- Max line width: 79 chars (with flexibility to overflow by a "few chars" if
the overflowing content is not semantically significant and avoids an
explosion of vertical whitespace).
- Use camel case for class and type names
- Use underscores for functions and variables.
- Use double quotes.
- Use parentheses instead of '\' for line continuation where ever possible (which is pretty much everywhere)
- Use parentheses instead of '\\' for line continuation where ever possible
(which is pretty much everywhere)
- There should be max a single new line between:
- statements
- functions in a class
@@ -14,5 +18,32 @@ Basically, PEP8
- a single space after a comma
- a single space before and after for '=' when used as assignment
- no spaces before and after for '=' for default values and keyword arguments.
- Indenting must follow PEP8; either hanging indent or multiline-visual indent
depending on the size and shape of the arguments and what makes more sense to
the author. In other words, both this::
Comments should follow the google code style. This is so that we can generate documentation with sphinx (http://sphinxcontrib-napoleon.readthedocs.org/en/latest/)
print("I am a fish %s", "moo")
and this::
print("I am a fish %s",
and this::
"I am a fish %s",
...are valid, although given each one takes up 2x more vertical space than
the previous, it's up to the author's discretion as to which layout makes most
sense for their function invocation. (e.g. if they want to add comments
per-argument, or put expressions in the arguments, or group related arguments
together, or want to deliberately extend or preserve vertical/horizontal
Comments should follow the google code style. This is so that we can generate
documentation with sphinx (http://sphinxcontrib-napoleon.readthedocs.org/en/latest/)
Code should pass pep8 --max-line-length=100 without any warnings.