**WARNING: Because not all emojis are implemented with their own reasoning, alot emojis might tofu/not render [Check the FAQ](https://mutant.tech/info/faq/)**
Check out [Mutant Standard emoji](https://mutant.tech/) for the sources!
This module uses Magisk to systemlessly replace Android emojis with Mutant Standard emoji (MTNT Emoji).
@@ -10,12 +11,16 @@ Credit to:
*[simonsmh](https://github.com/simonsmh) for device detection script.
*[bfayers](https://github.com/bfayers) for the main repository this one was forked from [Repo here](https://github.com/bfayers/Magisk-Twemoji-systemless)
## How to make the module
## How to make the module:
1) clone this repository
2) Create a ZIP of this repository with the content in the root of the ZIP file
3) Transfer this ZIP to the device you want to install this on
4) Open Magisk (make sure you got v17+ installed) and open the Modules tab
5) Press the yellow + button on the lower part of the screen and navigate to where you put the module ZIP
6) Install the ZIP
7) .......
8) Profit?
## How to install:
1) Download the latest released zip [here](https://github.com/hynet-mel/mutantstandard_magisk/releases)
2) Transfer this ZIP to the device you want to install this on
3) Open Magisk (make sure you got v17+ installed) and open the Modules tab
4) Press the yellow + button on the lower part of the screen and navigate to where you put the module ZIP