"git@forge.tedomum.net:Lesmiscore/ytdl-patched.git" did not exist on "c82162bb4f9086e115dec8da9009ad524145dddf"
var sf = new(sfstreams.Group)
type DownloadOpts struct {
FetchRemoteIfNeeded bool
StartByte int64
EndByte int64
BlockForReadUntil time.Duration
func (o DownloadOpts) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("f=%t,s=%d,e=%d,b=%s", o.FetchRemoteIfNeeded, o.StartByte, o.EndByte, o.BlockForReadUntil.String())
func Execute(ctx rcontext.RequestContext, origin string, mediaId string, opts DownloadOpts) (*database.DbMedia, io.ReadCloser, error) {
// Step 1: Make our context a timeout context
var cancel context.CancelFunc
//goland:noinspection GoVetLostCancel - we handle the function in our custom cancelCloser struct
ctx.Context, cancel = context.WithTimeout(ctx.Context, opts.BlockForReadUntil)
// Step 2: Join the singleflight queue
recordCh := make(chan *database.DbMedia)
defer close(recordCh)
r, err, _ := sf.Do(fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s?%s", origin, mediaId, opts.String()), func() (io.ReadCloser, error) {
serveRecord := func(recordCh chan *database.DbMedia, record *database.DbMedia) {
recordCh <- record
// Step 3: Do we already have the media? Serve it if yes.
mediaDb := database.GetInstance().Media.Prepare(ctx)
record, err := mediaDb.GetById(origin, mediaId)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if record != nil {
go serveRecord(recordCh, record) // async function to prevent deadlock
if opts.RecordOnly {
return nil, nil
return download.OpenStream(ctx, record.Locatable, opts.StartByte, opts.EndByte)
// Step 4: Media record unknown - download it (if possible)
if !opts.FetchRemoteIfNeeded {
return nil, common.ErrMediaNotFound
record, r, err := download.TryDownload(ctx, origin, mediaId)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
go serveRecord(recordCh, record) // async function to prevent deadlock
if opts.RecordOnly {
return nil, nil
// Step 5: Limit the stream if needed
r, err = download.CreateLimitedStream(ctx, r, opts.StartByte, opts.EndByte)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return r, nil
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
record := <-recordCh
if opts.RecordOnly {
if r != nil {
devErr := errors.New("expected no download stream, but got one anyways")
return record, nil, nil
return record, util.NewCancelCloser(r, cancel), nil