Deploy Loki to Kubernetes
Make sure you have the ksonnet v0.8.0:
$ brew install
$ brew pin ks
$ ks version
ksonnet version: v0.8.0
jsonnet version: v0.9.5
client-go version: v1.6.8-beta.0+$Format:%h$
In your config repo, if you don't have a ksonnet application, make a new one (will copy credentials from current context):
$ ks init <application name>
$ cd <application name>
$ ks env add loki --namespace=loki
Deploying Promtail to your cluster.
Grab the promtail module using jb:
$ go get -u
$ jb init
$ jb install
Replace the contents of environments/loki/main.jsonnet
local promtail = import 'promtail/promtail.libsonnet';
promtail + {
_config+:: {
namespace: 'loki',
promtail_config+: {
clients: [
scheme:: 'https',
hostname:: '',
username:: 'user-id',
password:: 'password',
external_labels: {},
container_root_path: '/var/lib/docker',
Notice that container_root_path
is your own data root for docker daemon, use docker info | grep "Root Dir"
to get it.
Then do ks show loki
to see the manifests that'll be deployed to your cluster.
Apply them using ks apply loki
Deploying Loki to your cluster.
If you want to further also deploy the server to the cluster, then run the following to install the module:
jb install
Be sure to replace the username, password and the relevant htpasswd contents.
Replace the contents of environments/loki/main.jsonnet
local gateway = import 'loki/gateway.libsonnet';
local loki = import 'loki/loki.libsonnet';
local promtail = import 'promtail/promtail.libsonnet';
loki + promtail + gateway {
_config+:: {
namespace: 'loki',
htpasswd_contents: 'loki:$apr1$H4yGiGNg$ssl5/NymaGFRUvxIV1Nyr.',
promtail_config: {
scheme: 'http',
hostname: 'gateway.%(namespace)s.svc' % $._config,
username: 'loki',
password: 'password',
container_root_path: '/var/lib/docker',
replication_factor: 3,
consul_replicas: 1,
Notice that container_root_path
is your own data root for docker daemon, use docker info | grep "Root Dir"
to get it.
Do ks show loki
to see the manifests being deployed to the cluster.
Finally ks apply loki
to deploy the server components to your cluster.