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Changes in synapse v0.21.0 (2017-05-18)

No changes since v0.21.0-rc3

Changes in synapse v0.21.0-rc3 (2017-05-17)


* Add per user rate-limiting overrides (PR #2208)
* Add config option to limit maximum number of events requested by ``/sync``
  and ``/messages`` (PR #2221) Thanks to @psaavedra!


* Various small performance fixes (PR #2201, #2202, #2224, #2226, #2227, #2228,
* Update username availability checker API (PR #2209, #2213)
* When purging, don't de-delta state groups we're about to delete (PR #2214)
* Documentation to check synapse version (PR #2215) Thanks to @hamber-dick!
* Add an index to event_search to speed up purge history API (PR #2218)

Bug fixes:

* Fix API to allow clients to upload one-time-keys with new sigs (PR #2206)

Changes in synapse v0.21.0-rc2 (2017-05-08)


* Always mark remotes as up if we receive a signed request from them (PR #2190)

Bug fixes:

* Fix bug where users got pushed for rooms they had muted (PR #2200)

Changes in synapse v0.21.0-rc1 (2017-05-08)


* Add username availability checker API (PR #2183)
* Add read marker API (PR #2120)


* Enable guest access for the 3pl/3pid APIs (PR #1986)
* Add setting to support TURN for guests (PR #2011)
* Various performance improvements (PR #2075, #2076, #2080, #2083, #2108,
  #2158, #2176, #2185)
* Make synctl a bit more user friendly (PR #2078, #2127) Thanks @APwhitehat!
* Replace HTTP replication with TCP replication (PR #2082, #2097, #2098,
  #2099, #2103, #2014, #2016, #2115, #2116, #2117)
* Support authenticated SMTP (PR #2102) Thanks @DanielDent!
* Add a counter metric for successfully-sent transactions (PR #2121)
* Propagate errors sensibly from proxied IS requests (PR #2147)
* Add more granular event send metrics (PR #2178)

Bug fixes:

* Fix nuke-room script to work with current schema (PR #1927) Thanks
* Fix db port script to not assume postgres tables are in the public schema
  (PR #2024) Thanks @jerrykan!
* Fix getting latest device IP for user with no devices (PR #2118)
* Fix rejection of invites to unreachable servers (PR #2145)
* Fix code for reporting old verify keys in synapse (PR #2156)
* Fix invite state to always include all events (PR #2163)
* Fix bug where synapse would always fetch state for any missing event (PR #2170)
* Fix a leak with timed out HTTP connections (PR #2180)
* Fix bug where we didn't time out HTTP requests to ASes  (PR #2192)


* Clarify doc for SQLite to PostgreSQL port (PR #1961) Thanks @benhylau!
* Fix typo in synctl help (PR #2107) Thanks @HarHarLinks!
* ``web_client_location`` documentation fix (PR #2131) Thanks @matthewjwolff!
* Update README.rst with FreeBSD changes (PR #2132) Thanks @feld!
* Clarify setting up metrics (PR #2149) Thanks @encks!