem real_not_empty: Term (∃ real_pred)
proof admit
......@@ -29,7 +40,7 @@ constant symbol zero : Term real
// Built in the PVS typechecker
definition nonzero_real_pred ≔ neq zero
definition nonzero_real ≔ ePsub real nonzero_real_pred
definition nonzero_real ≔ Psub real nonzero_real_pred
theorem nonzero_real_not_empty: Term (∃ nonzero_real_pred)
proof admit
definition nzreal ≔ nonzero_real
......@@ -55,7 +66,7 @@ set infix 7 ">=" ≔ geq
// rationals
symbol rational_pred: Term (pred real)
definition rational ≔ ePsub real rational_pred
definition rational ≔ Psub real rational_pred
theorem rational_not_empty: Term (∃ rational_pred)
proof admit
......@@ -67,12 +78,12 @@ qed
definition nonzero_rational_pred (x: Term rational): Term bool ≔
neq zero (↑ real rat_is_real x)
definition nonzero_rational ≔ ePsub rational nonzero_rational_pred
definition nonzero_rational ≔ Psub rational nonzero_rational_pred
definition nzrat ≔ nonzero_rational
definition nonneg_rat_pred (x: Term rational) ≔ (↑ real rat_is_real x) >= zero
definition nonneg_rat ≔ ePsub rational nonneg_rat_pred
definition nonneg_rat ≔ Psub rational nonneg_rat_pred
theorem nonneg_rat_is_real: Term (nonneg_rat ⊑ real)
......@@ -83,7 +94,7 @@ proof
definition posrat_pred (x: Term nonneg_rat) ≔ (↑ real nonneg_rat_is_real x) > zero
definition posrat ≔ ePsub nonneg_rat posrat_pred
definition posrat ≔ Psub nonneg_rat posrat_pred
symbol div: Term real ⇒ Term nonzero_real ⇒ Term real
set infix left 8 "/" ≔ div
......@@ -112,7 +123,7 @@ type λ (r: Term real) (q: Term posrat), r /
// integers
symbol integer_pred: Term (pred rational)
definition integer ≔ ePsub rational integer_pred
definition integer ≔ Psub rational integer_pred
// Proof of existence because NONEMPTY_TYPE
theorem integer_not_empty: Term (∃ integer_pred)
......@@ -121,5 +132,8 @@ definition int ≔ integer
symbol natz : Term int
definition nonzero_integer ≔ ePsub int (neq natz)
definition nonzero_integer ≔ Psub int (neq natz)
definition nzint ≔ nonzero_integer
// symbol closed_plus (i j: Term int):
// Term (integer_pred ((↑ real _ i) + (↑ real _ j)))
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