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Cyril Levis's avatar
cyrinux authored
Updates Synapse containers across all deployments (infra-monitoring, tedomum-bridgesv2, and tedomum-support) from v1.121.1 to v1.123.0. This update includes the latest features and security improvements from the Synapse project.

TeDomum kubernetes cluster

This repository is to be deployed using flux on top of a Hepto cluster.

Managing the cluster

First install kubectl and kubelogin (which should deploy kube-oidc_login in your PATH).

Then use the following commands to setup the cluster in your kubeconfig:

export CLUSTER=kity
export API=
export ISSUER=
export SECRET=zYp0rnwiGHMwix3lLeYruQEN19PZIu9VQwV1epHWghxeQCe1

kubectl config set-cluster $CLUSTER --server=$API
kubectl config set-credentials $CLUSTER --exec-command=kubectl --exec-arg=oidc-login --exec-arg=get-token --exec-arg=--oidc-issuer-url=$ISSUER --exec-arg=--oidc-client-id=$CLIENTID --exec-arg=--oidc-client-secret=$SECRET
kubectl config set-context $CLUSTER --cluster=$CLUSTER --user=$CLUSTER

This configures a kity context, that you can enable anytime you wish to interact with Kity:

kubectl config use-context kity