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import json
from collections import deque
from io import SEEK_END, BytesIO
from typing import Callable, Iterable, Optional, Tuple, Union
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import attr
from typing_extensions import Deque
from zope.interface import implementer
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from twisted.internet import address, threads, udp
from twisted.internet._resolver import SimpleResolverComplexifier
from twisted.internet.defer import Deferred, fail, succeed
from twisted.internet.error import DNSLookupError
from twisted.internet.interfaces import (
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from twisted.python.failure import Failure
from twisted.test.proto_helpers import AccumulatingProtocol, MemoryReactorClock
from twisted.web.http import unquote
from twisted.web.http_headers import Headers
from twisted.web.resource import IResource
from twisted.web.server import Site

from import SynapseRequest
from synapse.util import Clock
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from tests.utils import setup_test_homeserver as _sth

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class TimedOutException(Exception):
    A web query timed out.

class FakeChannel:
    A fake Twisted Web Channel (the part that interfaces with the

    site = attr.ib(type=Site)
    _reactor = attr.ib()
    result = attr.ib(type=dict, default=attr.Factory(dict))
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    _producer = None

    def json_body(self):
        if not self.result:
            raise Exception("No result yet.")
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        return json.loads(self.result["body"].decode("utf8"))

    def code(self):
        if not self.result:
            raise Exception("No result yet.")
        return int(self.result["code"])
    def headers(self):
        if not self.result:
            raise Exception("No result yet.")
        h = Headers()
        for i in self.result["headers"]:
        return h

    def writeHeaders(self, version, code, reason, headers):
        self.result["version"] = version
        self.result["code"] = code
        self.result["reason"] = reason
        self.result["headers"] = headers

    def write(self, content):
        assert isinstance(content, bytes), "Should be bytes! " + repr(content)

        if "body" not in self.result:
            self.result["body"] = b""

        self.result["body"] += content

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    def registerProducer(self, producer, streaming):
        self._producer = producer
        self.producerStreaming = streaming

        def _produce():
            if self._producer:
                self._reactor.callLater(0.1, _produce)

        if not streaming:
            self._reactor.callLater(0.0, _produce)
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    def unregisterProducer(self):
        if self._producer is None:

        self._producer = None

    def requestDone(self, _self):
        self.result["done"] = True

    def getPeer(self):
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        # We give an address so that getClientIP returns a non null entry,
        # causing us to record the MAU
        return address.IPv4Address("TCP", "", 3423)

    def getHost(self):
        return None

    def transport(self):
        return self

    def await_result(self, timeout: int = 100) -> None:
        Wait until the request is finished.
        x = 0

        while not self.result.get("done"):
            # If there's a producer, tell it to resume producing so we get content
            if self._producer:

            x += 1

            if x > timeout:
                raise TimedOutException("Timed out waiting for request to finish.")


class FakeSite:
    A fake Twisted Web Site, with mocks of the extra things that
    Synapse adds.

    server_version_string = b"1"
    site_tag = "test"
    access_logger = logging.getLogger("synapse.access.http.fake")
    def __init__(self, resource: IResource):

            resource: the resource to be used for rendering all requests
        self._resource = resource

    def getResourceFor(self, request):
        return self._resource

def make_request(
    custom_headers: Optional[
        Iterable[Tuple[Union[bytes, str], Union[bytes, str]]]
    ] = None,
    Make a web request using the given method and path, feed it the
    content, and return the Request and the Channel underneath.
        site: The twisted Site to associate with the Channel

        method (bytes/unicode): The HTTP request method ("verb").
        path (bytes/unicode): The HTTP path, suitably URL encoded (e.g.
        escaped UTF-8 & spaces and such).
        content (bytes or dict): The body of the request. JSON-encoded, if
        a dict.
        shorthand: Whether to try and be helpful and prefix the given URL
        with the usual REST API path, if it doesn't contain it.
        federation_auth_origin (bytes|None): if set to not-None, we will add a fake
            Authorization header pretenting to be the given server name.
        content_is_form: Whether the content is URL encoded form data. Adds the
            'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' header.
        custom_headers: (name, value) pairs to add as request headers

        Tuple[, channel]
    if not isinstance(method, bytes):
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        method = method.encode("ascii")

    if not isinstance(path, bytes):
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        path = path.encode("ascii")
    # Decorate it to be the full path, if we're using shorthand
    if (
        and not path.startswith(b"/_matrix")
        and not path.startswith(b"/_synapse")
        path = b"/_matrix/client/r0/" + path
        path = path.replace(b"//", b"/")
    if not path.startswith(b"/"):
        path = b"/" + path

    if isinstance(content, dict):
        content = json.dumps(content).encode("utf8")
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        content = content.encode("utf8")
    channel = FakeChannel(site, reactor)
    req.process = lambda: b""
    req.content = BytesIO(content)
    # Twisted expects to be at the end of the content when parsing the request.
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    req.postpath = list(map(unquote, path[1:].split(b"/")))
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    if access_token:
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            b"Authorization", b"Bearer " + access_token.encode("ascii")
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    if federation_auth_origin is not None:
            b"X-Matrix origin=%s,key=,sig=" % (federation_auth_origin,),
        if content_is_form:
                b"Content-Type", b"application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
            # Assume the body is JSON
            req.requestHeaders.addRawHeader(b"Content-Type", b"application/json")
    if custom_headers:
        for k, v in custom_headers:
            req.requestHeaders.addRawHeader(k, v)

    req.requestReceived(method, path, b"1.1")

    return req, channel

def render(request, resource, clock):
class ThreadedMemoryReactorClock(MemoryReactorClock):
    A MemoryReactorClock that supports callFromThread.
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        self._tcp_callbacks = {}
        lookups = self.lookups = {}
        self._thread_callbacks = deque()  # type: Deque[Callable[[], None]]()

        class FakeResolver:
            def getHostByName(self, name, timeout=None):
                if name not in lookups:
                    return fail(DNSLookupError("OH NO: unknown %s" % (name,)))
                return succeed(lookups[name])

        self.nameResolver = SimpleResolverComplexifier(FakeResolver())
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    def listenUDP(self, port, protocol, interface="", maxPacketSize=8196):
        p = udp.Port(port, protocol, interface, maxPacketSize, self)
        return p

    def callFromThread(self, callback, *args, **kwargs):
        Make the callback fire in the next reactor iteration.
        cb = lambda: callback(*args, **kwargs)
        # it's not safe to call callLater() here, so we append the callback to a
        # separate queue.
    def add_tcp_client_callback(self, host, port, callback):
        """Add a callback that will be invoked when we receive a connection
        attempt to the given IP/port using `connectTCP`.

        Note that the callback gets run before we return the connection to the
        client, which means callbacks cannot block while waiting for writes.
        self._tcp_callbacks[(host, port)] = callback

    def connectTCP(self, host, port, factory, timeout=30, bindAddress=None):
        """Fake L{IReactorTCP.connectTCP}.

        conn = super().connectTCP(
            host, port, factory, timeout=timeout, bindAddress=None

        callback = self._tcp_callbacks.get((host, port))
        if callback:

        return conn

    def advance(self, amount):
        # first advance our reactor's time, and run any "callLater" callbacks that
        # makes ready

        # now run any "callFromThread" callbacks
        while True:
                callback = self._thread_callbacks.popleft()
            except IndexError:

            # check for more "callLater" callbacks added by the thread callback
            # This isn't required in a regular reactor, but it ends up meaning that
            # our database queries can complete in a single call to `advance` [1] which
            # simplifies tests.
            # [1]: we replace the threadpool backing the db connection pool with a
            # mock ThreadPool which doesn't really use threads; but we still use
            # reactor.callFromThread to feed results back from the db functions to the
            # main thread.

class ThreadPool:
    Threadless thread pool.

    def __init__(self, reactor):
        self._reactor = reactor

    def start(self):

    def stop(self):

    def callInThreadWithCallback(self, onResult, function, *args, **kwargs):
        def _(res):
            if isinstance(res, Failure):
                onResult(False, res)
                onResult(True, res)

        d = Deferred()
        d.addCallback(lambda x: function(*args, **kwargs))
        self._reactor.callLater(0, d.callback, True)
        return d

def setup_test_homeserver(cleanup_func, *args, **kwargs):
    Set up a synchronous test server, driven by the reactor used by
    the homeserver.
    server = _sth(cleanup_func, *args, **kwargs)
    # Make the thread pool synchronous.
    clock = server.get_clock()

    for database in server.get_datastores().databases:
        pool = database._db_pool

        def runWithConnection(func, *args, **kwargs):
            return threads.deferToThreadPool(

        def runInteraction(interaction, *args, **kwargs):
            return threads.deferToThreadPool(
        pool.runWithConnection = runWithConnection
        pool.runInteraction = runInteraction
        pool.threadpool = ThreadPool(clock._reactor)
    # We've just changed the Databases to run DB transactions on the same
    # thread, so we need to disable the dedicated thread behaviour.
    server.get_datastores().main.USE_DEDICATED_DB_THREADS_FOR_EVENT_FETCHING = False

    return server

def get_clock():
    clock = ThreadedMemoryReactorClock()
    hs_clock = Clock(clock)
class FakeTransport:
    A twisted.internet.interfaces.ITransport implementation which sends all its data
    straight into an IProtocol object: it exists to connect two IProtocols together.

    To use it, instantiate it with the receiving IProtocol, and then pass it to the
    sending IProtocol's makeConnection method:

        server = HTTPChannel()
        client.makeConnection(FakeTransport(server, self.reactor))

    If you want bidirectional communication, you'll need two instances.

    other = attr.ib()
    """The Protocol object which will receive any data written to this transport.

    :type: twisted.internet.interfaces.IProtocol

    _reactor = attr.ib()
    """Test reactor

    :type: twisted.internet.interfaces.IReactorTime

    _protocol = attr.ib(default=None)
    """The Protocol which is producing data for this transport. Optional, but if set
    will get called back for connectionLost() notifications etc.

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    buffer = attr.ib(default=b"")
    producer = attr.ib(default=None)
    autoflush = attr.ib(default=True)

    def getPeer(self):
        return None

    def getHost(self):
        return None

    def loseConnection(self, reason=None):
        if not self.disconnecting:
  "FakeTransport: loseConnection(%s)", reason)
            self.disconnecting = True
            if self._protocol:

            # if we still have data to write, delay until that is done
            if self.buffer:
                    "FakeTransport: Delaying disconnect until buffer is flushed"
                self.connected = False"FakeTransport: abortConnection()")

        if not self.disconnecting:
            self.disconnecting = True
            if self._protocol:

        self.disconnected = True
        if not self.producer:

    def resumeProducing(self):
        if not self.producer:

    def unregisterProducer(self):
        if not self.producer:

        self.producer = None

    def registerProducer(self, producer, streaming):
        self.producer = producer
        self.producerStreaming = streaming

        def _produce():
            d = self.producer.resumeProducing()
            d.addCallback(lambda x: self._reactor.callLater(0.1, _produce))

        if not streaming:
            self._reactor.callLater(0.0, _produce)

    def write(self, byt):
        if self.disconnecting:
            raise Exception("Writing to disconnecting FakeTransport")

        # always actually do the write asynchronously. Some protocols (notably the
        # TLSMemoryBIOProtocol) get very confused if a read comes back while they are
        # still doing a write. Doing a callLater here breaks the cycle.
        if self.autoflush:
            self._reactor.callLater(0.0, self.flush)

    def writeSequence(self, seq):
        for x in seq:

    def flush(self, maxbytes=None):
        if not self.buffer:
            # nothing to do. Don't write empty buffers: it upsets the
            # TLSMemoryBIOProtocol

        if self.disconnected:

        if getattr(self.other, "transport") is None:
            # the other has no transport yet; reschedule
            if self.autoflush:
                self._reactor.callLater(0.0, self.flush)

        if maxbytes is not None:
            to_write = self.buffer[:maxbytes]
            to_write = self.buffer"%s->%s: %s", self._protocol, self.other, to_write)

        except Exception as e:
            logger.exception("Exception writing to protocol: %s", e)
        self.buffer = self.buffer[len(to_write) :]
        if self.buffer and self.autoflush:
            self._reactor.callLater(0.0, self.flush)
        if not self.buffer and self.disconnecting:
  "FakeTransport: Buffer now empty, completing disconnect")
            self.disconnected = True

def connect_client(reactor: IReactorTCP, client_id: int) -> AccumulatingProtocol:
    Connect a client to a fake TCP transport.

        factory: The connecting factory to build.
    factory = reactor.tcpClients.pop(client_id)[2]
    client = factory.buildProtocol(None)
    server = AccumulatingProtocol()
    server.makeConnection(FakeTransport(client, reactor))
    client.makeConnection(FakeTransport(server, reactor))

    return client, server