**WARNING: Because not all emojis are implemented with their own reasoning, alot emojis might tofu/not render [Check the FAQ](https://mutant.tech/info/faq/)**
**WARNING: Because not all emojis are implemented with their own reasoning, alot emojis might tofu/not render. [Check the FAQ](https://mutant.tech/info/faq/)**
Check out [Mutant Standard emoji](https://mutant.tech/) for the sources!
This module uses Magisk to systemlessly replace Android emojis with Mutant Standard emoji (MTNT Emoji).
@@ -9,7 +9,8 @@ Demo available [here](https://mutant.tech/demo/).
Credit to:
*[simonsmh](https://github.com/simonsmh) for device detection script.
*[bfayers](https://github.com/bfayers) for the main repository this one was forked from [Repo here](https://github.com/bfayers/Magisk-Twemoji-systemless)
*[bfayers](https://github.com/bfayers) for the main repository this one was forked from: [Magisk-Modules-Grave/Twemoji-systemless](https://github.com/bfayers/Magisk-Twemoji-systemless)
* The Mutant Standard team over at [mutant.tech](https://mutant.tech), [Dzuk](https://noct.zone/) for the artwork and [kiilas](https://computerfairi.es/@kiilas) for technical help!