@@ -55,12 +55,16 @@ Your feedback is always welcome.
## Further Reading
- The original [design doc](https://docs.google.com/document/d/11tjK_lvp1-SVsFZjgOTr1vV3-q6vBAsZYIQ5ZeYBkyM/view) for Loki is a good source for discussion of the motivation and design decisions.
- Callum Styan's March 2019 DevOpsDays Vancouver talk "[Grafana Loki: Log Aggregation for Incident Investigations][devopsdays19-talk]".
- Grafana Labs blog post "[How We Designed Loki to Work Easily Both as Microservices and as Monoliths][architecture-blog]".
- Julien Garcia Gonzalez' March 2019 blog post "[Grafana Logging using Loki][giant-swarm-blog]".
- Tom Wilkie's early-2019 CNCF Paris/FODEM talk "[Grafana Loki: like Prometheus, but for logs][fosdem19-talk]" ([slides][fosdem19-slides], [video][fosdem19-video]).
- David Kaltschmidt's KubeCon 2018 talk "[On the OSS Path to Full Observability with Grafana][kccna18-event]" ([slides][kccna18-slides], [video][kccna18-video]) on how Loki fits into a cloud-native environment.
- Goutham Veeramachaneni's blog post "[Loki: Prometheus-inspired, open source logging for cloud natives](https://grafana.com/blog/2018/12/12/loki-prometheus-inspired-open-source-logging-for-cloud-natives/)" on details of the Loki architectire.
- David Kaltschmidt's blog post "[Closer look at Grafana's user interface for Loki](https://grafana.com/blog/2019/01/02/closer-look-at-grafanas-user-interface-for-loki/)" on the ideas that went into the logging user interface.